Screen ShARRe - Your Best Sea of Thieves Screenshots!

  • We met a friendly on a sloop. One of our MST members joined his sloop and we all sailed together, two ships, side by side.
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    We all split the loot.
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  • Fort Party
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    Party at the fort!

  • Stranger On The Shore
    Stranger On The Shore

    She Sells Sanctuary
    She Sells Sanctuary

    Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay
    Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay


    Welcome To The Jungle
    Welcome To The Jungle

    Blue Monday
    Blue Monday

    Right Here, Right Now
    Right Here, Right Now

    We Have All The Time In The World
    We Have All The Time In The World

  • @pikaaroon stupid question, but how can we share xbox one screenshots?

  • Sure, here are a few of mine:

    Pushing your luck on a 2 man crew:
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    Making a mistake in parking
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    Forging Alliances with random pirates, while sailing with random pirates
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    Having a crew member who likes organization
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  • Just a man and his sloop, battling the world..

  • Ancient Spire Outpost

  • @biggishbike1891 "Up is down"

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  • So. After raiding and plundering an island, while swimming back to the ship, I was almost struck by lightning. The crew mate on the island with me had already been struck twice, and lightning was popping all around in the storm. As the lightning hit the water a few feet in front of me, I thought “c’mon! There’s a guy in the crows nest and it’s gonna hit me in the water?!”.. As I looked up, and before I could express this thought in words, the crows nest, along with a powder keg and an unfortunate crewman, exploded in a brilliant fireball of light. Product of a lightning strike...





    As a word to the wise for my fellow pirates... If ever you wish to store a powder keg in the crows nest, venture up to join it in a storm at your own risk!! rofl!!

  • This is my personal favourite.

  • Didn't think it was possible, but I beached my sloop last night, completely. alt text

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  • Here's a couple screenshots I took:

    Me resting on an outpost after a couple hours of questing.

    My view of a sunset. This game is amazing!

    Storm on the horizon!!

  • To Yoshi or not to Yoshi.
    (sorry for the size stole it from my friends xbox)

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    Some new clothes...

    Episode III moment:
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  • So this was awhile back...but I had just tucked my sloop into Shipwreck Bay to hunt some skeletons when I hear the one thing that a solo sailor doesn't want to hear...cannon fire. I look back at my amazing park job and everything's fine so I scale up the peak and look around only to see this...

  • @biggishbike1891 said in Screen ShARRe - Your Best Sea of Thieves Screenshots!:

    That's no bug, that's going to davy jones locker! Rock the ship!

  • @swarllie Does it catch water and sink when on the beach? Asking for a friend.

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  • Here are some from April. I'll submit more after I play tonight

    Cleared the deck with a single shot!

    Racing in a storm

    Cap'n Treacherous Todd takin' a dip in beautiful weather (1 of 2)

    Cap'n Treacherous Todd takin' a dip in beautiful weather (2 of 2)

  • @brandonblk said in Screen ShARRe - Your Best Sea of Thieves Screenshots!:

    @pikaaroon nope i had to take all the chests off and scuttle, i put it down to the mechanic where when you hit a rock the ship automaticly backs away, but here it couldn't so it got stuck

    Sorry for your problem but if you raised the sail and turn the wheel you would have eventually backed out. You have to think that regardless of the wind direction or sail angle, the wind is still pushing the sail and ship forward so it will not back out of the situation.

    Fair winds and happy sailing. :o)

  • Looks Painful.

  • Even Better Than The Real Thing
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    I love this picture, I made it my desktop background. Absolutely stunning! :D :D :D

  • @globalprosd so beautiful!

  • @swarllie said in Screen ShARRe - Your Best Sea of Thieves Screenshots!:

    Didn't think it was possible, but I beached my sloop last night, completely. alt text

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    Parked: "Like a glove" :o)

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  • I think me and my crew were one of the first to kill Megalodon :O

  • One of my best SoT Experiences so far: here is my story:

    We went to Merrick with my friend after we found all journals, and found lots of friendly guys
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    We are ready to go stock up! we said
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    So this is how we went to the nearest island to stock up
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    Stocking up. we were 3 sloops and 1 galleon, then we saw 4th who wants to join us
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    Still stocking up...
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    We were on our way to kill Megalodon, as we were going we saw 5th sloop behind us who wanted to join! now it was full server of randoms who joined together for this fantastic mission!
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    On our way to megalodon, it is a long way, sun is setting down
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    After getting to the place, we stopped and had a quick briefing at the galleon. we summoned him and killed him, everyone was happy we did it. This is something that doesn't happen often, be able to cooperate together as 1 team when you are all randoms and enjoy the game!
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    This was the most immersive experience I ever had in SoT, thank you guys if you are reading this! 14 people able to cooperate together and just randomly meeting is something special.

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