I am done with this game until changes are made

  • I just spent the last 3 hours fighting off 2 sloops at a skull fort event because every time we sank them they'd just spawn at the next outpost over (about 2 islands away) with fresh supplies and continue contesting. We sank both sloops a total of at least 15 times until we ran out of supplies and had to scuttle the galleon at which point I just gave up. There needs to be some serious changes made to the spawn mechanics of this game before I decide to play it again and the ability to play on an Xbox only server. I'm tired of having to fight against players that have such a huge advantage over us console players. I don't want aim-assist or any of that c**p, just the ability to play on an even field which I don't think is too much to ask for.

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  • Respawn sure, prevent crossplay, no.

  • @oatter I forgot to mention that at one point one of the PC players said that they would just keep coming back because they could.

  • @oatter Ive been waiting for the cross play thing to be brought up, go use the blunderbuss and pay attention to how huge the hitbox on that gun is you can have potato aim and be fine, the sniper rifle is super slow and pc players have no meaningful in game way to change it unless they use their mouse settings and crank up the DPI which isnt hard to do. My point is that in my opinion there isnt a big disadvantage in this game between pc and console are they still there sure but its not huge and very minimal at best.

  • @oatter so because he was a pc player and said that you want to disable cross play lol thats idiotic im sorry.

  • @oatter how exactly do you know they were PC players? They could just be better than you at PVP.

  • @trenix90 I'm not saying get rid of cross-play entirely just add an ability to play Xbox or PC only. I don't see why we should have to play against people who have such a sever advantage over us. I shouldn't have to but A M&K adapter just to be able to compete, I love playing with a controller.

  • @oatter what advantage do you think PC players have? Aiming is slow as hell on PC, so that advantage doesn't exist.

  • @oatter I play on pc and i promise you the severe advantage you speak of isnt there like you think it is. Its a minimal one, but i can tell you're going to believe what you want i can tell when firing the weapons and how easy it is to hit people in general why it was done even the pistol has a generous hitbox on it .

  • Ok tell me how in a storm a ship sails right to me, they jump on my ship and one shoot me. I come back on my ship having to shoot on twice and then get one shot again. Plus I had a hard time keeping my ship from being tossed around in the storm.

  • @glacefrostclaw They were talking in text chat, using 2 guns, and not missing shots at long range. You can tell in most games if a player is using a M&K by watching the way they move.

  • @oatter This isnt a competitve game so i think it fits the cross play feature perfectly im happy i get to play with my friends i usually dont get to because of this. Id hate to see it be ruined because you have this belief of there being a huge advantage for us pc players if there was i would admit it and give them ways they could make it more fair because as i said i have friends who play on xbox and id like them to be able to have the best time possible as well. I think rare has done a decent job of making it as fair as possible between the 2 in that regard.

  • @oatter have you seen console CoD players? They've got damned good accuracy even with a controller. Text chat might be a giveaway for being on PC, but good aim and using two guns doesn't prove anything.

  • @joeysav The advantages that a PC players have are the ability to use a mouse which is way more accurate than a controller and the ability to play on higher than 3o FPS which Xbox players cannot do.

  • @xxbillyvxx that means that they are pc players? If you're going to call people out for soemthing you should make sure you have proof that they first of all are what you claim, and ive been one shot by xbox players who got a headshot on me with guns in close quarters fights. It happens man dont be salty and make false claims unless you have proof though.

  • @oatter You literally glossed over everything i said about the hitboxes i assume then....k im not going to take anything you say serious because its obvious the discussion will only be one sided and you wont listen to anything people are saying to you.

  • @glacefrostclaw A mouse is much more accurate and Xbox players cannot get above 30 FPS.

  • @oatter This isnt a twitch based shooter or something man where over 30fps would make a difference you're gasping for air with that arguement.

  • @oatter a mouse is not really that much more accurate than an experienced FPS player on a controller, but I can see your argument on the framerate difference.

  • @joeysav I never said get rid of it entirely and I hope they don't. I said I'd like the ability to only play with other Xbox players on different servers.

  • @joeysav I agree it happens I have done headshots myself. In ruff seas? Ether you are the luckiest person in the world or cheating. As for proof I got the replies.

  • @glacefrostclaw i would agree with the framerate difference if this was a game that you need split second decisions to matter in gunplay this isnt one of those games hence why it doesnt make a big difference in this game if it did im sure rare would have made the xbox version 60fps and lowered the res like other games have done for the 60fps

  • Im all for everyone having a fair experience, but im telling you as a pc player the advantages are very minimal im telling you all to just pay attention to the generous hitboxes on all the guns and even how the characters are made gives them decent sizes to them in more cases then not. Thats why i said someone with potato aim in most games will be fine in this game unless they are completely missing everytime if thats the case then thats on you.

  • @joeysav I'm literally replying to 3 people right now and can only post so fast due to forum limits so of course I'm going to miss something. Of course I can kill someone easily with a blunderbuss if I get close enough assuming that they don't kill me with their secondary pistol whilst bunny hopping first.

  • @oatter what does people jumping and shooting have to do with anything, my friend on xbox does the same thing ?

  • @joeysav In CQC it does matter.

  • @oatter Was your Stronghold Key stolen?

  • @joeysav we specifically have one of our crewmembers on pc... his sniping skills are out of this world.
    I blame PC. (Not that I care for that much though.)

    but there might be some advantages to mouse and keyboard.

  • @kawaii-dumpling Nope, after 3 hours, 200 cannonballs, 90 planks, and 100 bananas I decided to play something else.

  • @oatter "I'm tired of having to fight against players that have such a huge advantage over us console players."

    Roflmao! PC masterrace! 8D

    Why not just get a PC? You can continue on the same account on a PC you know. :]

    A decent fix for the respawn issue is to just make the ship spawn on the FARTHEST island from where they sank, that should tone it down to more reasonable levels! :)

  • @oatter I can see you're just going to think what you think no matter what i say to you won't make you see that you're making it a bigger deal than it actually is . With that said i wish the best of luck to you, have fun and good sailing!

  • @kawaii-dumpling Oh and at least 15 enemy sloops sunk.

  • @lucky-monkee Some people are just good at sniping though theres people like that on console too. The base sens for the sniper in this game is aids because on mouse and keyboard to get it o move quicker then a milimeter a second you have to raise your dpi to pretty high levels. I understand why thats there , but i would have though rare would realize just about every gaming mouse has the ability to get passed that.

  • @joeysav You're doing the same thing and if you think that M&K doesn't have every advantage over a controller in pretty much every game except racing games then you're simply wrong and should watch videos of people using M&K on console games. Here's one to start you off done by a fairly popular PC player. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLnQC8xQRgg

  • @sweltering-nick Yeah i agree with him 100% on the spawning logic in the game , but making the pc seem like it has some god tier advantage in this game is what i don't agree with it , i admit its there . Its not anywhere near what it would be if this was a different type of game and if rare didnt add some things to even it out a bit like the generous hit boxes on all the guns besides the sniper which the game hinders on pc by default (not sure if thats also the case on console ive heard people say its slow there too) but theres an easy way around it .

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