Safer Seas 2.0

  • 16
  • @every-henry other ships on the server would make it insanely harder to make it pve only, why? I hear you say, they can just make it so you cant damage other players.

    Yes that is true and would likely be easy to implement, but then there is the infinite amount of edge cases:

    • i pickup your chest, now you cant kill me to get it back
    • i drop a megakeg in front of your ship and wait for you to sail into it, hey presto my loot now.
    • i board a skelly ship in close proximity to your ship, it now aggros on you, and with me on board i just have to bail and watch it sink your ship
      Etc etc etc

    All this unnecessary development for a mode that is not the core design of the game.

    The limitations are there for a reason, multiple in fact.

    High seas will always be the main way to enjoy all of the game

  • And then we are back to supporting two different games with one dev team. Kinda like when they tried Arena. And all the extra dev time it cost them to even try and just maintain it. Leading to content drought which we have run into before when trying to support two modes that actually differ more than just switching off some toggles (what Safer Seas ended up being).

    I am strongly against this to the absolute core, been there and done that already just on the PvP side of the coin. Safer Seas is brilliant because it all revolves around basic toggles of turn X feature off or on. All the same code, updating one effectively updates both (though one mode might not even notice since what is updated might be in the off state there).

    So, as I see it, one could argue for things that HS has to possibly be included (though many will be resistant to this, it is the likely only place for wiggle room that this mode has). But suggesting that it have exclusive features is an absolute non-start.

  • So basically a full PVE mode request?

  • @every-henry said in Safer Seas 2.0:

    @bloodybil , well , Safer Seas would NEVER happen according to some ... remember that? Evolution is not bad, there's enough salty water for everyone.

    Beating a dead horse, got it.

  • @every-henry said in Safer Seas 2.0:

    @bloodybil well, all good ... we don't need to agree. Cheers.

    I guess so. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big SS enjoyer as well and personally think the balance with HS is fair, I just find it a bit disappointing when people totally disregard the dev's stance on the matter when they made it clear over and over. Big lack of respect for a very dedicated team who do their best to accommodate everyone IMO.

  • @every-henry said in Safer Seas 2.0:

    @bloodybil , so a suggestion from a player is disrespect now ? This is totally new for me. Thanks anyway for your feedback.

    A tone-deaf "suggestion" that has been denied and elaborated upon the reasons why hundreds of time over and over indeed is. You are very welcome.

  • OP deleted post.

    Edit: and all there replies.

  • @burnbacon said in Safer Seas 2.0:

    OP deleted post.

    I guess I'm the bad guy for pointing out what has been already explained (and willingly ignored) countless times 🤷‍♂️

  • Since OP has deleted their posts, I'll be dropping anchor here.

14 out of 16