Acid/super heated rain.

  • As the devils roar lacks rain as it is, i was thinking it needs a separate weather system solely for the area. Like a normal storm it roams the area but the rain has become heated to boiling point.

    It doesn't hurt you as bad like boiling water, in fact it's pretty low in damage. But the dpm is the concern so don't stay in it for to long

  • 9
  • @bl00d-thirty-99 Cool idea! Perhaps maybe instead of it roaming, it just hovers above an active volcano, with a larger radius than what volcano eruptions can reach? Funny that you just mentioned that, because I was just admiring the fact that I didn't have to deal with rain, in DR ... lol.

  • No thanks, sot already has enough frustration factors.

  • @vulgrim-pvp said in Acid/super heated rain.:

    No thanks, sot already has enough frustration factors.

    @bl00d-thirty-99 maybe if the storm borders the DR the storms rain becomes slightly acidic as it moves back across the SoT for a time period. Other than that it would be frustrating juggling storms and volcanos.

    Maybe the rocks coming from volcanos create waves that make it more difficult to sail away.

  • @bl00d-thirty-99 i think the devils roar is enough dangerous

  • @bl00d-thirty-99 That would mean that we would constantly die while trying to sail out of a storm?

  • @sailorkek Yea rather it be the single storm that can access the DR and become heated than 2 storms, that way you wont encounter it as much, And you can clearly see it coming.

    Also be easier if it moved alot quicker in that area so it wont linger around

  • @unfadingshimmy Like i said damage is extremely low, so you wont be going down even by sailing straight through it just quarters your health if your not down below

  • I'm good, thanks.

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