Suggestion: Outfit Save Slots

  • I have a lot of different outfits that I have come up with for my pirate, but switching can take awhile, and sometimes I forget which belt I used or something. A way to save different outfits in order to quickly change between them would be handy.

  • 8
  • @alphajaguar16 totally with you i love many outfit and takes a while and we have ship saveing so we need outfit weapon vanity and equipment save

  • @alphajaguar16 People have been asking for this for ages.. Long overdue..
    We can save ship sets.. but not outfit sets..
    We have premade costumes but cant save our own..
    Just give us a few save slots under "costumes"

    HATE changing my clothes to match my vessel everytime

  • Yeah I've also thought about this. They should definitely add this.

  • Absolutely. Love this idea.

  • Yep need this, considering the shop is all cosmetics and most the game is based around it. This feature should be standard!

    Should be able to customise out of game also, same with ships.

  • Yes please

  • This has been already said by developers on podcasts, so is something they have on mind.

    However, due to the problems regarding Season developement I think they are prioritizing other stuff over this feature.

4 out of 8