Snowburned ship lantern return

  • Who would like to see the snowburned ship lantern return in the equipment store for a stack of doubloons, this might be for some players who were too busy with hourglass in season 8 to even get chance to find the seer of the orb. Would you like this lantern to return and to spend a pile of doubloons for?

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  • @xenomorphben570 Aye

  • Would like both the OG blue and the red versions of the Orb to return someday. And I won't mind paying doubloons for it too, would be worth the grind for it to me anyway.

  • @xenomorphben570 nope.

  • The blue one will return on April 30th most probably for doubloons since it was a seasonal reward. But I would also like to buy the red one.

  • @connor-bleufin not all seasonal rewards come back each time. Usually the one off unique items stay lost to time, but the seasonal clothing set returns for high doubloonage.

  • @xenomorphben570 said in Snowburned ship lantern return:

    Who would like to see the snowburned ship lantern return in the equipment store for a stack of doubloons, this might be for some players who were too busy with hourglass in season 8 to even get chance to find the seer of the orb. Would you like this lantern to return and to spend a pile of doubloons for?

    Too busy to spend 15 minutes to find orb?

    I think it should stay locked. There are some things from before I played that I think is fair that if you were not there then you don't get it.

  • @xenomorphben570 I don't. Keep it limited. But if it does, I think 20,000 doubloons sounds like a good price.

  • @captain-coel said in Snowburned ship lantern return:

    @xenomorphben570 I don't. Keep it limited. But if it does, I think 20,000 doubloons sounds like a good price.

    Lol I wouldn't even mind.

  • Or if it was in the reapers bones company shop for level 100-105 servants

  • It might return since the gold cutlass spyglass and trumpet made a return it might also mean the snowburned ship lantern could return in a future season

  • Just saw the GG wiki, and it says the Snowbound version is back! Great to know! But looks like I gotta REALLY grind for it. Looks like I gotta really get to work then. 1,500 doubloons is gonna be hard to earn up.

  • @arthur79474 it's the red one I'm talking about mate the snowBURNED ship lantern

  • @xenomorphben570 50,000 ancient coins

  • @xenomorphben570 I'm sharing cause it gives hope Snowburned will return too with the return of Snowbound happening already.

  • @arthur79474 thanks mate

  • @arthur79474 glad you approve

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