Your new update

  • @ticklepantzz I believe that the petty nonsense started when you claimed I must hate everyone. I'm responding to you.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice sagte in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

    I think it's good to find an average for the most players what arent only progamers, but also kids and casuals.

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    ... only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

    "wildly different" sounds like we ran backwards before and used a sling and throwed stones.

    Seriously i cant get it. When i came back and played i didnt even get it there was a change in the very first minutes.
    You people min maxing every move you do exagerate about minor stuff it's amazing and i hope if all who "hate" it that much just take a break or stop playing at all like they often say, but still argue.
    I learned if a game does not appeal to my playstyle i just quit without Drama and telling the world i do so.
    That often sound as if a kid try to blackmail his parents emotionally.
    I wont love you anymore if you dont buy me that aka i leave the game if you dont change it back :-)

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in Your new** update:

    @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

    Aha! Again insulting others as a solution to find compromise?

    I think if they simplify/ fix things and make combat easier for those who are "just bad at the game" they may have their reasons and the reasons for sure is not to get you hate it that much.
    Maybe ask for the reasons first before rant?
    To me it's crystal clear like it was about the discussion about vertical versus horizontal progression.
    This game is mainly made for casuals playing for fun and not for hardcore progamer type of player!

    And as long as people come up with
    Insults torwards casual gaming and new players, beginners etc... and talk about them like casualisation etc. ruins the game i'm happy those players may leave and we have way less toxicity in the forums and on the seas.
    The way many express themself alone show how they may be as human beeings. Too much of a dog eat dog approach if we consider we talk about playing a game!

    Where do you see an insult here? Please enlighten me as to what you see here as an insult? We asked for reasons and everyone has in every post. No one insulted casual gaming we said the changes clearly catered towards it and were damaging the hard core community. It is a FACT. You literally just claim you are being attacked on everything.

    I'm not going to bother responding to further posts from you because at this point you claim everthing is an attack...

    I editet that a second after posting, because it was wrong.

    But you cant disagree that there is always a little bit of a disdain torwards casualisation.


    You are right yes. But it comes from the fact that the people that did play a lot and are let's say "Hardcore" have been basically taken away a lot of their hard work. Like look at this right:

    You get the game day comes out you power level to Pirate legend (use to be hard, I think we can all agree). Few months later because of people flooding the forums via complaints about how hard it is everything is made easier to the point where you can even buy the level via dubloons.

    What happens... P legend means nothing anymore and it use to be a way to know if at least someone had quite a bit of experience (yeah some used it as a title to act better than others) but lets say in a positive manner it sort of meant "experience" now you get people that are p leg on the ship that dont even know how to sword lunge....

    The other thing was the achievements. Imagine you worked at it for months and months and rare comes along and makes it all easier after you sat there wasting hours thinking I am going to be one of the only ones and nope... now everyone has them

    I think that has caused a bit of the "hate"

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice sagte in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

    I think it's good to find an average for the most players what arent only progamers, but also kids and casuals.

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    ... only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

    "wildly different" sounds like we ran backwards before and used a sling and throwed stones.

    Seriously i cant get it. When i came back and played i didnt even get it there was a change in the very first minutes.
    You people min maxing every move you do exagerate about minor stuff it's amazing and i hope if all who "hate" it that much just take a break or stop playing at all like they often say, but still argue.
    I learned if a game does not appeal to my playstyle i just quit without Drama and telling the world i do so.
    That often sound as if a kid try to blackmail his parents emotionally.
    I wont love you anymore if you dont buy me that aka i leave the game if you dont change it back :-)

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in Your new** update:

    @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

    I think if they simplify/ fix things and make combat easier for those who are "just bad at the game" they may have their reasons and the reasons for sure is not to get you hate it that much.
    Maybe ask for the reasons first before rant?
    To me it's crystal clear like it was about the discussion about vertical versus horizontal progression.
    This game is mainly made for casuals playing for fun and not for hardcore progamer type of player!

    And as long as people come up with
    Insults torwards casual gaming and new players, beginners etc... and talk about them like casualisation etc. ruins the game i'm happy those players may leave and we have way less toxicity in the forums and on the seas.
    The way many express themself alone show how they may be as human beeings. Too much of a dog eat dog approach if we consider we talk about playing a game!

    Wasn't a rant just my opinion no malice or ill will behind it
    Are you a dev? Did they say this game was made for X person? I didnt attack nobody im just saying bad at the game wasn't made as a insult more of a opinion i find it funny you condemn me for attacking all while doing the same again not pointing out any flaws in the core of any argument adding nothing but attacks oh! the irony and i am a casual btw, but I'm a casual who wants to get better so when i am that skilled i don't get bored and find the game shallow and unrewarding at the end of my journeys thanks and **please stop bullying me thank you **

  • @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice sagte in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

    I think it's good to find an average for the most players what arent only progamers, but also kids and casuals.

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    ... only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

    "wildly different" sounds like we ran backwards before and used a sling and throwed stones.

    Seriously i cant get it. When i came back and played i didnt even get it there was a change in the very first minutes.
    You people min maxing every move you do exagerate about minor stuff it's amazing and i hope if all who "hate" it that much just take a break or stop playing at all like they often say, but still argue.
    I learned if a game does not appeal to my playstyle i just quit without Drama and telling the world i do so.
    That often sound as if a kid try to blackmail his parents emotionally.
    I wont love you anymore if you dont buy me that aka i leave the game if you dont change it back :-)

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in Your new** update:

    @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

    Aha! Again insulting others as a solution to find compromise?

    I think if they simplify/ fix things and make combat easier for those who are "just bad at the game" they may have their reasons and the reasons for sure is not to get you hate it that much.
    Maybe ask for the reasons first before rant?
    To me it's crystal clear like it was about the discussion about vertical versus horizontal progression.
    This game is mainly made for casuals playing for fun and not for hardcore progamer type of player!

    And as long as people come up with
    Insults torwards casual gaming and new players, beginners etc... and talk about them like casualisation etc. ruins the game i'm happy those players may leave and we have way less toxicity in the forums and on the seas.
    The way many express themself alone show how they may be as human beeings. Too much of a dog eat dog approach if we consider we talk about playing a game!

    Where do you see an insult here? Please enlighten me as to what you see here as an insult? We asked for reasons and everyone has in every post. No one insulted casual gaming we said the changes clearly catered towards it and were damaging the hard core community. It is a FACT. You literally just claim you are being attacked on everything.

    I'm not going to bother responding to further posts from you because at this point you claim everthing is an attack...

    I editet that a second after posting, because it was wrong.

    But you cant disagree that there is always a little bit of a disdain torwards casualisation.


    You are right yes. But it comes from the fact that the people that did play a lot and are let's say "Hardcore" have been basically taken away a lot of their hard work. Like look at this right:

    You get the game day comes out you power level to Pirate legend (use to be hard, I think we can all agree). Few months later because of people flooding the forums via complaints about how hard it is everything is made easier to the point where you can even buy the level via dubloons.

    What happens... P legend means nothing anymore and it use to be a way to know if at least someone had quite a bit of experience (yeah some used it as a title to act better than others) but lets say in a positive manner it sort of meant "experience" now you get people that are p leg on the ship that dont even know how to sword lunge....

    The other thing was the achievements. Imagine you worked at it for months and months and rare comes along and makes it all easier after you sat there wasting hours thinking I am going to be one of the only ones and nope... now everyone has them

    I think that has caused a bit of the "hate"

    Fully understand and thats why i say this game wasnt made for those gamers who want stuff like this.
    You got nerfed over and over if you perceive it that way. Commendations, Barrels, combat nerfs... interesting stuff in the pioneer pipeline...
    Look i'm going to become an oldtimer player at 42, singleparent man who also plays in a Band, has a dog and a sidecar and because of that i had to learn plenty of games that need "hard work" and "effort" to be done arent for me anymore and so i went away.
    I for example love a game i would play, if i wouldn't know better because the time it needs to play it competetive is beyond the time i have or want to invest. On the opposite i in general don't want to "invest" or "work" anymore in games. I never wanted it, but i realized i did over a couple of years, because the games i played were designed that way and i tried to adapt.
    Now Rare came up with this gem to me.
    Progression optional, i'm a Founder, a Pioneer, i have played all events i/ we arent bad at pvp, we do quite well and have fun and i am not a PL either.
    Why? i didn't need to, so i didn't care, i didnt work, i just played along for fun and it happened by the way.
    Ok i'm very close to PL now and already Athena 6, but who cares? I don't because i don't need to!!!
    That's is more freedom than every sandbox can give me.
    I can't describe how much i like this.
    And there is no other game doing it that way, at least none i am aware if what i want to play, if we dont consider hello kitty the game XD
    But i guess even this game has more serious progression than SoT :)

    I like it that way and i fully understand that progamers dont like it, because they want to shine with their playerskill and progression.
    Ya understandable, but wrong playground imo.
    The people who coded this had another vision afaik and they cater to casuals more than to pro- or hardcore gamers.
    And honestly if i think over that hasn't even to do something with streamers, but i have no clue. I dont watch them i dont know any of them by name or what they stand for.
    Are there casual, lazy ganingy immersive roleplaying focussed streamers?
    I would give it a try then.

    I in another thread also already said that i dont believe that the "most dedicated" players are not the ones who pay the Studio further more than casuals or in general can contribute better feedback as a pioneer for example.
    Dedicated players are good to have, but they arent the measure or superior to other players, they are just customers like everybody else.
    They arent the better humans or customers or more worth as a player, they are just more dedicated.
    Fine, nice to have them, but i dont see a problem if we won't have them, but only the average casual players.
    Often they find problems only they have min maxing everything.
    The generous player wouldnt find the problem and wouldnt Report it as problrm and nobidy would have or see it as a problem. See dedication sometimes can create problems nobody else have.

    Time will tell, maybe Arena caters more to pro- and hardcore gamers.
    We dont know.
    I would have no problem with it because i still can play adventure mode.
    And i'm very intersted in Arena, recent pvp i had was very good, we were very good, so maybe i can have a lot of fun in the Arena. I love fighting at Forts etc.
    But if it is going to be that you need reflexes and skill like you need for R6 Siege or CS etc. i'm to old, to lazy for that now and i'll pass.

    I like the casualisation of the game and i perceived SoT allways as a game for casuals who play mainly for fun and not a game for pro or hardcore gamers.

    Edit: thing is who "works games off" instead to play for fun is guilty by himself. I was maybe rude in the other thread when i said things like that, but i am convinced many if you are wrong.
    Maybe if you get older you also approach things in a slightly other way.
    But i for sure dont know how old are you. Dont forget how to play senseless, effortlessly and just for fun. I mean the world is harsh and unforgiving, no need to turn games that are meant to be played into things that need to be worked off etc....

  • @ticklepantzz I've been playing since just before launch and ain't nobody taken any hard work away from me. What, by making it easier for others to reach PL? PL never meant anything - that was clear from the moment Prod1gyX became the first. I never had the urge to "power level" up to something that was just more of the same. But, I've gained a ton of experience despite not yet becoming a PL. The other day, I was teaching an A10 PL the variations of the sword lunge that I've discovered.

    At the end of the day, I play for myself. I don't care how easy it has become for someone else to reach a threshold beyond which simply lies more of the same. No amount of sword spamming is going to beat someone actually skilled with the swordplay.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice sagte in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

    I think it's good to find an average for the most players what arent only progamers, but also kids and casuals.

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    ... only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

    "wildly different" sounds like we ran backwards before and used a sling and throwed stones.

    Seriously i cant get it. When i came back and played i didnt even get it there was a change in the very first minutes.
    You people min maxing every move you do exagerate about minor stuff it's amazing and i hope if all who "hate" it that much just take a break or stop playing at all like they often say, but still argue.
    I learned if a game does not appeal to my playstyle i just quit without Drama and telling the world i do so.
    That often sound as if a kid try to blackmail his parents emotionally.
    I wont love you anymore if you dont buy me that aka i leave the game if you dont change it back :-)

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in Your new** update:

    @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

    Aha! Again insulting others as a solution to find compromise?

    I think if they simplify/ fix things and make combat easier for those who are "just bad at the game" they may have their reasons and the reasons for sure is not to get you hate it that much.
    Maybe ask for the reasons first before rant?
    To me it's crystal clear like it was about the discussion about vertical versus horizontal progression.
    This game is mainly made for casuals playing for fun and not for hardcore progamer type of player!

    And as long as people come up with
    Insults torwards casual gaming and new players, beginners etc... and talk about them like casualisation etc. ruins the game i'm happy those players may leave and we have way less toxicity in the forums and on the seas.
    The way many express themself alone show how they may be as human beeings. Too much of a dog eat dog approach if we consider we talk about playing a game!

    Where do you see an insult here? Please enlighten me as to what you see here as an insult? We asked for reasons and everyone has in every post. No one insulted casual gaming we said the changes clearly catered towards it and were damaging the hard core community. It is a FACT. You literally just claim you are being attacked on everything.

    I'm not going to bother responding to further posts from you because at this point you claim everthing is an attack...

    I editet that a second after posting, because it was wrong.

    But you cant disagree that there is always a little bit of a disdain torwards casualisation.


    You are right yes. But it comes from the fact that the people that did play a lot and are let's say "Hardcore" have been basically taken away a lot of their hard work. Like look at this right:

    You get the game day comes out you power level to Pirate legend (use to be hard, I think we can all agree). Few months later because of people flooding the forums via complaints about how hard it is everything is made easier to the point where you can even buy the level via dubloons.

    What happens... P legend means nothing anymore and it use to be a way to know if at least someone had quite a bit of experience (yeah some used it as a title to act better than others) but lets say in a positive manner it sort of meant "experience" now you get people that are p leg on the ship that dont even know how to sword lunge....

    The other thing was the achievements. Imagine you worked at it for months and months and rare comes along and makes it all easier after you sat there wasting hours thinking I am going to be one of the only ones and nope... now everyone has them

    I think that has caused a bit of the "hate"

    Fully understand and thats why i say this game wasnt made for those gamers who want stuff like this.
    You got nerfed over and over if you perceive it that way. Commendations, Barrels, combat nerfs... interesting stuff in the pioneer pipeline...
    Look i'm going to become an oldtimer player at 42, singleparent man who also plays in a Band, has a dog and a sidecar and because of that i had to learn plenty of games that need "hard work" and "effort" to be done arent for me anymore and so i went away.
    I for example love a game i would play, if i wouldn't know better because the time it needs to play it competetive is beyond the time i have or want to invest. On the opposite i in general don't want to "invest" or "work" anymore in games. I never wanted it, but i realized i did over a couple of years, because the games i played were designed that way and i tried to adapt.
    Now Rare came up with this gem to me.
    Progression optional, i'm a Founder, a Pioneer, i have played all events i/ we arent bad at pvp, we do quite well and have fun and i am not a PL either.
    Why? i didn't need to, so i didn't care, i didnt work, i just played along for fun and it happened by the way.
    Ok i'm very close to PL now and already Athena 6, but who cares? I don't because i don't need to!!!
    That's is more freedom than every sandbox can give me.
    I can't describe how much i like this.
    And there is no other game doing it that way, at least none i am aware if what i want to play, if we dont consider hello kitty the game XD
    But i guess even this game has more serious progression than SoT :)

    I like it that way and i fully understand that progamers dont like it, because they want to shine with their playerskill and progression.
    Ya understandable, but wrong playground imo.
    The people who coded this had another vision afaik and they cater to casuals more than to pro- or hardcore gamers.
    And honestly if i think over that hasn't even to do something with streamers, but i have no clue. I dont watch them i dont know any of them by name or what they stand for.
    Are there casual, lazy ganingy immersive roleplaying focussed streamers?
    I would give it a try then.

    I in another thread also already said that i dont believe that the "most dedicated" players are not the ones who pay the Studio further more than casuals or in general can contribute better feedback as a pioneer for example.
    Dedicated players are good to have, but they arent the measure or superior to other players, they are just customers like everybody else.
    They arent the better humans or customers or more worth as a player, they are just more dedicated.
    Fine, nice to have them, but i dont see a problem if we won't have them, but only the average casual players.
    Often they find problems only they have min maxing everything.
    The generous player wouldnt find the problem and wouldnt Report it as problrm and nobidy would have or see it as a problem. See dedication sometimes can create problems nobody else have.

    Time will tell, maybe Arena caters more to pro- and hardcore gamers.
    We dont know.
    I would have no problem with it because i still can play adventure mode.
    And i'm very intersted in Arena, recent pvp i had was very good, we were very good, so maybe i can have a lot of fun in the Arena. I love fighting at Forts etc.
    But if it is going to be that you need reflexes and skill like you need for R6 Siege or CS etc. i'm to old, to lazy for that now and i'll pass.

    I like the casualisation of the game and i perceived SoT allways as a game for casuals who play mainly for fun and not a game for pro or hardcore gamers.

    Edit: thing is who "works games off" instead to play for fun is guilty by himself. I was maybe rude in the other thread when i said things like that, but i am convinced many if you are wrong.
    Maybe if you get older you also approach things in a slightly other way.
    But i for sure dont know how old are you. Dont forget how to play senseless, effortlessly and just for fun. I mean the world is harsh and unforgiving, no need to turn games that are meant to be played into things that need to be worked off etc....

    Hey man that's fair enough its just before we had both things and now one of us does not thats sort of what im saying. Before I could do all my hard core playing and pvping and feel like movement was okay and now i dont. You could still just hangout on the sea and be casual its just now the game sort of only works for you see what I mean?

    Anyway maybe they will do something its just a shame to see a lot of people leave especially because like i said this probably is my favorite game of all time.

  • @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice sagte in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

    I think it's good to find an average for the most players what arent only progamers, but also kids and casuals.

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    ... only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

    "wildly different" sounds like we ran backwards before and used a sling and throwed stones.

    Seriously i cant get it. When i came back and played i didnt even get it there was a change in the very first minutes.
    You people min maxing every move you do exagerate about minor stuff it's amazing and i hope if all who "hate" it that much just take a break or stop playing at all like they often say, but still argue.
    I learned if a game does not appeal to my playstyle i just quit without Drama and telling the world i do so.
    That often sound as if a kid try to blackmail his parents emotionally.
    I wont love you anymore if you dont buy me that aka i leave the game if you dont change it back :-)

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in Your new** update:

    @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

    Aha! Again insulting others as a solution to find compromise?

    I think if they simplify/ fix things and make combat easier for those who are "just bad at the game" they may have their reasons and the reasons for sure is not to get you hate it that much.
    Maybe ask for the reasons first before rant?
    To me it's crystal clear like it was about the discussion about vertical versus horizontal progression.
    This game is mainly made for casuals playing for fun and not for hardcore progamer type of player!

    And as long as people come up with
    Insults torwards casual gaming and new players, beginners etc... and talk about them like casualisation etc. ruins the game i'm happy those players may leave and we have way less toxicity in the forums and on the seas.
    The way many express themself alone show how they may be as human beeings. Too much of a dog eat dog approach if we consider we talk about playing a game!

    Where do you see an insult here? Please enlighten me as to what you see here as an insult? We asked for reasons and everyone has in every post. No one insulted casual gaming we said the changes clearly catered towards it and were damaging the hard core community. It is a FACT. You literally just claim you are being attacked on everything.

    I'm not going to bother responding to further posts from you because at this point you claim everthing is an attack...

    I editet that a second after posting, because it was wrong.

    But you cant disagree that there is always a little bit of a disdain torwards casualisation.


    You are right yes. But it comes from the fact that the people that did play a lot and are let's say "Hardcore" have been basically taken away a lot of their hard work. Like look at this right:

    You get the game day comes out you power level to Pirate legend (use to be hard, I think we can all agree). Few months later because of people flooding the forums via complaints about how hard it is everything is made easier to the point where you can even buy the level via dubloons.

    What happens... P legend means nothing anymore and it use to be a way to know if at least someone had quite a bit of experience (yeah some used it as a title to act better than others) but lets say in a positive manner it sort of meant "experience" now you get people that are p leg on the ship that dont even know how to sword lunge....

    The other thing was the achievements. Imagine you worked at it for months and months and rare comes along and makes it all easier after you sat there wasting hours thinking I am going to be one of the only ones and nope... now everyone has them

    I think that has caused a bit of the "hate"

    Fully understand and thats why i say this game wasnt made for those gamers who want stuff like this.
    You got nerfed over and over if you perceive it that way. Commendations, Barrels, combat nerfs... interesting stuff in the pioneer pipeline...
    Look i'm going to become an oldtimer player at 42, singleparent man who also plays in a Band, has a dog and a sidecar and because of that i had to learn plenty of games that need "hard work" and "effort" to be done arent for me anymore and so i went away.
    I for example love a game i would play, if i wouldn't know better because the time it needs to play it competetive is beyond the time i have or want to invest. On the opposite i in general don't want to "invest" or "work" anymore in games. I never wanted it, but i realized i did over a couple of years, because the games i played were designed that way and i tried to adapt.
    Now Rare came up with this gem to me.
    Progression optional, i'm a Founder, a Pioneer, i have played all events i/ we arent bad at pvp, we do quite well and have fun and i am not a PL either.
    Why? i didn't need to, so i didn't care, i didnt work, i just played along for fun and it happened by the way.
    Ok i'm very close to PL now and already Athena 6, but who cares? I don't because i don't need to!!!
    That's is more freedom than every sandbox can give me.
    I can't describe how much i like this.
    And there is no other game doing it that way, at least none i am aware if what i want to play, if we dont consider hello kitty the game XD
    But i guess even this game has more serious progression than SoT :)

    I like it that way and i fully understand that progamers dont like it, because they want to shine with their playerskill and progression.
    Ya understandable, but wrong playground imo.
    The people who coded this had another vision afaik and they cater to casuals more than to pro- or hardcore gamers.
    And honestly if i think over that hasn't even to do something with streamers, but i have no clue. I dont watch them i dont know any of them by name or what they stand for.
    Are there casual, lazy ganingy immersive roleplaying focussed streamers?
    I would give it a try then.

    I in another thread also already said that i dont believe that the "most dedicated" players are not the ones who pay the Studio further more than casuals or in general can contribute better feedback as a pioneer for example.
    Dedicated players are good to have, but they arent the measure or superior to other players, they are just customers like everybody else.
    They arent the better humans or customers or more worth as a player, they are just more dedicated.
    Fine, nice to have them, but i dont see a problem if we won't have them, but only the average casual players.
    Often they find problems only they have min maxing everything.
    The generous player wouldnt find the problem and wouldnt Report it as problrm and nobidy would have or see it as a problem. See dedication sometimes can create problems nobody else have.

    Time will tell, maybe Arena caters more to pro- and hardcore gamers.
    We dont know.
    I would have no problem with it because i still can play adventure mode.
    And i'm very intersted in Arena, recent pvp i had was very good, we were very good, so maybe i can have a lot of fun in the Arena. I love fighting at Forts etc.
    But if it is going to be that you need reflexes and skill like you need for R6 Siege or CS etc. i'm to old, to lazy for that now and i'll pass.

    I like the casualisation of the game and i perceived SoT allways as a game for casuals who play mainly for fun and not a game for pro or hardcore gamers.

    Edit: thing is who "works games off" instead to play for fun is guilty by himself. I was maybe rude in the other thread when i said things like that, but i am convinced many if you are wrong.
    Maybe if you get older you also approach things in a slightly other way.
    But i for sure dont know how old are you. Dont forget how to play senseless, effortlessly and just for fun. I mean the world is harsh and unforgiving, no need to turn games that are meant to be played into things that need to be worked off etc....

    Hey man that's fair enough its just before we had both things and now one of us does not thats sort of what im saying. Before I could do all my hard core playing and pvping and feel like movement was okay and now i dont. You could still just hangout on the sea and be casual its just now the game sort of only works for you see what I mean?

    Anyway maybe they will do something its just a shame to see a lot of people leave especially because like i said this probably is my favorite game of all time.

    i know what you are saying, but im convinced that the stronger alltime and everywhere is responsible to take care for the weaker, from traffic like pedestrian, bike, moto, car, truck to playing games.
    Because its a social thing here and no exclusive club or something only for one group.
    Thingh is to downgrade is easy, maybe not easy to accept but easy in general, upgrading is not allways possible to everyone.
    So i think Rare had a reason and is trying to find the average as they said, they will further collect data and tweak if neccessary.
    And i am personally still think its an exageration if people quit over it or blackmail emotinally like i said " i quit, if you don't" stuff.
    I honestly dont recognize this as that huge change with that significant impact on the game in general that statements like "unplayable now" or "screwed this totally up" are justified.
    And see that a lot of changes were made torwards casualisation, so to me the direction Rare is taking is crystal clear until now.
    All changes in the üast cater more to casual for fun players instead of making the game harder or more grindy etc. to please hardcore or progamers.
    Thats just facts and has nothing to do with my personal preferences.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice sagte in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

    I think it's good to find an average for the most players what arent only progamers, but also kids and casuals.

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    ... only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

    "wildly different" sounds like we ran backwards before and used a sling and throwed stones.

    Seriously i cant get it. When i came back and played i didnt even get it there was a change in the very first minutes.
    You people min maxing every move you do exagerate about minor stuff it's amazing and i hope if all who "hate" it that much just take a break or stop playing at all like they often say, but still argue.
    I learned if a game does not appeal to my playstyle i just quit without Drama and telling the world i do so.
    That often sound as if a kid try to blackmail his parents emotionally.
    I wont love you anymore if you dont buy me that aka i leave the game if you dont change it back :-)

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in Your new** update:

    @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

    Aha! Again insulting others as a solution to find compromise?

    I think if they simplify/ fix things and make combat easier for those who are "just bad at the game" they may have their reasons and the reasons for sure is not to get you hate it that much.
    Maybe ask for the reasons first before rant?
    To me it's crystal clear like it was about the discussion about vertical versus horizontal progression.
    This game is mainly made for casuals playing for fun and not for hardcore progamer type of player!

    And as long as people come up with
    Insults torwards casual gaming and new players, beginners etc... and talk about them like casualisation etc. ruins the game i'm happy those players may leave and we have way less toxicity in the forums and on the seas.
    The way many express themself alone show how they may be as human beeings. Too much of a dog eat dog approach if we consider we talk about playing a game!

    Where do you see an insult here? Please enlighten me as to what you see here as an insult? We asked for reasons and everyone has in every post. No one insulted casual gaming we said the changes clearly catered towards it and were damaging the hard core community. It is a FACT. You literally just claim you are being attacked on everything.

    I'm not going to bother responding to further posts from you because at this point you claim everthing is an attack...

    I editet that a second after posting, because it was wrong.

    But you cant disagree that there is always a little bit of a disdain torwards casualisation.


    You are right yes. But it comes from the fact that the people that did play a lot and are let's say "Hardcore" have been basically taken away a lot of their hard work. Like look at this right:

    You get the game day comes out you power level to Pirate legend (use to be hard, I think we can all agree). Few months later because of people flooding the forums via complaints about how hard it is everything is made easier to the point where you can even buy the level via dubloons.

    What happens... P legend means nothing anymore and it use to be a way to know if at least someone had quite a bit of experience (yeah some used it as a title to act better than others) but lets say in a positive manner it sort of meant "experience" now you get people that are p leg on the ship that dont even know how to sword lunge....

    The other thing was the achievements. Imagine you worked at it for months and months and rare comes along and makes it all easier after you sat there wasting hours thinking I am going to be one of the only ones and nope... now everyone has them

    I think that has caused a bit of the "hate"

    Fully understand and thats why i say this game wasnt made for those gamers who want stuff like this.
    You got nerfed over and over if you perceive it that way. Commendations, Barrels, combat nerfs... interesting stuff in the pioneer pipeline...
    Look i'm going to become an oldtimer player at 42, singleparent man who also plays in a Band, has a dog and a sidecar and because of that i had to learn plenty of games that need "hard work" and "effort" to be done arent for me anymore and so i went away.
    I for example love a game i would play, if i wouldn't know better because the time it needs to play it competetive is beyond the time i have or want to invest. On the opposite i in general don't want to "invest" or "work" anymore in games. I never wanted it, but i realized i did over a couple of years, because the games i played were designed that way and i tried to adapt.
    Now Rare came up with this gem to me.
    Progression optional, i'm a Founder, a Pioneer, i have played all events i/ we arent bad at pvp, we do quite well and have fun and i am not a PL either.
    Why? i didn't need to, so i didn't care, i didnt work, i just played along for fun and it happened by the way.
    Ok i'm very close to PL now and already Athena 6, but who cares? I don't because i don't need to!!!
    That's is more freedom than every sandbox can give me.
    I can't describe how much i like this.
    And there is no other game doing it that way, at least none i am aware if what i want to play, if we dont consider hello kitty the game XD
    But i guess even this game has more serious progression than SoT :)

    I like it that way and i fully understand that progamers dont like it, because they want to shine with their playerskill and progression.
    Ya understandable, but wrong playground imo.
    The people who coded this had another vision afaik and they cater to casuals more than to pro- or hardcore gamers.
    And honestly if i think over that hasn't even to do something with streamers, but i have no clue. I dont watch them i dont know any of them by name or what they stand for.
    Are there casual, lazy ganingy immersive roleplaying focussed streamers?
    I would give it a try then.

    I in another thread also already said that i dont believe that the "most dedicated" players are not the ones who pay the Studio further more than casuals or in general can contribute better feedback as a pioneer for example.
    Dedicated players are good to have, but they arent the measure or superior to other players, they are just customers like everybody else.
    They arent the better humans or customers or more worth as a player, they are just more dedicated.
    Fine, nice to have them, but i dont see a problem if we won't have them, but only the average casual players.
    Often they find problems only they have min maxing everything.
    The generous player wouldnt find the problem and wouldnt Report it as problrm and nobidy would have or see it as a problem. See dedication sometimes can create problems nobody else have.

    Time will tell, maybe Arena caters more to pro- and hardcore gamers.
    We dont know.
    I would have no problem with it because i still can play adventure mode.
    And i'm very intersted in Arena, recent pvp i had was very good, we were very good, so maybe i can have a lot of fun in the Arena. I love fighting at Forts etc.
    But if it is going to be that you need reflexes and skill like you need for R6 Siege or CS etc. i'm to old, to lazy for that now and i'll pass.

    I like the casualisation of the game and i perceived SoT allways as a game for casuals who play mainly for fun and not a game for pro or hardcore gamers.

    Edit: thing is who "works games off" instead to play for fun is guilty by himself. I was maybe rude in the other thread when i said things like that, but i am convinced many if you are wrong.
    Maybe if you get older you also approach things in a slightly other way.
    But i for sure dont know how old are you. Dont forget how to play senseless, effortlessly and just for fun. I mean the world is harsh and unforgiving, no need to turn games that are meant to be played into things that need to be worked off etc....

    Hey man that's fair enough its just before we had both things and now one of us does not thats sort of what im saying. Before I could do all my hard core playing and pvping and feel like movement was okay and now i dont. You could still just hangout on the sea and be casual its just now the game sort of only works for you see what I mean?

    Anyway maybe they will do something its just a shame to see a lot of people leave especially because like i said this probably is my favorite game of all time.

    i know what you are saying, but im convinced that the stronger alltime and everywhere is responsible to take care for the weaker, from traffic like pedestrian, bike, moto, car, truck to playing games.
    Because its a social thing here and no exclusive club or something only for one group.
    Thingh is to downgrade is easy, maybe not easy to accept but easy in general, upgrading is not allways possible to everyone.
    So i think Rare had a reason and is trying to find the average as they said, they will further collect data and tweak if neccessary.
    And i am personally still think its an exageration if people quit over it or blackmail emotinally like i said " i quit, if you don't" stuff.
    I honestly dont recognize this as that huge change with that significant impact on the game in general that statements like "unplayable now" or "screwed this totally up" are justified.
    And see that a lot of changes were made torwards casualisation, so to me the direction Rare is taking is crystal clear until now.
    All changes in the üast cater more to casual for fun players instead of making the game harder or more grindy etc. to please hardcore or progamers.
    Thats just facts and has nothing to do with my personal preferences.

    Well I'm going to be honest since the update. I played about 3 days, and it was so easy and so spammy that I havent touched it since and its not to punish rare or blackmail them I just legitmately hate it.

    I wish I could get use to it but I actually cant and im not the only one they just release the weekly youtube video and a lot of people are saying it in the comments I dunno man.....I haven been trying to adapt but I think a lot of people who did post in here tried also and it really does feel slow like slugish almost :/

  • @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz I've been playing since just before launch and ain't nobody taken any hard work away from me. What, by making it easier for others to reach PL? PL never meant anything - that was clear from the moment Prod1gyX became the first. I never had the urge to "power level" up to something that was just more of the same. But, I've gained a ton of experience despite not yet becoming a PL. The other day, I was teaching an A10 PL the variations of the sword lunge that I've discovered.

    At the end of the day, I play for myself. I don't care how easy it has become for someone else to reach a threshold beyond which simply lies more of the same. No amount of sword spamming is going to beat someone actually skilled with the swordplay.

    Im sorry Bran but thats an actual lie. The sword spamming is actually beating a lot of people who use to be increadibly skilled at the sword play. Why? because the new meta is ( I can attest to this I do it now) Run around wait till ennemy gets close to a wall or a corner block him in the wall / corner and SPAM SPAM SPAM. You can do all the blocking you want ill just move side to side and spam. It works and the latest youtube video they just released a lot of people in comments section saying the same so I can honestly say im not making this up lol.

  • @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice sagte in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

    I think it's good to find an average for the most players what arent only progamers, but also kids and casuals.

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    ... only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

    "wildly different" sounds like we ran backwards before and used a sling and throwed stones.

    Seriously i cant get it. When i came back and played i didnt even get it there was a change in the very first minutes.
    You people min maxing every move you do exagerate about minor stuff it's amazing and i hope if all who "hate" it that much just take a break or stop playing at all like they often say, but still argue.
    I learned if a game does not appeal to my playstyle i just quit without Drama and telling the world i do so.
    That often sound as if a kid try to blackmail his parents emotionally.
    I wont love you anymore if you dont buy me that aka i leave the game if you dont change it back :-)

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in Your new** update:

    @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

    Aha! Again insulting others as a solution to find compromise?

    I think if they simplify/ fix things and make combat easier for those who are "just bad at the game" they may have their reasons and the reasons for sure is not to get you hate it that much.
    Maybe ask for the reasons first before rant?
    To me it's crystal clear like it was about the discussion about vertical versus horizontal progression.
    This game is mainly made for casuals playing for fun and not for hardcore progamer type of player!

    And as long as people come up with
    Insults torwards casual gaming and new players, beginners etc... and talk about them like casualisation etc. ruins the game i'm happy those players may leave and we have way less toxicity in the forums and on the seas.
    The way many express themself alone show how they may be as human beeings. Too much of a dog eat dog approach if we consider we talk about playing a game!

    Where do you see an insult here? Please enlighten me as to what you see here as an insult? We asked for reasons and everyone has in every post. No one insulted casual gaming we said the changes clearly catered towards it and were damaging the hard core community. It is a FACT. You literally just claim you are being attacked on everything.

    I'm not going to bother responding to further posts from you because at this point you claim everthing is an attack...

    I editet that a second after posting, because it was wrong.

    But you cant disagree that there is always a little bit of a disdain torwards casualisation.


    You are right yes. But it comes from the fact that the people that did play a lot and are let's say "Hardcore" have been basically taken away a lot of their hard work. Like look at this right:

    You get the game day comes out you power level to Pirate legend (use to be hard, I think we can all agree). Few months later because of people flooding the forums via complaints about how hard it is everything is made easier to the point where you can even buy the level via dubloons.

    What happens... P legend means nothing anymore and it use to be a way to know if at least someone had quite a bit of experience (yeah some used it as a title to act better than others) but lets say in a positive manner it sort of meant "experience" now you get people that are p leg on the ship that dont even know how to sword lunge....

    The other thing was the achievements. Imagine you worked at it for months and months and rare comes along and makes it all easier after you sat there wasting hours thinking I am going to be one of the only ones and nope... now everyone has them

    I think that has caused a bit of the "hate"

    Fully understand and thats why i say this game wasnt made for those gamers who want stuff like this.
    You got nerfed over and over if you perceive it that way. Commendations, Barrels, combat nerfs... interesting stuff in the pioneer pipeline...
    Look i'm going to become an oldtimer player at 42, singleparent man who also plays in a Band, has a dog and a sidecar and because of that i had to learn plenty of games that need "hard work" and "effort" to be done arent for me anymore and so i went away.
    I for example love a game i would play, if i wouldn't know better because the time it needs to play it competetive is beyond the time i have or want to invest. On the opposite i in general don't want to "invest" or "work" anymore in games. I never wanted it, but i realized i did over a couple of years, because the games i played were designed that way and i tried to adapt.
    Now Rare came up with this gem to me.
    Progression optional, i'm a Founder, a Pioneer, i have played all events i/ we arent bad at pvp, we do quite well and have fun and i am not a PL either.
    Why? i didn't need to, so i didn't care, i didnt work, i just played along for fun and it happened by the way.
    Ok i'm very close to PL now and already Athena 6, but who cares? I don't because i don't need to!!!
    That's is more freedom than every sandbox can give me.
    I can't describe how much i like this.
    And there is no other game doing it that way, at least none i am aware if what i want to play, if we dont consider hello kitty the game XD
    But i guess even this game has more serious progression than SoT :)

    I like it that way and i fully understand that progamers dont like it, because they want to shine with their playerskill and progression.
    Ya understandable, but wrong playground imo.
    The people who coded this had another vision afaik and they cater to casuals more than to pro- or hardcore gamers.
    And honestly if i think over that hasn't even to do something with streamers, but i have no clue. I dont watch them i dont know any of them by name or what they stand for.
    Are there casual, lazy ganingy immersive roleplaying focussed streamers?
    I would give it a try then.

    I in another thread also already said that i dont believe that the "most dedicated" players are not the ones who pay the Studio further more than casuals or in general can contribute better feedback as a pioneer for example.
    Dedicated players are good to have, but they arent the measure or superior to other players, they are just customers like everybody else.
    They arent the better humans or customers or more worth as a player, they are just more dedicated.
    Fine, nice to have them, but i dont see a problem if we won't have them, but only the average casual players.
    Often they find problems only they have min maxing everything.
    The generous player wouldnt find the problem and wouldnt Report it as problrm and nobidy would have or see it as a problem. See dedication sometimes can create problems nobody else have.

    Time will tell, maybe Arena caters more to pro- and hardcore gamers.
    We dont know.
    I would have no problem with it because i still can play adventure mode.
    And i'm very intersted in Arena, recent pvp i had was very good, we were very good, so maybe i can have a lot of fun in the Arena. I love fighting at Forts etc.
    But if it is going to be that you need reflexes and skill like you need for R6 Siege or CS etc. i'm to old, to lazy for that now and i'll pass.

    I like the casualisation of the game and i perceived SoT allways as a game for casuals who play mainly for fun and not a game for pro or hardcore gamers.

    Edit: thing is who "works games off" instead to play for fun is guilty by himself. I was maybe rude in the other thread when i said things like that, but i am convinced many if you are wrong.
    Maybe if you get older you also approach things in a slightly other way.
    But i for sure dont know how old are you. Dont forget how to play senseless, effortlessly and just for fun. I mean the world is harsh and unforgiving, no need to turn games that are meant to be played into things that need to be worked off etc....

    Hey man that's fair enough its just before we had both things and now one of us does not thats sort of what im saying. Before I could do all my hard core playing and pvping and feel like movement was okay and now i dont. You could still just hangout on the sea and be casual its just now the game sort of only works for you see what I mean?

    Anyway maybe they will do something its just a shame to see a lot of people leave especially because like i said this probably is my favorite game of all time.

    i know what you are saying, but im convinced that the stronger alltime and everywhere is responsible to take care for the weaker, from traffic like pedestrian, bike, moto, car, truck to playing games.
    Because its a social thing here and no exclusive club or something only for one group.
    Thingh is to downgrade is easy, maybe not easy to accept but easy in general, upgrading is not allways possible to everyone.
    So i think Rare had a reason and is trying to find the average as they said, they will further collect data and tweak if neccessary.
    And i am personally still think its an exageration if people quit over it or blackmail emotinally like i said " i quit, if you don't" stuff.
    I honestly dont recognize this as that huge change with that significant impact on the game in general that statements like "unplayable now" or "screwed this totally up" are justified.
    And see that a lot of changes were made torwards casualisation, so to me the direction Rare is taking is crystal clear until now.
    All changes in the üast cater more to casual for fun players instead of making the game harder or more grindy etc. to please hardcore or progamers.
    Thats just facts and has nothing to do with my personal preferences.

    Well I'm going to be honest since the update. I played about 3 days, and it was so easy and so spammy that I havent touched it since and its not to punish rare or blackmail them I just legitmately hate it.

    I wish I could get use to it but I actually cant and im not the only one they just release the weekly youtube video and a lot of people are saying it in the comments I dunno man.....I haven been trying to adapt but I think a lot of people who did post in here tried also and it really does feel slow like slugish almost :/

    i really start to feel for you - i mean, honestly, if it has really destroyed your game and you cannot get over it somehow, because controls become so terrible for you that you dont want to touch it again, then sorry, bad for you, even if i dont understand or comprehend it.

    i still have fun.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice sagte in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

    I think it's good to find an average for the most players what arent only progamers, but also kids and casuals.

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    ... only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

    "wildly different" sounds like we ran backwards before and used a sling and throwed stones.

    Seriously i cant get it. When i came back and played i didnt even get it there was a change in the very first minutes.
    You people min maxing every move you do exagerate about minor stuff it's amazing and i hope if all who "hate" it that much just take a break or stop playing at all like they often say, but still argue.
    I learned if a game does not appeal to my playstyle i just quit without Drama and telling the world i do so.
    That often sound as if a kid try to blackmail his parents emotionally.
    I wont love you anymore if you dont buy me that aka i leave the game if you dont change it back :-)

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in Your new** update:

    @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

    Aha! Again insulting others as a solution to find compromise?

    I think if they simplify/ fix things and make combat easier for those who are "just bad at the game" they may have their reasons and the reasons for sure is not to get you hate it that much.
    Maybe ask for the reasons first before rant?
    To me it's crystal clear like it was about the discussion about vertical versus horizontal progression.
    This game is mainly made for casuals playing for fun and not for hardcore progamer type of player!

    And as long as people come up with
    Insults torwards casual gaming and new players, beginners etc... and talk about them like casualisation etc. ruins the game i'm happy those players may leave and we have way less toxicity in the forums and on the seas.
    The way many express themself alone show how they may be as human beeings. Too much of a dog eat dog approach if we consider we talk about playing a game!

    Where do you see an insult here? Please enlighten me as to what you see here as an insult? We asked for reasons and everyone has in every post. No one insulted casual gaming we said the changes clearly catered towards it and were damaging the hard core community. It is a FACT. You literally just claim you are being attacked on everything.

    I'm not going to bother responding to further posts from you because at this point you claim everthing is an attack...

    I editet that a second after posting, because it was wrong.

    But you cant disagree that there is always a little bit of a disdain torwards casualisation.


    You are right yes. But it comes from the fact that the people that did play a lot and are let's say "Hardcore" have been basically taken away a lot of their hard work. Like look at this right:

    You get the game day comes out you power level to Pirate legend (use to be hard, I think we can all agree). Few months later because of people flooding the forums via complaints about how hard it is everything is made easier to the point where you can even buy the level via dubloons.

    What happens... P legend means nothing anymore and it use to be a way to know if at least someone had quite a bit of experience (yeah some used it as a title to act better than others) but lets say in a positive manner it sort of meant "experience" now you get people that are p leg on the ship that dont even know how to sword lunge....

    The other thing was the achievements. Imagine you worked at it for months and months and rare comes along and makes it all easier after you sat there wasting hours thinking I am going to be one of the only ones and nope... now everyone has them

    I think that has caused a bit of the "hate"

    Fully understand and thats why i say this game wasnt made for those gamers who want stuff like this.
    You got nerfed over and over if you perceive it that way. Commendations, Barrels, combat nerfs... interesting stuff in the pioneer pipeline...
    Look i'm going to become an oldtimer player at 42, singleparent man who also plays in a Band, has a dog and a sidecar and because of that i had to learn plenty of games that need "hard work" and "effort" to be done arent for me anymore and so i went away.
    I for example love a game i would play, if i wouldn't know better because the time it needs to play it competetive is beyond the time i have or want to invest. On the opposite i in general don't want to "invest" or "work" anymore in games. I never wanted it, but i realized i did over a couple of years, because the games i played were designed that way and i tried to adapt.
    Now Rare came up with this gem to me.
    Progression optional, i'm a Founder, a Pioneer, i have played all events i/ we arent bad at pvp, we do quite well and have fun and i am not a PL either.
    Why? i didn't need to, so i didn't care, i didnt work, i just played along for fun and it happened by the way.
    Ok i'm very close to PL now and already Athena 6, but who cares? I don't because i don't need to!!!
    That's is more freedom than every sandbox can give me.
    I can't describe how much i like this.
    And there is no other game doing it that way, at least none i am aware if what i want to play, if we dont consider hello kitty the game XD
    But i guess even this game has more serious progression than SoT :)

    I like it that way and i fully understand that progamers dont like it, because they want to shine with their playerskill and progression.
    Ya understandable, but wrong playground imo.
    The people who coded this had another vision afaik and they cater to casuals more than to pro- or hardcore gamers.
    And honestly if i think over that hasn't even to do something with streamers, but i have no clue. I dont watch them i dont know any of them by name or what they stand for.
    Are there casual, lazy ganingy immersive roleplaying focussed streamers?
    I would give it a try then.

    I in another thread also already said that i dont believe that the "most dedicated" players are not the ones who pay the Studio further more than casuals or in general can contribute better feedback as a pioneer for example.
    Dedicated players are good to have, but they arent the measure or superior to other players, they are just customers like everybody else.
    They arent the better humans or customers or more worth as a player, they are just more dedicated.
    Fine, nice to have them, but i dont see a problem if we won't have them, but only the average casual players.
    Often they find problems only they have min maxing everything.
    The generous player wouldnt find the problem and wouldnt Report it as problrm and nobidy would have or see it as a problem. See dedication sometimes can create problems nobody else have.

    Time will tell, maybe Arena caters more to pro- and hardcore gamers.
    We dont know.
    I would have no problem with it because i still can play adventure mode.
    And i'm very intersted in Arena, recent pvp i had was very good, we were very good, so maybe i can have a lot of fun in the Arena. I love fighting at Forts etc.
    But if it is going to be that you need reflexes and skill like you need for R6 Siege or CS etc. i'm to old, to lazy for that now and i'll pass.

    I like the casualisation of the game and i perceived SoT allways as a game for casuals who play mainly for fun and not a game for pro or hardcore gamers.

    Edit: thing is who "works games off" instead to play for fun is guilty by himself. I was maybe rude in the other thread when i said things like that, but i am convinced many if you are wrong.
    Maybe if you get older you also approach things in a slightly other way.
    But i for sure dont know how old are you. Dont forget how to play senseless, effortlessly and just for fun. I mean the world is harsh and unforgiving, no need to turn games that are meant to be played into things that need to be worked off etc....

    Hey man that's fair enough its just before we had both things and now one of us does not thats sort of what im saying. Before I could do all my hard core playing and pvping and feel like movement was okay and now i dont. You could still just hangout on the sea and be casual its just now the game sort of only works for you see what I mean?

    Anyway maybe they will do something its just a shame to see a lot of people leave especially because like i said this probably is my favorite game of all time.

    i know what you are saying, but im convinced that the stronger alltime and everywhere is responsible to take care for the weaker, from traffic like pedestrian, bike, moto, car, truck to playing games.
    Because its a social thing here and no exclusive club or something only for one group.
    Thingh is to downgrade is easy, maybe not easy to accept but easy in general, upgrading is not allways possible to everyone.
    So i think Rare had a reason and is trying to find the average as they said, they will further collect data and tweak if neccessary.
    And i am personally still think its an exageration if people quit over it or blackmail emotinally like i said " i quit, if you don't" stuff.
    I honestly dont recognize this as that huge change with that significant impact on the game in general that statements like "unplayable now" or "screwed this totally up" are justified.
    And see that a lot of changes were made torwards casualisation, so to me the direction Rare is taking is crystal clear until now.
    All changes in the üast cater more to casual for fun players instead of making the game harder or more grindy etc. to please hardcore or progamers.
    Thats just facts and has nothing to do with my personal preferences.

    Well I'm going to be honest since the update. I played about 3 days, and it was so easy and so spammy that I havent touched it since and its not to punish rare or blackmail them I just legitmately hate it.

    I wish I could get use to it but I actually cant and im not the only one they just release the weekly youtube video and a lot of people are saying it in the comments I dunno man.....I haven been trying to adapt but I think a lot of people who did post in here tried also and it really does feel slow like slugish almost :/

    i really start to feel for you - i mean, honestly, if it has really destroyed your game and you cannot get over it somehow, because controls become so terrible for you that you dont want to touch it again, then sorry, bad for you, even if i dont understand or comprehend it.

    i still have fun.

    Yeah It's okay in the youtube vid he mentionned that they know some stuff is no right and they are monitoring it... lets see fingers crossed

  • @Ticklepantzz have fun playing and come destroy me in the Arena in the future :)
    I'm not salty if i loose, i mean when it was a good fight and even the ones winning laugh and wave and are friendly players i still have fun.
    I think it's a cool community in general and even if or maybe expecially because it is competetive and there are so many playstyles we all can have fun fighting each other, but keep firendly players and welcome new players, young players, old players, even those with inabilities and less skilled. I'm pretty sure you can rob and sink someone and if you are nice ant dont take it that serious, but approach to it like fighting a friend with a smile on your face, you both can have fun and dont make it a personal thing with bad emotions.
    Is this too idealistic?
    ya, maybe - sorry :-)

    lets just all have fun playing the game i say!
    and be a nice person while a 'dread and cruelsome pirrrrrate - arrrrrr!

    have fun ;)

  • Upon further consideration, the things I think should be addressed with regard to the new update:

    1. If you miss a sword swing, there should be a slight cooldown - it shouldn't slow you or stop you like currently happens if you miss a lunge, but you shouldn't be able to swing again right away. This should cut down on the spamming and make swordplay more strategic. I like the new fluidity of it, but will concede that the ability to swing constantly without consequence may be too much.

    2. Blocking needs to be adjusted to handle the new sword mechanic - the ability to block up and down, for example.

    I still haven't had an issue with any of the gun changes, so I think they're working fine.

  • I'm just going to add in here that fortnite is a twitch shooter.

    Hate to burst all your bubbles on "this isn't a twitch shooter so we get these delays"

    Fortnite has gun withdraw animation delays and they have these same discussions on their threads when delays get added to the game that come from console players who complain not just pc.

  • @vderickv Okay... It makes sense to have those discussions in those types of games. Not in this one. The fact that they have those types of discussions in a twitch shooter game doesn't make this game a twitch shooter.

  • @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @vderickv Okay... thanks for proving the point? It makes sense to have those discussions in those types of games. Not in this one.

    To me it proves the opposite if you actually play fortnite lol... but okay.. Reason being their withdraw animation delays are MUCH less and different PER gun not to the point where your gun looks like its usable but still cant fire like right now on SoT

    EDIT: Even in a twitch shooter these delays even when they are done right are hated by the majority. The devs say they do it for balance. but its really just to give the guy with less skill an advantage lol. like in fortnite. And that game is losing a lot of players right now to apex an even more fast pace shooter (:

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