if you are captain, wich abillity would you have?

  • im making ideas for sea of thieves.
    one of the ideas is crew roles, each has abilities that fit the role
    (like navigator has passive compass on a screencorner and first mate fix the ship faster).
    with 8 roles made, the captain feeled underpowered and need to think of an abillity that fits for a captain.

    so i ask the forums if they know something.
    now i ask: what would you do if you are captain?

    so would you kindly give a answer/idea for in the comments

    happy sailing

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  • Well if i start a boat and i start a voyage as captain and i would open the crew to get some pirates helping me..

    They outvote me voyage -.-
    So first as captain only i propose or cancel a voyage so i can open the crew :")

    Next as captain i appoint the roles to the crew and only i change them.

    As captain i discipline the crew by 1 min mob the deck, send to brig or outcast a crewmember to lonely island where he can now continue as solo captain on his own voyage.

    As a captain only i negotiate allies and only i can change the flag.

    As a captain i can overrule crewactions by taking over the wheel etc by pushing them aside xD

    So now i can open the troll crew i hope :/

  • @ruigtand-NFL captains were elected in the golden age of piracy. The merchant ships had dictatorial captains with control over all aspects of the ship.

    Pirate captains only had complete control during times of battle.

  • @tedgie2574 captain should be able to be heard over others so they all can hear his orders.

  • @tedgie2574
    I wonder what the other 8 roles are.
    If that's privileged info...i'd understand.

    The kinds of captains that I've crewed for or had been ranged widely but nearly all were in charge of the ship, unless they also go ashore....the skill set can change quickly.

    I'd suggest being faster at the wheel and/or other ship/sailor actions, perhaps all?!

    Save for actions with map or kitchen.
    Those, i'm guessing, go for navigator and cook respectively?

  • @d-jaguar

    Well these open crew trolls need a tirand dictator to make it work xD discipline on those ships was rather important also for pirates it was not so romantic i think.

  • @ruigtand-nl
    I must have amazing luck with open crews. I seldom get a troll. I find most people want to play, hate to be bossed around, and want a chance to get better.

    Interesting tid bits, pirates had a democracy on ship.

  • @d-jaguar
    yeah...and unfortunately, helped create maritime laws and admiralty laws in addition to democratic process.

    These have become horrific to our justice system as the lingo and rules favor the associative members and not the uninitiated.
    I would suggest not looking into it....it's quite upsetting. ;)

  • @d-jaguar

    Sure no need to boss around and democracy is fine but there is 1 in command giving the final order so we can set sail. and for me it would be to saveguard the voyage so we can try new players without accidents.. well every captain is different pick one you like..

    I experienced kids joining cancelling a gilded voyage halfway..

    I experienced a guy joining when i was helping someone doing merchant voyage. The new guy killed the animals and detonated the boat. We brigged him but he stayed.

    I experienced a guy joining and immediately ruining and cancelling our alliance by changing the flag.

    I experienced someone joining cancelling a reaper flag during reaper voyage...

    Well i can only open crew when i start a new game but during a voyage its a risk to open the crew.. and with like arena a open crew cant function democratic in 20 min..

    Thats why i like a captain in command to save the voyage from such accidents but be able to use open crew and for like arena to be able to make it work in the short time if at least someone takes command of the boat xD

    So thats why i would like those dictator functions for the captain so we can welkom new sailors but without accidents and be able to dump the toxic ones etc :")

  • @tedgie2574 Well, if anything, the captain should turn the wheel faster, allowing him to actually sail the ship better than anyone else on the crew.

    I don't think it needs to be more complex than that.

  • @sweltering-nick Common Misconception but Captains rarely steered the ship. The Helmsman or Boatswain / Bosun would usually steer.
    For the first one the clues in the name.

    I'd have the skill as a miniature map in the lower corner, as captain its as if they know the sea so well they have a mental note of where they are at all times.

    This might be op but just my thoughts.

  • @dreadpirate9200 said in if you are captain, wich abillity would you have?:

    @sweltering-nick Common Misconception but Captains rarely steered the ship. The Helmsman or Boatswain / Bosun would usually steer.
    For the first one the clues in the name.

    I'd have the skill as a miniature map in the lower corner, as captain its as if they know the sea so well they have a mental note of where they are at all times.

    This might be op but just my thoughts.

    This game is about the romanticized pirates, not historically accurate pirates. I don't care what captains actually did, historically, in romanticized pirate tales, captains steer the ship. :P

    Boatswains are backup drivers, in case the captain is needed elsewhere on the ship.

    Your idea btw, overlaps with the navigator.

    Anyways, keep in mind, there's only 4 crew members per crew, there aint enough room for the full crews list in this game. :P

    Therefore, Boatswains and Captain has to merge anyway. : /

  • SoT does not need defined crew roles.
    Let the crew decide how it will function.

    But for the sake of discussion, the ability I would want as captain would be leadership.

    Something so elusive, even the US military can't predict where it can come from within its ranks.

    Not that leadership would, or should, bestow some godly benefit on a player.
    But if I ended up on a boat that had a captain I could not agree with, I may want to troll his elitist presumptions myself.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in if you are captain, wich abillity would you have?:

    SoT does not need defined crew roles.
    Let the crew decide how it will function.

    But for the sake of discussion, the ability I would want as captain would be leadership.

    Something so elusive, even the US military can't predict where it can come from within its ranks.

    Not that leadership would, or should, bestow some godly benefit on a player.
    But if I ended up on a boat that had a captain I could not agree with, I may want to troll his elitist presumptions myself.


  • @sweltering-nick fair enough on merging the two. Simplicity wins every time. 😁
    I'm not too sure, but even "romanticized" pirate Captain don't steer. Do they?
    I don't remember Silver, Hook, Barbossa, Flint etc steering the ship in those movies, unless in real danger and there expertise was needed.
    I might be wrong. X

  • Perhaps a small tree of abilities that branches off to whatever you focus on, obviously you can never have all abilities at the same time, all you can do is reset and start over
    -Captain: if other players die when they respawn they have the option of appearing close to the captain? (but limited to islands or any place not on other player ships)
    -Fighters: have ability to carry 1 sword and 2 guns?
    -Navigating: you can see farther
    -Repairing, cooking, treasure hunter, slight increase in percentage of items found in barrels, fish or treausres

  • @eva1977 said in if you are captain, wich abillity would you have?:

    Perhaps a small tree of abilities that branches off to whatever you focus on, obviously you can never have all abilities at the same time, all you can do is reset and start over
    -Captain: if other players die when they respawn they have the option of appearing close to the captain? (but limited to islands or any place not on other player ships)


  • Things like that would ruin the game for me.

    The only skill a Pirate Captain need to have is smart speach to his crew to make them do what he wants and is the best for the whole crew.

    Btw the crew of a Pirates ship has more power than the Captain.
    When the majority isnt convinced by their captains action anymore they will mutiny and vote another Captain.

    I am completely against roles, skill trees or abilities, perks or whatever completely contradicting the origin design.

    This sounds like some wanted a global chat once and the want came up again when you had to cooperate while the Hungering Deep event.

    They gave us a speaking trumpet.
    Genious strike, not all got it what it is about that.
    But it encourages to interact directly and ingame and does not support alienated player interactions like global chats or auctionhouses and such do.

    Same for Roles, interact ingame directly, why need gamemechanics for stuff you can do by yourself speaking to others and convince them of your abilitys and potential?

    See things like that make people work systems and distracted from playing the game and interacting as players.
    No need to communicate and figure out who is for what at best and such, but saying you are now the 1st mate and you fix holes 0.5% faster.
    It leads to kill the healer first and all that.
    It leads to stale gameplay when it can be more diverse, unpredictable and free.

  • @tedgie2574 if I was captain I want the ability to shoot trolls on my ship if their in my crew and I can see how this can be abused but the captain would have two pistols and one bullet for each of them so the troll could have a chance to change if they don't do that the captain can kill them with the five bullets from their pistol if they troll again and the brig doesn't do any good so after one kills them they go into the ferry of the dammed's brig

  • I don't think in a game like this that the roles be this complex.
    Use the KISS system (Keep It Stupid Simple)
    Captain: Faster Steering + permanent minimap/compass on HUD
    Gunner: Faster Cannon loading + max cannonballs carry limit
    Engineer: Faster Repairs + max plank carry limit

    Only 1 Captain
    Has soul control over ship cosmetics

    the other crew can pick at will. (you can have 1 captain and 3 engineers if you want, or 4 engineers and 0 captains...)

    just ideas, however, I don't think that's Rare's vision or direction they want to head in.

  • @closinghare208 are you talking about me hare lol

  • I wan't ability to kick players from my ship if im The Captain and don't allow them to change anything on a ship without my permission.

  • @ashbert157 no mate I'm just making an idea

  • The ability to kick other players off of the Steering Wheel. This seems like a good Captain Skill.

  • order someone to do something e.g. turn the boat or raise the sails etc. and they HAVE to do it otherwise they get brigged or something.

  • @closinghare208 ok ;)

  • the abillities that the crew roles have are quite minor
    what i mean is you can still do anything, but that role gives you a bit more atvantige in a section of a game
    btw for the ones who wants what the other roles are:
    first mate
    and survivor

    you can have only role each (no two hunters or two captains) so i made 8 roles to choose

    thank you @Bugaboo-Bill for your opinion ive made solutions.
    there were no healers in the first place.
    you cant see the roles of other crews, so no one got focused during the arena just your that role.
    the combat role; the quater master's abillity is having holding 3 weapons instead of 2, so he has always a weapon for sertain situations, however during a pvp fight most pirates stick with one weapon

    as for the captain role thanks for the opinions, thanks for keeping the post clean from toxic behavior and happy sailing

  • @nefrit-od said in if you are captain, wich abillity would you have?:

    I wan't ability to kick players from my ship if im The Captain and don't allow them to change anything on a ship without my permission.

    I want this ability to but I feel like it would come back to kick me in the butt. I was voted into the brig for no reason. They wanted me to leave so their friend could benefit from selling the treasure I collected with them. People would most likely vote me out of an Athena or a major hall seconds before I sell everything.

    I have been trolled before. One person continued to fire the cannons at literally nothing wasting my cannonballs so my crew brigged him. Another time, a troll kept eating our trophy fish until we brigged him. Most time people leave after being brigged.

  • Well if we choose a roll the I’d think there should be a power to the type of captain and crew you are.... choose one of the three merchants and get bonus like extra gold for the quest items. The be like a single power up like merchants have extra health hoarders can run with chests quick OOSouls can do extra damage to Shellie’s things like that. And if you choose pirate you get extra damage with swords not guns tho. But for each of these things you have to have your flag up and that flag won’t come down till you change it at outpost. Alliance flag works the same tho just diffrence is flag won’t come down just get colored flags in other areas

  • @coffeelight5545 написал в if you are captain, wich abillity would you have?:

    @nefrit-od said in if you are captain, wich abillity would you have?:

    I wan't ability to kick players from my ship if im The Captain and don't allow them to change anything on a ship without my permission.

    I want this ability to but I feel like it would come back to kick me in the butt. I was voted into the brig for no reason. They wanted me to leave so their friend could benefit from selling the treasure I collected with them. People would most likely vote me out of an Athena or a major hall seconds before I sell everything.

    I have been trolled before. One person continued to fire the cannons at literally nothing wasting my cannonballs so my crew brigged him. Another time, a troll kept eating our trophy fish until we brigged him. Most time people leave after being brigged.

    I see this as "My ship = my rules" normal captain will not kick decent teammate from ship even if his friend wanna join coz he started as opened session and that's mean that he wanna play with randoms.

  • Captain in the game could have: tiebreaker vote, cosmetic lock of the ship including naming the ship and maybe a specific pirate chat wheel or voice chat diminish the volume of others to be easier to be heard.

    In the end the captain should rule based on mutual respect and trust from their crew and not by rank... we aren't the navy we are pirates.

  • I dont think abilities like this fits with Sea of Thieves, but I have played guns of Icarus competitievly a while back and I can sure you that some of these are things I still want in Sea of Thieves.

    If abilites and roles would be put in, in this manner, then I would have captain to be able to:

    • Always take precedent over a helm. Meaning he can kick someone off a helm.
    • Turn the wheel faster. This probably wont turn the ship faster, but will allow a captain to multitask more.

    Now, this may sound "Underpowered", but having a tactical overview of their crew and as a ship, like a real captain should, but given the ability to multitask the helm with something else is actually pretty powerful. It gives a captain more time to think if he can hop off the helm more often.

  • @tedgie2574

    I have an idea. Similar to the curse you could have a beneficial curse that you could equip that would make you patch the ship faster or make it easier to steer.

    Clearly all these benefits would be available to all players and would depend on what you equip.

    These benefits would be limited to ship sailing and repairing. You couldn’t have any benefits that would support killing an enemy.

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