Ancient Coins

  • Hello, so recently i bought some ancient coins from G2A but they were not reflected on my game account, although the code was successfully redeemed from xbox, the amount is not yet to be found.

    The code was redeemed about 72 hours ago, I contacted Xbox support and was advised to contact sea of thieves support, they in turn asked me to wait for 72 hours.

    72 hours already passed and the amount is still not showing.

    Yes I unlinked my account and linked it back with no results.

    I'm hoping to get some help from you guys, Thanks.

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  • @imjustttsam You mentioned 'linking' account; are you playing from Steam?

    Assuming you didn't get G2A scammed, you need to launch the Windows Store version of the game in order for the coins to be activated. Sea of Thieves support are the only people who can help you.

  • @d3adst1ck
    They added the amount manually eventually
    so what you're saying that G2A is not a reliable source?

  • @imjustttsam It's a grey market key reseller. Some are legit, and some are not (purchased with stolen credit cards and resold). It's not uncommon to have keys revoked because the original purchase gets revoked due to fraud.

  • @imjustttsam said in Ancient Coins:

    They added the amount manually eventually
    so what you're saying that G2A is not a reliable source?

    Unless the source has a strong connection to Rare/SoT/Microsoft specifically it's a risk for something like ancient coins.

    Imo it's never really worth the hassle it could create by saving some money. Always a chance you end up without the currency and with a bunch of wasted/stressful time.

    If you wanna save some money on SoT stuff I would recommend microsoft rewards for a safe and secure way to do that. (If you don't already). You can earn points and flip them for giftcards and I think there are even ancient coin packs as rewards now too.

    Quite a few dedicated participants pay for gamepass that way as well as extra coins for cosmetics/emporium stuff.

  • For future reference, if you buy coins/bundles through Microsoft Store, you need to launch the game through Microsoft/Xbox for it to apply. Same if you buy things through Steam, then you need to start the Steam version of the game for it to apply to the account. I do believe you can contact support too and they can update it manually but it's just faster to start the game at that point.

  • @itz-majman If I bough SoT on Steam and I redeemed an ancient coins key in Microsoft store, do I need to run the game through xbox in order to get the coins? Is there anything I can do?

  • @panikkos6948

    You need to launch it through Microsoft Store, yes. Otherwise you can make a ticket and they manually update it for you but that can take a couple days

  • @imjustttsam said in Ancient Coins:

    They added the amount manually eventually
    so what you're saying that G2A is not a reliable source?

    Some of the sellers on G2A are dodgy and when it goes pear shaped G2A it self will not help you.

    I have bought some things from them in the early days and it was fine, I wouldn't use them now though after the issues from the last two orders....

  • @Imjustttsam I know this is an old thread but how long did it take for you to get the coins? Also did it happen naturally or did Xbox support do something about it?

  • It was only a matter of time before this topic became known to the masses.

    I can't say I've had a negative experience on G2A yet, as I've hardly the money to purchase products at the deals given.

    The Ancient Coins offerings on G2A are pretty staggering, especially during a time where it feels like Rare is appearing like they're struggling for profit over a parent company that will shut them down in mere moments should diminishing returns hit a boiling point.

    I would remain cautious and aware of what you're purchasing if you intend to use G2A, but usually trying to purchase something old/cheaply reproduceable provides safer results. I do feel a little bad for all of the Steam users who are clasping for the large ancient coin bundles with none of the money needed to purchase them directly from the source, but one's safer and expensive, the other is one risky and cheaper.

    Buyer beware.

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