Scrap the buying levels with doubloons

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  • @chris-houlden Just out of interest, are you a PL?

    Also please use some form of punctuation as it makes it easier for other to read your comments.

  • @chris-houlden
    I understand what you're saying, it has lessened the prestigious status but so has the very first PL #notmypiratelegend by controversially cheating his way there.

    Although I did the hard yards to reach that status I don't care how anyone else gets there.
    I have to agree with @PersonalC0ffee on this one as I want the numbers to reflect that there are too many PLs to ignore any further.

    More detailed stats as I've posted here would also be a help.

  • I have to say I really don't understand why anyone is against buying rep with doubloons. Why does there just have to be one way to reach PL? Surly it's fine to get there by playing the game? If someone takes the time to complete commendations for doubloons, why shouldn't they use those as a means for rep towards PL? They earn't them through playing the game, after all.

    It's not difficult to reach PL, it's really just a matter of time, so why not make that time a little more varied beyond finding a thing and handing in a thing for rep?

  • I have said it before, if your'e not the first then your'e the last (even though the first PL is regarded as a massive fraud) so to me I don't see why anyone else is bothered about it.

    At the moment all you get to do is repeat a massive mix of the same voyages you have been doing all along so it's not exactly the most prestigious of acheivements anyway.

  • I get to PL without a boat only with my knife between my teeth swimming from island to Island.
    All others arent worth called a Piratelegend.

    2004 or so i played WoW and it took me over a year to hit level 60.
    You know i dont work games i just play them.
    When the first Expansion came out many players who worked for whatever set and did repetetive grind dungeons, complain that their hard earned gear became "worthless" regarding their stats. Everybody could get better gear from 0815 quests in less than 10 minutes. I for myself hit the levelcap and just continued questing.
    It's allways a treadmill and i wonder how many fall for this.

    When i become PL then more content is there i believe.
    Why do people think there need to be that much content an average player wouldnt get to in that time.
    Hardcore gamers smoke content up like nothing. No matter how much content there is. They are often just addicts and play 24/7. But this is not the measure.
    There is an average playtime what is more significant.

    I'm playing since Beta, playing, not working, not rushing, not exxagerating. I just have fun playing.
    I'm 39, 36, 33 and i just dont care for PL or anything else.
    I care if the game is fun to play.
    And it is.
    I feel for all the ambitious and greedy and those who dont grudge the Title to others who havent "worked thst hard" to get it.

    Don't you recognize you present yourself as someone who is exxagerating on a game and looks like you need to compensate something or spend an unhealthy or at least questionable amount of time playing games???
    I dont get it. Sorry.
    It remind me of the behaviour of sone 3year old in kindergarten. Really.

  • @chris-houlden The game is all about being as inclusive to everyone as possible, not providing an elite status to the few.

  • Just focus on having fun yourself, don’t worry about what other people are doing or how they are getting there. When you think about it, it really makes no difference who is or isn’t and how they achieved it.

    I’m not a PL and have never bought a rep sheet, I probably won’t as I don’t see the dire need to rush there but I wouldn’t hold it against anyone else for. The amount of time and effort it takes to get here even with them are insane. Just fortunately at the moment there’s no need to be there so I can just take my time and get there when I arrive.

    @Foxdodge Well said :)

  • Am i pirate legend ? Think the picture gives that away i spent so much time becoming pirate legend to find out a week later they was bringing these doubloons in to buy level well u can imagen i wasnt best pleased time n effort for nothing it felt like

  • @chris-houlden Wouldn’t you say if you didn’t feel like the time vs reward ratio wasn’t good enough for you then that’s an issue between you and Rare?

    Why would you want to put others through the same rubbish you went through if you didn’t feel like it was a worthy investment of time?

  • Alot of people/ legends felt the same way as i do about it n tbh id advise people not to buy levels n grind it out because when u hit pirate legend status its boring as hell 93 athena chest to get no title no achivments or comendation n now they haved halfed more or less every comendations make people feel it was an achivment to legend thats just my opinion on it scrap the leveling up n just put in the doubloons for the time limited stuff take away buying coins with them aswell

  • To be honest ,the ability to buy yourself up to Pirate Legend status is a decision that everybody has to make for themselves. Personally, i do it the old way, without buying my way up there . Does that mean i feel better or " more pirate " than that person that used to buy his levels? By Jove and all Sea Saints, absolutely not, since i love this game in ways i simply can't describe in thy beautiful language , it really doesn't matter how long it takes me...i don't play SOT with the sole goal of becoming Pirate Legend.
    i let the Gods of Coincidense decide my journey , and adventure everytime i play...After all, Sea of Thieves is so much more than just Pirate Legends...And Pirate Legends , earn their respect of course, but can still become beaten by a 12 year old who plays the game for the first time as a Level 1...THAT is so great , because after all pirates were humans and even the hardest Captain could die from something as simple as an infection...
    The beauty of this game is that everybody is totally free to play this game how he or she wants , including the decision to buy or not to buy his or her way towards Legenddom.

  • @foxdodge no what they are doing is they are forgetting about the "elite" what play this game day in day out n making people the exact same i dont want people whos saved 600 doubloons to buy 20 levels to be the exact same status as me whos put in time effort n a lot of hour playing it maybe its just me maybe theres others that agree with me but who cares happy lebel biying i mean sailing 😂😂😂😂

  • @chris-houlden personally i think that being able to buy lvls is not that bad of a thing. If someone completes all the event commendations then they should be able to use the doubloons they earned to help out there lvls. If i instead of grinding did all the commendations for an event then im not spening that time on grinding merchants or order of the souls. In away your still grinding your lvls cause you can use the doubloons to make up for lost time. If i had to choose between grinding lvls and doing event commendations then id probably choose the second option. That just how i view it.

  • The events dont take half as long to do why should someone whos spent i dunno say 30 hours doing levels for n then someone to come in n say do 5 hours n end up on the same level as the person whos done 30 hours because they have bought levels where is that fair ? I hold a strong view on it that it should be scraped sorry if u all dont agree but it should be just kept in for timed event cosmetics

  • @chris-houlden said in Scrap the buying levels with doubloons:

    @foxdodge no what they are doing is they are forgetting about the "elite" what play this game day in day out n making people the exact same i dont want people whos saved 600 doubloons to buy 20 levels to be the exact same status as me whos put in time effort n a lot of hour playing it maybe its just me maybe theres others that agree with me but who cares happy lebel biying i mean sailing 😂😂😂😂

    Stop pretending that earning 600 doubloons is easy, no effort and basically the same as doing nothing. I think earning 600 doubloons probably takes more effort than just doing voyages on repeat.

    The problem that you and a lot of others (that refer to themselves as the "elite" or "originals") seem to forget is that being part of the elite isn't so much related to being incredibly good, it's mostly related to the size of the group. Which means only a very small percentage of the paying customers is part of the "elite". As long as that percentage isn't high enough, any time invested in the "elite" is taken from the time for content that the majority of players can spend time on.

    The whole reason they're making it more fun, divers or even easier to get to Pirate Legend is because it was never supposed to be the end of the game and as the grind is no fun for anyone. They want more people to reach it so it would make sense to invest time and money in content for that group. Ofcourse I do understand that there needs to be more content for Pirate Legends and that content added for Pirate Legend is basically content that eventually is there for everyone. However when the number of Legends isn't high enough, they cannot put the main focus on that as it would mean they show up empty handed for most.

  • @chris-houlden said in Scrap the buying levels with doubloons:

    Am i pirate legend ? Think the picture gives that away i spent so much time becoming pirate legend to find out a week later they was bringing these doubloons in to buy level well u can imagen i wasnt best pleased time n effort for nothing it felt like

    Firstlty, to be honest I rarely look at peoples avatars so I missed that.

    Secondly, my next question to you is, did you enjoy your journey to becoming a PL? I'm going to assume you did, as any sane person who did not enjoy it simply wouldn't have continued the process. That leads to my final point, as long as YOU enjoyed YOUR personal journey and game time, why are you bothered about what other people are doing?

    And as you stated, people who rush to become PL are really only spiting themselves as there is nothing more to do once you get here.

  • Ok i take it none of you did the 15 hour grind from 45 to 50 on merchant for less than a week later they brought out the level buying if u did do it you would all have a diffrent veiw on it thats a fact n they would be no room for a discussion on it buying levels is the easy way out n as for the 600 doubloons yes theres still people with 600 doubloons because the "elites" have nothing to spend them on n why not let legend buy athena levels after all if your doing a full 3 hour voyage thats 300 hours game playto get to athena let legends buy levels rare what ya say 150 doubloons ?

  • @chris-houlden to athena 10

  • That’s your choice to do that though, no one forced you to. Stop trying to punish people just because you personally didn’t like the amount of time you had to invest to get where you are.

    Anyone else who gets there is no concern of yours, besides being elitist what does it matter? You chose to invest that time into the game, no one forced you.

  • @chris-houlden People who buy levels have put in just as much time playing the bilge rat adventures to unlock commendations. The title of "pirate legend" shouldn't solely denote the amount of arbitrary grinding a player is willing to go through.

  • @chris-houlden I reached it just before The Hungering Deep released so yes I am familiar with the grind (I done the last two merchant levels in a single day, please don't remind me)

    Also, I'm certain that if you have earned all commendations/doubloons and only bought all the time limited cosmetics then you should be on 480 doubloons?

  • 480 doubloons is still 16 levels n is that 480 from the very first week they got introuduced ?

  • @chris-houlden I would have to check when I get home tonight when I log on. I have earned all posible doubloons but I have also bought all the time limited cosmetics, so I could let you know.

    But back to the point, I don't care how other people get to PL all I know is that I've enjoyed my journey so far so that's all I care about.

  • I tried to write no more, but this poor "elite" Pirate has my pity.

    Cant take him serious.
    How old are you? 5? 7?

    Why did you grind?

    And why do you think playing games is about work and effort?

    Are you lacking be self confident trying to compensate and are proud of beeing an "original Elite Piratelegend"?
    Now dont grudge others becoming PL faster, easier?
    How paltry is that?

    Think of Cargo Runs.
    I bet they give at least twice as much as a golden chicken.
    I will become 50 in Merchants Guild in no time.

    Your Problem!!!
    Grow up.

  • From the start, RARE has always mentioned that there would be different ways to earn Pirate Legend. This is because they didn't want PL to be the end of the game, but just a new beginning for other adventures. And thus it makes sense to diversify the different playstyles you can play in order to reach that status as it would allow more people to reach it and experience the "end-game"

    After release, a rather small group of people had the patience (I wouldn't call it skill) to grind voyages until they reached max reputation. They might see themselves as the most "elite" or the "real pirate legends". And while I sincerely congratulate them on their effort; I also think that their commitment to the game certainly does not make them better than the rest of us who haven't reached PL or who reached it through the changes that have been made since then. They simply spent more time, and had the mental capacity to commit to the rather boring grind with it's limited diversity.

    The addition of the Bilge Rat Adventures was a delivery on a promise; a way to give players a new/different way to reach legend. A way that involved being an active player, in order to earn all the dubloons in a short time-period. Due to the nature of the BRA, I believe the potential reward of helping yourself reach PL is justifiable.

    Now, with the plan on the horizon for dubloons to be earnable after event ends it would not surprise me if Rare took another look at how this system works and to perhaps make the letters cost more or perhaps involve a different system that automatically rewards you some reputation for doing the BRA's. But rather than giving feedback on that, here we are because some believe in scrapping the entire system rather than trying to improve it. Simply because someone, personally, has something against the new system as they could not take advantage of it. Please, do re-consider.

    My point is, this game has and will continue to evolve away from the default way to reach PL. Pirate Legend is Pirate Legend, and it has always been the plan to evolve the paths people can take to get there. You might have done it through path A, I'm going to do it through a mixture of path A&B, and in the future someone might be able to reach it through path C or A&B&C. None of that makes either of us better or worse than the other.

    Lastly, the conversations about Pirate Legends always are stuffed with all the supposed "groupings" within the PL's. The idea that someone is an "original legend" or a "fake legend" or that they had it "harder" and others "easier" because the game evolved is really quite silly. It was always the plan for the game to evolve. Continuing to harp on these "distinctions" is making it seem like having this distinction and keeping it is more important than banding together and hoping that more methods of reaching PL will be added so that PL content will move up on their to-do-list. Which you can then all enjoy.

    In the end, everyone that wants to reach PL will reach PL. How they get there is not important. What is important is that the game continues to grow more diverse and build upon the foundation that was released in March; rather than people wanting features to be removed because they couldn't take advantage of them.

  • @stundorn 😂😂😂😂

  • 😂😂😂 this post got some decent comments can we take boats out the game too n make all these noobs swim they can not sail anyway not elite enough for my standed 😂😂😂😂😂😂 the whole post as been a joke to get you all commenting sorry
    #bemorepirate #buythosesrankings

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