Will arena come back?

  • Im a 300 hours player of SOT, This game is striking. When I first played, Im truly attracted by the sea and game style. The most interested part I think is the sea warfare. I done lots of pve before, such as random events or some achievements, but its take me a large amount of time. I dont have too much time to play game. Espeacially,when i done the voyage which take me one or two hours, a plunder came and sunk our ship . we busy for nothing. I think everyone need know the skills of PvP or sea warfare. That can make the game more funny, Practice in adventure part is high price. We spend a lots of time to adapt the game. I recommanded SOT to my friends for many times, No one persisted. They told me this game spend too much time to find what they want. One voyage need at least two hours to finished, cant fit the fast pace of lifestyle. Pve is good and imaginative but its not safe and not good for some fresh players. I maintain that Player could select the server in server list, and people could establish a channel and decide what the people cant do in this server.
    The most important things is the technology player and external detection. So many game dead because of poor external detection. Indeed, I hope arena come back in season seven. I will be appreciate If u guys could take some advice of mine. Hope SOT gets better and better. And the last things, please fix the bug of ship war events. Thanks

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  • No, Arena is not due to have any return; or the cosmetics.

    The team have given their reasoning behind the closure of arena and what this means for all cosmetics, commendations and achievements. You can find the details here: https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/145614/closing-the-arena/1

  • I wish it would, but no.

    Here come the Deckhands to save the Forums!

  • Would love it bu-

  • @scurvywoof 👀 Nope not yet... Still waiting.

  • The question rears it's head once more. They have made it pretty clear that Arena won't be returning numerous time. I mean I would like to finish out my titles and I loved arena but we have to let these things go...

  • Ahoy!

    The decisions around The Arena, its cosmetics, commendations, and achievements have been made and are final.

    Arena cosmetics, commendations and achievements were made for The Arena and will be retired alongside it. There are no plans to change this.

    Dropping anchor here.

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