Crossplay on xbox

  • @chonky-lemon hi. you like to say haha and hehe a lot. I hope you have a fantastic day.

  • @enticed-malice

    You too, friend! :)

  • @chonky-lemon thank you.

  • @belyaevfox said in Crossplay on xbox:

    What assumptions am I making?

    The assumption that crossplay options will be all sunshine and rainbows, and have no adverse affects. Correct me if I'm misinterpreting that wrong. Your argument is just as assuming as mine, yet you're stating yours like solid fact and mine like a cryptid theory.

    1. You insinuate that no crossplay is harmful. Yet to be proven, other than to soft pirate's feelings.

    People complaining about it is not enough for you?

    No, actually, it's not. People complain about everything and anything, it doesn't mean that all of it is crystal clear fact.

    1. You insinuate that xbox players, as some sort of majority, have higher priority than PC. Everyone should be equally considered on matters like this, yet I doubt you care to see it from a PC player's eyes.

    From what people always claim xbox players make up the majority of the game. I could be wrong here.

    You're correct that xbox is a majority. Doesn't mean they should get top priority for their sensitive feelings is what I'm saying. PC players matter too, just as much as xbox I dare to say. Ever sit down with a few reasonable PC players, explain you want to encourage the majority of the playerbase to hide from them, and then listen what they have to say about it?
    No, because you most likely exist in an echo chamber of your own creation when you post on here.

    1. You insinuate that the current state of the game is "ruining it" for a lot of players. Those players either are playing the wrong game, or are taking a minute situation far too seriously.

    So you do want them to stop playing.

    If they're claiming that this game is ruining their experience, then why are they still punishing themselves? There are other games to play. If this one is such a bad experience, it's their own choice and fault to keep playing.

  • @heavyreaper102

    Ever sit down with a few reasonable PC players, explain you want to encourage the majority of the playerbase to hide from them, and then listen what they have to say about it?

    Funny because most PC players I talk to agree that PC is unfair against Xbox users. Just because the vocal minority in this forums have the false opinion that there is no advantage doesnt mean the majority of PC players agree with you guys.

    Hell, the majority of the whole SoT community wouldnt agree with you guys.

  • @chonky-lemon said in Crossplay on xbox:



    I personally find it funny to see the same 7 people in every crossplay thread arguing against crossplay and upvoting each other. Its like "hey I know this guy! Haha! Oh look the other guy is here as well! hehe!"


    I haven't ever seen any sort of hardware advantage when I went against somebody,

    No offense but did you try playing the game? Judging from your achievments, the last time you played SoT is a while back, and from your Xbox stats you only redeemed 124 chests, 99 skulls and 145 merchant cargo. You only have sailed 755km. Thats not a lot of time to face enough PC players to make up your mind about "I haven't ever seen any sort of hardware advantage".

    Maybe play the game for more than just a few hours, git gud then youll learn the difference between losing a fair fight against another Xbox player or getting destroyed by a PC player and feeling like the game "cheated" you.

    "I've run out of logic for my argument, so I'll attack your stats for lack of anything with more substance."
    I've played enough to know that in every fight I've encountered (and those include PC players, I usually check the profile of people I fight and can confirm I've come up against multiple PC players), hardware has had NO effect on it. Every loss has been a slip up on my part, or because they knew what they were doing and shut me down with admirable skill. Not once have I ever tallied up a loss to "they have better hardware, wahhh..." because I've yet to see a PC player dominate for that reason.
    Just because others have higher stats than be doesn't make my argument any less substantial, despite what you're trying to push here. Strawmanner.

    Yesterday I got my FoTD loot stolen by a gally, after some banter we decided to 1v1.
    They were 3 Xbox players and 1 PC.
    I won against 2 of the Xbox players 5 times. Never lost even once.
    The other Xbox player we both were pretty even.
    And against the PC player I only won once out of 5 tries or so, there was almost nothing I could do. Double gunning, bunny hopping,... you name it.

    So yes there definitely is a hardware advantage on PC.

    Double gunning? Judging on the detailed video that @Sweltering-Nick made explaining how doublegunning has resurfaced, it's become pretty clunky and inconvenient to pull off. I highly doubt that you were getting double gunned in a fight, with the state that the exploit is in right now.
    Also, I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Xbox players can bunnyhop too.
    Don't tell anyone that I told you though. It's supposed to be confidential.
    Sounds more like you got bested by a skilled player, and because he happened to be on PC, you found some fuel for your crossplay fire.

  • @heavyreaper102

    The assumption that crossplay options will be all sunshine and rainbows, and have no adverse affects.

    I never said anything like that.

    No, actually, it's not. People complain about everything and anything, it doesn't mean that all of it is crystal clear fact.

    So those people should just stop complaining? What's the solution then?

    You're correct that xbox is a majority. Doesn't mean they should get top priority for their sensitive feelings is what I'm saying. PC players matter too, just as much as xbox I dare to say. Ever sit down with a few reasonable PC players, explain you want to encourage the majority of the playerbase to hide from them, and then listen what they have to say about it?

    I am a PC player.

    No, because you most likely exist in an echo chamber of your own creation when you post on here.


    If they're claiming that this game is ruining their experience, then why are they still punishing themselves? There are other games to play. If this one is such a bad experience, it's their own choice and fault to keep playing.

    So you would rather see the game die out than change it to accomodate more players?

  • @chonky-lemon said in Crossplay on xbox:


    Ever sit down with a few reasonable PC players, explain you want to encourage the majority of the playerbase to hide from them, and then listen what they have to say about it?

    Funny because most PC players I talk to agree that PC is unfair against Xbox users. Just because the vocal minority in this forums have the false opinion that there is no advantage doesnt mean the majority of PC players agree with you guys.

    Hell, the majority of the whole SoT community wouldnt agree with you guys.

    And even less of those seem to agree with you. Hmm.

  • @belyaevfox said in Crossplay on xbox:

    I never said anything like that.

    Correct me then, instead of just "that's wrong."

    So those people should just stop complaining? What's the solution then?

    Sadly, there is no solution, because they seem to be the kind of people who just enjoy complaining. They exist, and not just on these forums. My family loves to complain about EVERYTHING, no matter how insignificant.

    I am a PC player.

    Then what are you doing, trying to speak for xbox players like me? Here I am, a dirty controller player, proclaiming that I don't see a significant disadvantage to using xbox, and you're speaking for xbox players.
    If you're a PC player, why fight so hard for a change that, in many's opinion, will harm your community? I'd imagine PC players would want more players to encounter, not to be segregated even more by something as silly as crossplay.


    Ecks Dee. You aren't denying it though.

    So you would rather see the game die out than change it to accomodate more players?

    No, I'd rather those people learn to fix their problems instead of demanding that the game change it's course to cater to them. They have other options, yet they choose to stay here and apparently torture themselves, and all of you crossplay advocates love to cling to the doomsday mindset, "this game will die/is dying."

  • @heavyreaper102

    "I've run out of logic for my argument, so I'll attack your stats for lack of anything with more substance."

    More like Im using your stats as the basis of my hypothesis.

    because I've yet to see a PC player dominate for that reason.

    Again. Git gud and youll realize that once you almost win against every Xbox player that there is nothing you can do against mediocore PC players.

    Just because others have higher stats than be doesn't make my argument any less substantial, despite what you're trying to push here. Strawmanner.

    Actually it does, you brought up your experience with other players and your stats say alot about your experience in the game.

    I haven't ever seen any sort of hardware advantage when I went against somebody,

    Double gunning? Judging on the detailed video that @Sweltering-Nick made explaining how doublegunning has resurfaced, it's become pretty clunky and inconvenient to pull off.

    Its funny that you bring Sweltering Nick up as credible source eventhough he didnt even know that double gunning is still a thing just a few days ago and was telling fake news in the forum. So sorry but Ill hardly take his word for it being clunky and inconvenient.

    Literally check the first 10seconds

    "PC has no advantages"

    Also, I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Xbox players can bunnyhop too.

    You cant compare Xbox bunny hopping with PC bunny hopping.

    And even less of those seem to agree with you. Hmm.

    What? Are you saying the forum is a perfect representation of the whole SoT community? LOL

  • @chonky-lemon said in Crossplay on xbox:


    "I've run out of logic for my argument, so I'll attack your stats for lack of anything with more substance."

    More like Im using your stats as the basis of my hypothesis.

    because I've yet to see a PC player dominate for that reason.

    Again. Git gud and youll realize that once you almost win against every Xbox player that there is nothing you can do against mediocore PC players.

    I'm gonna pull your own strategy on you and say that I refuse to waste my time debating further with someone who's resorted to "git gud" after being shut down on every other front.
    Have a blessed day.

  • @heavyreaper102

    Of course :)


  • @heavyreaper102

    Correct me then, instead of just "that's wrong."

    What do you want me to tell you? I simply never said anything like that there are no downsides to crossplay opt-out. You made the assumption that I did and I corrected you.

    Sadly, there is no solution,

    So the game just shouldn't be changed? What are you on about?

    because they seem to be the kind of people who just enjoy complaining.

    That's your assumption again. I don't think the crossplay issue is an issue that people just love complaining about. They complain about it because it's a genuine issue.

    My family loves to complain about EVERYTHING, no matter how insignificant.

    Please don't drag your family issues into this.

    Then what are you doing, trying to speak for xbox players like me? Here I am, a dirty controller player, proclaiming that I don't see a significant disadvantage to using xbox, and you're speaking for xbox players.

    For full context: I primarily play on PC but I also play on Xbox.

    You don't speak for anybody and I don't speak for anybody. We can discuss crossplay as a PC and as a Xbox player.

    If you're a PC player, why fight so hard for a change that, in many's opinion, will harm your community? I'd imagine PC players would want more players to encounter, not to be segregated even more by something as silly as crossplay.

    I don't have a community. I am just trying to make suggestion that, in my opinion, improve the game.

    Ecks Dee. You aren't denying it though.

    I think it's funny that the guy who gets @ENTICED-MALICE to randomly come in this thread and give him encouragement is the one speculating about me being in an echo chamber. All the while you two upvote each other. Oh and hey @BloodyBil, I can see you in the upvotes aswell! Just like all the other anti-opt-out posts.

    No, I'd rather those people learn to fix their problems instead of demanding that the game change it's course to cater to them. They have other options, yet they choose to stay here and apparently torture themselves, and all of you crossplay advocates love to cling to the doomsday mindset, "this game will die/is dying."

    That's fair. I just don't agree with the sentiment. I don't think it's the problem of the players.

  • @belyaevfox

    The jig is up @ENTICED-MALICE, the upvote police is here!

  • @bloodybil quick! to the safe outpost!

  • @sweltering-nick the only delusional thing I have seen on this thread is you saying xbox and PC are the same.

  • @blazedrake100 said in Crossplay on xbox:

    Nope. You guys asked for the opt out, and this is what you get. There are some other issues too that cause long matchmaking. Pc players don't even have much(if any) of an advantage over us.


    • fps doesn't have a large affect once you're at a playable level
    • loading times are almost random, and the only way to improve them is with an ssd, which is available on Xbox too
    • you can turn as fast as a m&kb player with max sensitivity
    • accuracy with Xbox is enough as there are no headshots, and Xbox aim is better with cannons(or so I've heard, never played on pc for comparison).

    Lolz I play on both and I have a massive advantage on my PC and I will admit it.

    Never had black screen of death on PC and my loading time are 1/4 that of my xbox.

    Reloading and aiming the cannon is faster and easier on PC as you use two hands not one, eg... I use keyboard for reloading and the mouse to aim and fire, you basically hold down 'R'
    and the mouse button and you have instant firing cannon Vs, aiming, reloading and firing on Xbox which is all done with the same hand which is slower, Y (reload) take your thumb of Y then use same thumb to aim, fire!..repeat, all this takes time, which is something you don't have in PvP.

    Aiming and jumping on PC is very easy and all done using two hands Vs the same hand and having to remove your thumb from the aim (right xbox analog stick) to press A to jump, which makes jumping and shooting/swording very difficult unless you sink £100+ into an elite controller, jumping and gunning/swording has massive advantage in PvP.

    Aiming with mouse is far superior and easy Vs using one thumb, this is due to using more muscles in the hand an arm giving you a quicker far better movement motion and far superior accuracy, than just using one thumb.

    Every usable Item on PC can be programmed to a shortcut key giving you quicker access to the tool you need at any given time Vs holding down the bumper menu wheel on Xbox, we do have the options to use shortcuts but this is very limited on the controller.

    Only time FPS has been an issue on Xbox is when I tested out using my PC keyboard and mouse, the mouse movements were very choppy Vs my PC and made for a very uncomfortable playing experience.

    I know we have mouse and keyboard support now for xbox, but after spending 8 hours at work the last thing I want to do is come home and sit at a desk, I want to slob out on my sofa with my controller in my hand a cold beer at the other side and unwind, all I ask is that I game on a level playing field.

  • @enticed-malice said in Crossplay on xbox:

    @bloodybil quick! to the safe outpost!

    shoot! He's found out I've been paying you guys for upvotes!
    Abort! Abort!

  • @belyaevfox said in Crossplay on xbox:

    What do you want me to tell you? I simply never said anything like that there are no downsides to crossplay opt-out. You made the assumption that I did and I corrected you.

    Insinuations, although you don't seem to like semantics.

    So the game just shouldn't be changed? What are you on about?

    I'm saying there's no solution to people who don't want to help themselves.
    Let me repeat: I don't think the game needs to be changed for a minority of the player base who are making mountains out of molehills.

    That's your assumption again. I don't think the crossplay issue is an issue that people just love complaining about. They complain about it because it's a genuine issue.

    I think that they do just love complaining about it.
    Let me repeat again: I don't think the game needs to be changed for a minority of the player base who are making mountains out of molehills.

    Please don't drag your family issues into this.

    Weird thing to make an issue over, but ok. Lol. They were the first example in my head, and I don't think I'd call them a problem.

    For full context: I primarily play on PC but I also play on Xbox.
    You don't speak for anybody and I don't speak for anybody. We can discuss crossplay as a PC and as a Xbox player.

    Oh look, something I finally can't refute; You're right, you're allowed to represent both communities if you play both sides.
    However, you can speak only of experience. I don't try to speak for PC players like I am one, I instead try to determine how I think they would feel. If a PC player comes along and corrects me, then that's one less fallacy in my case.

    I don't have a community. I am just trying to make suggestion that, in my opinion, improve the game.

    You are part of a community, whether you think you are or not. You're part of the community of this game, to be general, and you're apparently a part of both the xbox and pc community. You solidified that when you joined the forums. Everyone has.

    I think it's funny that the guy who gets @ENTICED-MALICE to randomly come in this thread and give him encouragement is the one speculating about me being in an echo chamber. All the while you two upvote each other. Oh and hey @BloodyBil, I can see you in the upvotes aswell! Just like all the other anti-opt-out posts.

    "They guy who gets entitled malice"? What are you on about?
    In case our sarcasm hasn't gotten the message across, There's no big upvote theory. I don't control who either of them upvote (I've actually never interacted with malice before today, if I think about it).
    What, are you gonna shame people for liking someone's words?
    The issue here is, @BloodyBil and everyone else upvoting me doesn't constitute an echo chamber. Seeing @chonky-lemon and @OakenKhan90088 tail you through threads like Flotsam and Jetsam, continually trying to fight your battles on the side, that's what an echo chamber is.
    You don't see @ENTICED-MALICE posting in practically every thread I do just to basically kiss my butt while adding nothing else, now do you?
    This thread being the exception.

    That's fair. I just don't agree with the sentiment. I don't think it's the problem of the players.

    I'm glad you think it's fair. I'll even extend a sort of olive branch; I think it's only PARTIALLY the problem of the players, and perhaps a bit of it resides in the game itself.

  • @heavyreaper102

    Dont @ me ever again.


  • @chonky-lemon said in Crossplay on xbox:


    Dont @ me ever again.


    alt text

    If that's the case, the block button does work. Saves time and effort.

  • [mod edit]

  • @enticed-malice said in Crossplay on xbox:

    @chonky-Lemon hello. I hope you are still doing well. Thought I'd @ you to make sure.

    Not worth it man, mods will just edit you. Better to let it go lol. If there's a problem with me and he refuses to block, it's his own issue.

  • @enticed-malice Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules.

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling

    Posts and threads that are created in order to spam, cause unrest or troll the community will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned.

    These actions can be and are not limited to:

    • Creating threads, posts and content for the sole purpose of causing unrest
    • Making off topic posts to derail the conversation
    • Excessively using the same phrase, similar phrases, or gibberish
    • Bullying and encouraging users to bully others.

    Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @Evil-Lime- (can't mention you)
    Yes, aiming is easier on pc, but it isn't a big advantage in this game due to there being no headshots and only 1 instance of random shot angles. Also, blackscreen reduction is due to an ssd or better connections, not anything else. Keybinds do have an effect, but the radial is easy to use on Xbox and is pretty fast too. And the cannon aiming is smoother on Xbox, so it's worth having to move your thumb.

  • Hi @sweltering-nick,

    I moderated your post as it went against the forum rules. Please remember to be polite to all other forum users going forward as per the forum rules.


  • @evil-lime said in Crossplay on xbox:

    Lolz I play on both and I have a massive advantage on my PC and I will admit it.

    For reference, I play on PC but use a controller.
    In relation to the points you make:

    The black screen of death happens on both platforms and is a clearly a bug with the game. I've experienced it and play on a PC with SoT installed on an SSD. I've seen other PC players have the same bug which has resulted in them having to force quit the game and reload it.

    Aiming the cannon is done with your left hand and reloading/firing with your right hand. So, both hands, just like on keyboard and mouse. Also, the general consensus is, that it's easier to aim the cannon with the left stick than with WASD or the mouse.

    You can rebind jump to RB which means you can jump and move your view/aim at the same time. Yes, it will take practice, but so does using mouse and keyboard. If I were to start playing mouse and keyboard tomorrow, I can guarantee I'd be terrible as I've only ever used the Xbox controller.

    Aiming with mouse doesn't really help in a game where there are no headshots and the hitreg is so bad. I've experienced many times when I get a hit marker on the other player and it doesn't register. I've seen multiple PC players get hit markers on players and it doesn't register. Using the mouse doesn't change that. Hitting your target is all about anticipating where the player will be when you fire and praying to the RNG gods that hitreg works for you!

    The only useful items to have on a hotkey are food, bucket and wood, which you can assign to left and right on the d-pad and the clicking the right stick (in which ever order you prefer I guess). I'm not sure how whipping out my banjo mid-fight would help me win! xD

  • @marrl Thank you for finally letting me know! xD

  • @heavyreaper102

    Insinuations, although you don't seem to like semantics.

    What are you on about?

    You are part of a community, whether you think you are or not. You're part of the community of this game, to be general, and you're apparently a part of both the xbox and pc community. You solidified that when you joined the forums. Everyone has.

    My comment was in response to you saying that my suggestions would hurt my community.

    In case our sarcasm hasn't gotten the message across, There's no big upvote theory. I don't control who either of them upvote (I've actually never interacted with malice before today, if I think about it).

    Oh really?

    What, are you gonna shame people for liking someone's words?

    No, I'm just pointing out how funny it is that you accuse me of being in an echo chamber.

    The issue here is, @BloodyBil and everyone else upvoting me doesn't constitute an echo chamber. Seeing @chonky-lemon and @OakenKhan90088 tail you through threads like Flotsam and Jetsam, continually trying to fight your battles on the side, that's what an echo chamber is.

    I never saw OakenKhan outside of this thread and when I see chonky it's in a crossplay thread since we seem to share the same opinion on that topic. Hower, we aren't religiously upvoting each other or repeating each others arguments in an endless loop.

    You don't see @ENTICED-MALICE posting in practically every thread I do just to basically kiss my butt while adding nothing else, now do you?

    This thread being the exception.


  • @blazedrake100 @WithMyApologies
    I find it funny when 'no headshots' are used to downplay the advantage a mouse has in aiming.

    A mouse can acquire the target faster than an analogue stick.
    A mouse can track and follow better than a stick.
    A mouse has significantly greater fine adjustment ability, especially compared to a controller that has been turned up to allow faster turning.

    As far as headshots go in other games, you are being rewarded for hitting a smaller target. Sooo what happens when a pirate is further away than 'on your ship'? The mouse user is more likely to hit the smaller target. What happens when you are EoRing between ships and onto islands? The mouse user is more likely to hit the smaller targets.

    Just because there are no headshots, mouse can still acquire their target faster, are less likely to miss, and instead of 'headshot bonus', mouse users get 'i didnt miss with a controller' bonus.

    Ask yourself, why would headshots be unfair? The answer is: because mouse would be able to hit headshots faster, easier, and more often than controller. Faster, easier, and more often still applies to body shots, and considering one shot deals 50% damage, it matters!

    Using broken hitreg as an excuse is also pretty weak. It actually impacts controllers worse, as a missed shot takes longer to adjust your aim and track opponents, and be ready for the next shot. But i'd let hitreg slide, as both parties suffer from it. The rest of the points though, i stand by.

  • @withmyapologies said in Crossplay on xbox:

    @evil-lime said in Crossplay on xbox:

    Lolz I play on both and I have a massive advantage on my PC and I will admit it.

    For reference, I play on PC but use a controller.
    In relation to the points you make:

    The black screen of death happens on both platforms and is a clearly a bug with the game. I've experienced it and play on a PC with SoT installed on an SSD. I've seen other PC players have the same bug which has resulted in them having to force quit the game and reload it.

    Aiming the cannon is done with your left hand and reloading/firing with your right hand. So, both hands, just like on keyboard and mouse. Also, the general consensus is, that it's easier to aim the cannon with the left stick than with WASD or the mouse.

    You can rebind jump to RB which means you can jump and move your view/aim at the same time. Yes, it will take practice, but so does using mouse and keyboard. If I were to start playing mouse and keyboard tomorrow, I can guarantee I'd be terrible as I've only ever used the Xbox controller.

    Aiming with mouse doesn't really help in a game where there are no headshots and the hitreg is so bad. I've experienced many times when I get a hit marker on the other player and it doesn't register. I've seen multiple PC players get hit markers on players and it doesn't register. Using the mouse doesn't change that. Hitting your target is all about anticipating where the player will be when you fire and praying to the RNG gods that hitreg works for you!

    The only useful items to have on a hotkey are food, bucket and wood, which you can assign to left and right on the d-pad and the clicking the right stick (in which ever order you prefer I guess). I'm not sure how whipping out my banjo mid-fight would help me win! xD

    Unless you're playing left handed I have to disagree.

    Cannons: on Xbox default - right stick to aim, Y to reload and right trigger to fire, left stick allows you to look around, PC: mouse to aim, left click to fire, R to reload, I tested this earlier, xbox is all on the right hand and I could fire and aim much quicker on PC.

    The 'headshot' thing is a moot point as it all about landing shots, it's much easier and quicker hitting moving target with a mouse and keyboard for reasons I have already posted, you also have the advantage of faster turning and more control, I know this is achievable on a controller if you put your sensitivity up to an insane level, but for most players ihis is awkward and uncomfortable.

    Shortcuts are a big advantage as in PvP you can move, equip food, bunny hop and eat, without ever taking your fingers off WASD, this is an uninterrupted movement, on Xbox it would be interrupted, you would have to stop movement as you remove your thumb from left stick to hit your D-pad, remember controllers are built for use with the thumbs, index and (for some) middle fingers this has it limits, mouse keyboard dose not.

    I know that you have experienced the black screen on PC, but this happens just about every spawn on Xbox, just search Xbox loading times on this forum, you will see it's a massive issue, in PvP and PvE it's the difference between your winning or losing or your ship staying afloat or sinking.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in Crossplay on xbox:

    @blazedrake100 @WithMyApologies
    I find it funny when 'no headshots' are used to downplay the advantage a mouse has in aiming.

    A mouse can acquire the target faster than an analogue stick.
    A mouse can track and follow better than a stick.
    A mouse has significantly greater fine adjustment ability, especially compared to a controller that has been turned up to allow faster turning.

    As far as headshots go in other games, you are being rewarded for hitting a smaller target. Sooo what happens when a pirate is further away than 'on your ship'? The mouse user is more likely to hit the smaller target. What happens when you are EoRing between ships and onto islands? The mouse user is more likely to hit the smaller targets.

    Just because there are no headshots, mouse can still acquire their target faster, are less likely to miss, and instead of 'headshot bonus', mouse users get 'i didnt miss with a controller' bonus.

    Ask yourself, why would headshots be unfair? The answer is: because mouse would be able to hit headshots faster, easier, and more often than controller. Faster, easier, and more often still applies to body shots, and considering one shot deals 50% damage, it matters!

    Using broken hitreg as an excuse is also pretty weak. It actually impacts controllers worse, as a missed shot takes longer to adjust your aim and track opponents, and be ready for the next shot. But i'd let hitreg slide, as both parties suffer from it. The rest of the points though, i stand by.

    Its almost like KBM has long been accepted as factually superior to gamepads when it comes to first person/aiming gameplay. Like, for decades...

  • [mod edited]

  • Hi @chonky-lemon,

    Please avoid posts intended to bait other players as they go against the forum rules.


  • The opt out won't cause dead servers as it's only a preference. I still get matched against PC players in arena because I can only play during off hours. The dead servers are solely from poor game design.

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