Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2

  • @hobosloth28 They said, "Out of View". so I would think it's at least 6 squares

  • @scrub-toaster said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Patience is rare in these forums. More updates will come. Rare seem like a company that care about their community. But they cannot fix everything all at once, nor can they add more content at the drop of a hat.

    If they care about the community or this game they whould listen to the billion threads that states we need more meaningfull content.

  • Nice work

  • Still getting the "Ashbeard " error (on PC) , tried everything i could find.
    The 3 Fixes from the developers article also didn't work...

    anybody got some suggestions ?

    thanks in advance.

  • @darkclaw-618 ya just wondering the exact distance.

  • Thanks for the update. Regarding the mermaid teleport fix... either I’m stupid and i can’t work out what it means or it’s written poorly.

    Could you clarify it better? The notes suggest that you’ve fixed the accidental teleporting with items in hand but also people have left stuff on the island?

    I’m confused! Help!

  • @usatfjumper I want to know this too, I'm confused, if you can teleport with chest to the boat it would be great.

  • Everyone wants new content even if (almost) no one are Pirate Legend... Don't you think you need to complete what is NOW in the game before ask for new content? Lol... i really want Rare fix the quest bug like bounty spawn bug, there will be time for the new content.

  • @capt-poky-ph said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Great work, keep it up. Don't let all these "content" and "more game" nay sayers get yinz down. Games going great. TONS of fun times, lovin it. Thanks for all yinzs hard work.

    Its not nay saying to want what was advertised. There are items in the trailers and the beta that were clearly removed.

  • @khaleesibot I still always spawn with Blunderbuss and pistol.
    I always end game with cutlass when I quit out and it always starts me with two guns, for first week of game it was always starting me with sniper and pistol. Then it changed to this loadout. My loadout never saves.

  • @xcapt-han-solox said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Poor update, I've cancelled my game pass, I'm so bored with it, sorry Rare. Hopefully when actual content arrives I'll be playing again.

    Bye Felicia

  • woop woop! Gamers win, griefers lose!

    Seriously though, extremely happy the respawns are fixed, need to test it in game first before responding too positively.

    A good sign that the devs are listening to player feedback

  • Love the change to ship spawning, but I still have nothing to spend my gold on lol... #content?

  • @diamondvp Chill fam, the game literally just came out. Games usually take 2-3 months before you see any sort of significant new content added to the game.

  • @s1ictrck umm you need to take a chill pill. It's obvious that rare needs to put more content in this game but that takes time. The game just came out..Please be patient!

  • And the caractere update ??? i have many problem for find my type of pirate because (many old or big caractére and i dont like this)

    When a good update ??

    w*f the color

  • Content?

  • @xgodkevin said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @s1ictrck said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    What a shity f*****g update, with no content.
    F**k you rare am out.

    its well known the content update is in june.

    But we're not getting anything before that? No outfits? Ship customizations? Finally having legendary ships that we were promised? We have to wait until June to get the other cosmetics that were in the beta and the freaking launch trailers? What the hell?

  • Roadmap please?

  • I'm glad that they're working on this and fixing some stuff that definitely needs to be fixed, but it just feels like most of the stuff advertised for the game still isn't in the game.

    I remember the ship-naming thread, but we can't name our ships still. The different types of food, another instrument--it just feels like the game is still in a sort of early access state.

    At least give us a roadmap on when we might see more features and content in the game, or where the game is headed. Anything. News might keep some people from leaving and never coming back to it.

  • @underwrldqueen said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @s1ictrck umm you need to take a chill pill. It's obvious that rare needs to put more content in this game but that takes time. The game just came out..Please be patient!

    The content exists already though. It was in the betas and the promotional trailers.

  • @dezm0nd said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Thanks for the update. Regarding the mermaid teleport fix... either I’m stupid and i can’t work out what it means or it’s written poorly.

    Could you clarify it better? The notes suggest that you’ve fixed the accidental teleporting with items in hand but also people have left stuff on the island?

    I’m confused! Help!

    i think people holding treasure would use mermaid to teleport and then arrive at the ship without the treasure and lose it to where they were, Where you just shouldn't be able to use the mermaid at all while holding treasure...

    well that is my take away from it

  • @dr-killjoy147 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @underwrldqueen said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @s1ictrck umm you need to take a chill pill. It's obvious that rare needs to put more content in this game but that takes time. The game just came out..Please be patient!

    The content exists already though. It was in the betas and the promotional trailers.

    i was in betas and alphas and pioneer alphas and i am unsure what you know about in those test sessions? but it all is in the game in its current form. Or would you like 3 randomly generated quests to appear in your inventory and cash them in at the shipwright?

  • Keep up the good work, fun game :)

  • How about seagulls still absent over floating barrels?
    Something which have worked before launch and did not work after launch and after patch which supposedly fixed that?

  • @mcdougle99 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @dr-killjoy147 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @underwrldqueen said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @s1ictrck umm you need to take a chill pill. It's obvious that rare needs to put more content in this game but that takes time. The game just came out..Please be patient!

    The content exists already though. It was in the betas and the promotional trailers.

    i was in betas and alphas and pioneer alphas and i am unsure what you know about in those test sessions? but it all is in the game in its current form. Or would you like 3 randomly generated quests to appear in your inventory and cash them in at the shipwright?

    Im talking about outfits and ship customizations. Those are content as well as new activities.

  • @dr-killjoy147 yea it def is a ways away. apparently there is suppose to be a content update video this week. but not entirely sure the exact details of that.

  • This second patch just show us:

    1. We Bought a early access disguised and we are testing the game for Rare.
    2. The closed beta test was poor, and the open beta test with mass of players never happened before launch.
      3)Rare have a small team to fix bugs and develop new content.(Some bugs like delay of achives and 1 weapon bug still in the known issues.)
      4)The fact of the game just launch 2 weeks ago is not an excuse, if you think that, go back and read again number 2.
      5)Ok, the content is poor, but TALK to us Rare, where is the roadmap?

    The pkayers are leaving SoT, the servers are becoming shadow seas, thats my perception, the fort event in many case is clear of ships fghting....

    I like the game, but I sincerly hope Rare to take some actions.

  • About the continuous ramming issue, I would do it if I was chasing down someone who has loot to cash in, especially if I’m out of cannonballs. Why break of chase to resupply my cannonballs if I have plenty of planks for ramming? Once you break engagement from a fleeing foe, they will most likely book it to the nearest outpost to cash in before re-engaging you again.

  • @xgodkevin said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @dr-killjoy147 yea it def is a ways away. apparently there is suppose to be a content update video this week. but not entirely sure the exact details of that.

    If they don't say they're at least adding the customizations that were in the beta and trailers into the game this month, I'm dropping it and requesting a refund.

  • @dr-killjoy147 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @mcdougle99 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @dr-killjoy147 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @underwrldqueen said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @s1ictrck umm you need to take a chill pill. It's obvious that rare needs to put more content in this game but that takes time. The game just came out..Please be patient!

    The content exists already though. It was in the betas and the promotional trailers.

    i was in betas and alphas and pioneer alphas and i am unsure what you know about in those test sessions? but it all is in the game in its current form. Or would you like 3 randomly generated quests to appear in your inventory and cash them in at the shipwright?

    Im talking about outfits and ship customizations. Those are content as well as new activities.

    ship customisations were completely randomly generated for 90% of the play tests as well as outfits. at no point was anything set in stone until the very last play test.

    The content you are talking about was the team testing, testing the pirate generator, testing the clothing implementation to make sure it would fit on the pirates who are randomly generated. You can't expect anything used for testing purposes to appear in the final game.

    you'd be surprised at how much content is cut from the final game of many games

  • Arrrr the salt is a flowin from these Scallywags who like to complain that their unskilled tactics cannot work anymore! No matter what happens people will cry and complain about anything and everything. Good job fixing the problem with ship spawning!

  • ok, now add ACTUAL content...

  • @dr-killjoy147 I can only assume rare, microsoft would indeed know they need to provide some kind of update to the players regarding content. Let's just hope they come through with something letting everyone know what's is coming, like sooner rather than later.

  • @zhaph I've tried that quite a few times and it doesn't work when I try. And mentioning it as a known issue isn't a fix to a critical component of the game.

    It's not as if I'm asking for the moon wanting the game to function properly.

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