this is getting ridiculous

  • this is getting ridiculous a battle pass and now twitch subs to get rewards whats next a sec battle pass? more ways to milk people for money

  • 16
  • they do it because fomo works

    it doesn't do anything for the organic experience of the game and it doesn't address the growing disinterest in a lot of things around SoT but fomo works.

    Best thing consumers can do is take the good deals for themselves and avoid the fomo that isn't really serving them.

    This streamer support thing will be a good deal for some and not for others. Like any deal.

    Even with a lot more focus on the emporium and the streamer support campaign it's still a lot less fomo than most comparable games have.

  • @thedefender4311 a battle pass that is completely optional, with cosmetics that will get added to the pirate emporium later on anyways.

    And who is earning money from twitch subs ?
    The streamer ? Yes ? Yes
    Rare ltd/SoT/Microsoft ? No

    The cosmetics that are being given away in the promotion are both either pirate emporium cosmetics (shipset) or an old pre-order linked purchase item (obsidian capstan)

    And just for your reference a live service game has to make continued money to be able to keep continued updates going.

    And then again, all premium purchases are 100% optional and cosmetic only. And you even get free premium currency every 3 months just for playing the game.

  • Well. My milk is staying in my fridge. Idk about your milk money :p

  • @burnbacon it can be 50cents dont care still milking people for money, especially how many stuff there is in the Pirate Emporium shop.

  • @thedefender4311 wanna reward people who sub on twitch to streamers give them Ancient Coins to buy stuff at the pirate emporium shop instead, anyway have a great weekend

  • and a happy holidays

  • @thedefender4311 said in this is getting ridiculous:

    @burnbacon it can be 50cents dont care still milking people for money, especially how many stuff there is in the Pirate Emporium shop.

    It's gonna be seen as a success. It's not organic so a huge amount of the subs are gonna drop off next month, which can be quite demotivating to some streamers, but right now it's gonna be seen as a success.

    A lot of subs are happening in the category.

  • They forgot random snack tie ins lol.

  • @wolfmanbush said in this is getting ridiculous:

    they do it because fomo works

    it doesn't do anything for the organic experience of the game and it doesn't address the growing disinterest in a lot of things around SoT but fomo works.

    Here are some statitics for you. I won't post the sourceas I'm not sure that is allowed.

    1. According to some statistics, marketing drives 60% of sales, all due to FOMO.
    2. Around 14% of people have a ‘major’ fear of missing out on opportunities like the best price and also have FOMO on social events and job opportunities.
    3. It has been noticed that 71% of consumers are more likely to make purchases based on social media referrals.
    4. More than half of people, around 56% are worried about missing important events, news, and social updates if they’re away from social media accounts, according to research on FOMO marketing.
    5. Around 40% go into debt while trying to keep up with their friends
    6. According to a FOMO statistics report by Credit Karma, 40% of people, especially those belonging to Gen Z, overspend in certain situations and end up in debt only to match up with their peers.
    7. More than 35% of online shoppers admit to being influenced by exclusive deals.
    8. While experiencing FOMO, people predominantly report negative emotions. 30% have shown jealousy, 21% have shown sadness or disappointment.
    9. Only a minority of 29% have shown happiness, which indicates that FOMO is an uncomfortable emotion.
    10. Around 60% of consumers make a reactive purchase within 24 hours after experiencing FOMO.
    11. 76% of people admit to making a purchase across all platforms or after seeing it on social media due to FOMO.
    12. A study by GlobalWebIndex found that 37% of social media users have made purchases due to Fear of missing out.
    13. 41% of millennials are prone to making quick transactions on mobile purchases due to FOMO.
    14. 69% of millennials experience FOMO regularly
    15. 67% of millennials experience FOMO due to social media, and 35% of them say that they post solely because they’re scared of missing out.
    16. 73% of millennials said that they spent money, which they didn’t even have since they didn’t want to be left out.
    17. Among social media networks, Facebook contributes 72% to people’s FOMO fear, which is the most. Instagram comes second with 14%, Twitter with 11%, and Pinterest with 8%.
    18. FOMO statistics suggest that 7 out of 10 people, that is, 69% of Americans, have felt the anxiety of FOMO due to social media.
    19. FOMO leads about 51% of people to use social media more often than they did two years ago.
    20. FOMO statistics suggest that 7 out of 10 people, that is, 69% of Americans, have felt the anxiety of FOMO due to social media.
    21. FOMO leads about 51% of people to use social media more often than they did two years ago.
    22. 48% of people say that social media makes them feel like they are missing out on experiences.
    23. 36% of people are afraid to feel like an outsider due to the fear of being left out and would like to have the same experiences as others.

    There are indeed numerous additional points to be drawn from the article, but I shall refrain from elaborating further. Regrettably, FOMO—the fear of missing out—has become an entrenched aspect of modern culture. I firmly believe that exploiting this phenomenon is morally reprehensible, as it disproportionately targets vulnerable populations, particularly those with neurodiverse conditions such as autism spectrum disorder. It is what it is, I suppose.

  • @blue-sfumato said in this is getting ridiculous:

    @wolfmanbush said in this is getting ridiculous:

    There are indeed numerous additional points to be drawn from the article, but I shall refrain from elaborating further. Regrettably, FOMO—the fear of missing out—has become an entrenched aspect of modern culture. I firmly believe that exploiting this phenomenon is morally reprehensible, as it disproportionately targets vulnerable populations, particularly those with neurodiverse conditions such as autism spectrum disorder. It is what it is, I suppose.

    The alternative to fomo is just charging people more for the product and experience as a straight across exchange.

    Fomo can be quite an issue but higher cost for access leaves out a significant amount of people without resources to fund their escapism.

    I wouldn't call SoT good on the topic, I'd just acknowledge it as not going as far as others did/do, allowing more access for people.

  • @wolfmanbush every ship set most be throw a pay wall

  • Mmmm… consumerism ☺️

  • Then don’t spend the money.

  • @callmebackdraft Let's not beat around the bush here...

    Rare 100% did this to increase the amount of streamers streaming SoT during the holiday season because historically the holiday season leads to an average increase in playerbase, but this season is not looking to be the case according to steam charts.

    This is desperation, they could have done simple cosmetic twitch drops like in past Christmas but they chose to release one of the rarest most sought after items in the game instead then link it to subs to make sure they get exposure.

  • Well, I think if Rare wanted to milk tons of money, they could just put all the cosmetics from the game's history, which can no longer be acquired, to be purchased at the Pirate Emporium.

    I'm against FOMO, for me, all past cosmetics should be available, either to be obtained in the game, somehow, or with a credit card.

4 out of 16