What a Rip off

  • I reached level 30 gold horders and paid for the upgrades
    I paid 120 gold per voyage and got 3 each one was just 1 riddle and nothing more. and each chest was seafarers and sold for around 200 - 250

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  • @evil-wolf-snipe tough luck. if you put in the effort to do the riddle then you might have gotten a cursed chest

  • Here's a secret, cancel and get a new one with better maps and non-riddles. We do it with gold hoarders and Order of Souls. We can go from 1 bounty skull to a 4 bounty skull map.

  • Pray to the Crab God. Problem solved.

  • @nabberwar said in What a Rip off:

    Here's a secret, cancel and get a new one with better maps and non-riddles. We do it with gold hoarders and Order of Souls. We can go from 1 bounty skull to a 4 bounty skull map.

    hows it done with OOS I dont know what to look for.

  • The inconsistency of rewards is fairly annoying. It doesn’t feel like it’s worth doing the higher level missions. My girlfriend hasn’t been buying promotions so we can do some lower level ones instead since we make more gold and rep faster that way. The higher level stuff just isn’t worth the time when the rewards are nearly identical

  • @evil-wolf-snipe maps with 3 or 4 captains close by. It all about weighing time and profit(rep/gold).

  • @evil-wolf-snipe said in What a Rip off:

    @nabberwar said in What a Rip off:

    Here's a secret, cancel and get a new one with better maps and non-riddles. We do it with gold hoarders and Order of Souls. We can go from 1 bounty skull to a 4 bounty skull map.

    hows it done with OOS I dont know what to look for.

    Ideally, similar to Gold hoarders, look for one location with multiple loot chances. Specifically for Order of Souls look for a page bounty with more then one Skeleton to kill. As in more bosses on one island.

  • @brodycanuck they update rewards to scale. Now with level 50 gh for instance I haven't gotten under a marauders in like 10 voyages.

  • @jdetrimental im level 30 and still getting castaway cheats and seafarers

  • Also, a little known "trick" (not really, it's in the game) for getting up to 6 maps to check without changing servers or waiting until morning:

    Buy 3 voyages
    Put the 1st down, don't cancel yet.
    Go back to the vendor and you can buy a 4th.
    Cancel the 1st and put a 2nd down, cancel it.
    Put a 3rd down, don't cancel yet.
    Go back to the vendor and you can buy a 5th.
    Cancel the 3rd and put the 4th down.
    Cancel the 4th and put the 5th down, don't cancel yet.
    Go back to the vendor and you can buy a 6th.

    Basically every other voyage let's you buy another. It's odd, and I have no idea why it works that way, but it does.

  • I bought a level 25 voyage, it had 4 stops, 2 of which had 4 X's, which gave out 3 captains chests.

    Random numbers gonna be random.


    Derp Derp...

  • Sounds to me like you got 80 to 130 gold profit from each voyage 🤔

  • @evil-wolf-snipe Hey there!

    I noticed that after level 40 I started getting maps with a lot more x's and OoS missions usually have 3 or 4 captains per island.

    Also, as some others have pointed out, patch 1.0.7 made it so that you have a lower chance of getting the lower tier rewards as you level up.

    So keep on keepin on!

  • Riddles really should always give a Captains Chest. ALWAYS.
    That way they become a "Sweet, a Captains chest" thing rather than "... Probably a castaway, let's not bother" thing.

  • @evil-wolf-snipe said in What a Rip off:

    I reached level 30 gold horders and paid for the upgrades
    I paid 120 gold per voyage and got 3 each one was just 1 riddle and nothing more. and each chest was seafarers and sold for around 200 - 250

    I noticed the same thing with me. Past 4 voyages since hitting 30+ have been a single chest.

  • @nabberwar said in What a Rip off:

    @evil-wolf-snipe said in What a Rip off:

    @nabberwar said in What a Rip off:

    Here's a secret, cancel and get a new one with better maps and non-riddles. We do it with gold hoarders and Order of Souls. We can go from 1 bounty skull to a 4 bounty skull map.

    hows it done with OOS I dont know what to look for.

    Ideally, similar to Gold hoarders, look for one location with multiple loot chances. Specifically for Order of Souls look for a page bounty with more then one Skeleton to kill. As in more bosses on one island.

    Look for small islands too. Nobody wants to search for 20 minutes for nothing/very little.

    These "voyages" are ridiculous. Garbage low effort side quest fodder foisted upon us as the main quests. It's just sad. Whoever approved this nonsense should be keelhauled.

  • They should really have multi-island riddles that lead to a small hoard of chests, including several captain's chests. Like a secret cave with a pile of chests and crates, similar to a Skull Fort vault.

  • As mentioned before cancelling voyages is the best method.
    This is certainly a Rip off.... :-)

    alt text

  • This shouldn't even be a discussion....

  • @evil-wolf-snipe said in What a Rip off:

    I reached level 30 gold horders and paid for the upgrades
    I paid 120 gold per voyage and got 3 each one was just 1 riddle and nothing more. and each chest was seafarers and sold for around 200 - 250

    You have to play the odds. I got some bad ones too (Seafarers, castaways etc.). When that happens, you have to think of it this way:

    3 x 120 per voyage = 360 gold
    Reward 250 = -90 gold

    You go buy 3 more voyages = 360 gold
    Now you are 450 gold in the hole because you lost 90 gold from last 3 voyages payout deficit. You run these 3 and if you manage to snag a couple of marauders or even a single Captain - You are back in the black and have more gold than when you started.

    Also, don't underestimate the riddles. In the last 2 days that I played, I found 2 Chest of 1000 Grogs and 2 Chests of Sorrows. both Grogs and 1 of the Sorrows were riddle chests.

    Added bonus - I found a captains chest just sitting on the beach at one of the islands too.

  • I absolutely hate the RNG Jesus in this game. I have seen ZERO difference in chest dispersion since the said they adjusted it. It's the main reason I don't play as much anymore.

  • This is why the voyage system needs an overhaul. There is absolutely zero incentive to complete voyages. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Just cheese the system for the most Xs and skulls on the smallest maps and cancel everything else.

    There needs to be Rep granted upon voyage completion, with a healthy reduction in Rep granted via items turned in.
    Like yesterday.
    It would ensure more people followed through on their voyages. Not that I agree with the voyage system anyway. Just a giant fetch grind.
    I mean, I'd cheese it too. I'm just in it for the naval combat though.

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