automatic Ship saving

  • I would find it better if you could also save the progress of your ship and doesn't always have to start over.

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  • It has been asked for since launch, but many of us have become supplirates enjoying the collection and stocking of resources.

  • Not that this topic is about this, but I do hope that they create custom "Cosmetic Loadouts" for both Pirates and Ships... where instead of choosing each individial item you can select your custom loadout.

    But Yes I do think some things should "persist" after death, though I definitely don't think it should be supplies.

    When I load into the game, I do spend the first several minutes running around the outpost emptying barrels to fill up my ship... I typically don't try to leave with less than 90 cannonball, 50 planks, and at least 15 of each type of bomb... plus as much fruit as i can get.

    As annoying as it is to sink with all those supplies, I would rather the brigs and galleon's that try to gank me NOT be able to keep their cache of supplies, so they can't just turn around and try to hunt me again.

    What I would like to see persist, would be the flames of fate you collected.

    When you have a bunch of supplies, and you get a few storage crates, stock one up with excess stuff, and stash it on an island somewhere. If you do sink, just make your way there and BAM fresh supplies.

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