The Shores of Gold Tall Tale

  • Me and other players are sincerely disappointed about the end of this chapter.
    Five hours to finish the whole thing and receive 10 goal points, a few credits and a poor gift.
    Not even the reputation points for the final skull sold.
    You had started so well with this novelty, but in the end it is always a large handful of flies.

  • 40
  • An impossible game mode.
    First thousand puzzles rather complicated and then bring the 4 medallions around the map a thousand times and moreover, the place where you must then put the medallions, a very long journey. Once this is done, look for the tunnel, impossible to find because it is badly explained and we are already at three hours of play.
    Let's move on to being a tightrope walker and I'm tired of playing. Another bad thing is that if we are more players, I don't see why the route has to be individual given the checkpoints. After endless hours and deaths, the boss finally arrives. After all this thankless work, we had to go boating and sell the skull with the risk of losing it or even getting us to level up.
    I am very disgusted.

  • I do not agree with you good sir.

    As the Pirate Lord states at the end of the tale:

    "It's not about the gold but about the Glory!"


    The tale itself is epic, you start out strapping the shroudbreaker onto your ship, you start sailing north, into a place you know you shouldn't go.
    The tention is real, as everything starts going red, you know you shouldn't be here but you press onward. Eventually you see Tribute peak dawn in the distance and as you get there the music swells up and you know you've reached the shores of gold!

    Briggsies journal says everything you need to know, 4 vaults each in a compass location, North South East and West, each housing a puzzle and a medalion. Each vault has clues in the same book hinting to what to do.

    Once you have the gold hoarders coin the next step is also discribed, find the fault in the statue with the broken head, again explained in the book. It even gives you the clue to cannon up there.

    After that it's an epic trial trough traps and other dangerous contraptions to get to the gold hoarder and to face off in an epic duel!

    How can this not be the greatest quest ever?!

  • 5h?! How in the....whaaaat. - Really, it takes me barely an hour. - Sure my first time took me 3h but that was the first when i diden't know what to do.

  • Everything is fine except the Boss Fight against the GH, I hope future Skelly Lords aren’t only reskins of Briggsy!

  • So your complaint is that the rewards seem too low? But besides that it was a pretty fun adventure right?


    It's was never about the Gold, it was about the Glory. That was the moral of the story. The Pirate Lord pretty much spells it out for you.

  • I'll say what I said in another similar topic, about the same subject.

    What is you suggestion to improve that situation?

    The last chapter is exactly what it is The Last Chapter of an whole new story Quest, filled with a lot of new rewards and adventures.
    The last Chapter even gives you something extra to sell besides the regular tale monetary reward and the chapter Reward (jacket, curse, Figurehead), it gives you The GH Skull to sell for extra money.

    But yes, I do agree the new island could be improved to give us a bit more.

    • It's The Shores of Gold it could have loose treasures spawning across the island for us to find and bring back to SoT.

    A simple way to get some extra profit (I am loving to use the "extra" word) is to go there with a good Merchant Quest active. There's a lot of animals roaming the island, we can easily bring everything we need to complete one and earn a little more money and rep.


  • @viperishemu2992
    Funny? he was very boring!

  • @reapinglegion
    Five hours as first time and not everyone likes what was required in the mission since the game does not provide that kind of game.

  • @falsegore128 I diden't really understand what you meant right now but alright,'s good i think? :S

    Anyway, the first time takes abit of time...but when you've done it once you need to do it four more times and then you do it quick as a stick!

  • @nunoazuldimeter Could at least have boosted your reputation after selling the skull.

  • @reapinglegion
    It makes no sense to do the same thing five times.

  • @hynieth Surely the introduction of a story has given meaning to the game and the first chapters have been fun. The absurdity lies in the last chapter.
    You cannot propose simple initial stories and then catapult yourself into a completely different final chapter even in the same playability.
    Not everyone is able to play that kind of game and in fact he didn't like it.
    They should have done better things than, on the other hand, done so it is sincerely expressed badly.

  • @falsegore128 interesting. Took me 45 mins with a friend on a sloop.

    Rewards are pretty basic but then I guess that’s to balance with the new swabbies joining. Reward was light, but then the real reward was the journey.

    Shores of gold is a beauty of a map.

  • @im1sneakybeaver 45 minutes only if you read the guides on youtube and if you were replaying it for the third time, because as first time it is completely impossible to finish in such a short time.

  • My first run of Shores of Gold took 8 hours. But that's at least partly because we encountered a major bug in the final battle. We fought for a solid hour before one of my crewmates got booted out of the Throne Room and couldn't get back. She had to leave anyway since by then it was after 5AM and she had to get up at 6:15. So the remaining two of us continued to fight. It seems like the whole battle reset itself, then it took us about 30 minutes to finish it. But after all that...the quest glitched and didn't complete. No credit, no rewards. All we got was the skull. The experience was incredibly frustrating and disappointing.

    The next day, I decided to go back. My partner joined me later, and we finished the whole quest in a few hours. This time the battle didn't glitch, and we had the satisfaction of finishing the tale.

    In spite of our first bad experience...I loved Shores of Gold. Yes, it was a pain the first time, even forgetting the glitchy part. The traps were brutal. But the adventure, the story, the music(!), the challenge, and the eventual was all fantastic. I actually went back and did the whole thing solo, and loved every minute.

    I understand how some folks may find it frustrating. We certainly did. I do think the time involved is a little excessive, especially the first time through. Not everyone has that kind of time to devote to a single play session. It's been hard for my crew to block off time to do the quests, and those 5 hour+ sessions are especially tough. Our third teammate still hasn't completed the Tale, but we're hoping to get together tonight.

    I'm still excited about Shores of Gold and can't wait to do it all again!

  • my first time toom about 2.5 hours solo. my last time took under an hour solo. for it to take you 5 hours means you forgot your basic puzzle solving and platformer skills at the door..

    To echo many of the posts above. the quest was a blast. I just wish we had more to do on the shore of gold

  • @falsegore128 said in The Shores of Gold Tall Tale:

    @nunoazuldimeter Could at least have boosted your reputation after selling the skull.

    This is the only Suggestion/Reason why you created a topic criticizing the last chapter of the tale?

    any other chapter gave you reputation for any faction not even an item for you to sell for money.
    and here you are...
    I'm confused.

  • @captain-coel I don't think I complained about the riddles, I complained about everything else that was a waste of time.
    I complained that not everyone is able to do the "equilibrists" and the one with the traps was a huge waste of time that the game does not normally provide.

  • @nunoazuldimeter I criticized the last chapter by listing the things I didn't like, it's a forum, I'm free to write a positive thought or not.
    The skull of the last chapter was sold in any outpost, therefore, yes, it would be better to increase the reputation.

  • @captain-coel said in The Shores of Gold Tall Tale:

    my first time toom about 2.5 hours solo. my last time took under an hour solo. for it to take you 5 hours means you forgot your basic puzzle solving and platformer skills at the door..

    Well, that’s not necessarily true. Apart from the bug we encountered, we just wanted to take our time and soak it all in. We didn’t have trouble with the puzzles, but nevertheless they did prove quite time-consuming. The gauntlet of traps slowed us up a lot since some of my crew had trouble with them, and we didn’t want to leave anyone behind. Then of course the final battle glitched, but even if it hadn’t it still would’ve taken 20-30 minutes. The last time I did it solo only took me about two hours or so, knowing all the ins and outs. For a first run, I think most average crews, barring any technical issues, would probably take 3 to 5 hours or more, easily.

    To echo many of the posts above. the quest was a blast. I just wish we had more to do on the shore of gold

    On this I agree completely! 🙂

  • I just tried this again with my three-woman brigantine crew, and we were unable to complete it. Apparently the final battle times out after an hour. It is much, much harder with three people than it is with one or two. I whizzed through the whole quest in about 2 hours solo. We spent about 4 hours as a three person crew tonight and couldn't finish it. Something's definitely out of whack there.

  • @falsegore128 said in The Shores of Gold Tall Tale:

    An impossible game mode.
    First thousand puzzles rather complicated and then bring the 4 medallions around the map a thousand times and moreover, the place where you must then put the medallions, a very long journey. Once this is done, look for the tunnel, impossible to find because it is badly explained and we are already at three hours of play.
    Let's move on to being a tightrope walker and I'm tired of playing. Another bad thing is that if we are more players, I don't see why the route has to be individual given the checkpoints. After endless hours and deaths, the boss finally arrives. After all this thankless work, we had to go boating and sell the skull with the risk of losing it or even getting us to level up.
    I am very disgusted.

    I'm just wondering how on earth you struggled with the puzzles, the book you are given literally gives you a hint (which starts to make me think you never read it at all).
    And for the traps, you cant remove them since it removes the challenge of it and its canon bookwise as well (Read Athena's Fortune).

    From what I can gather from your post, your just asking for it to be extremely easy.

  • @foxywiththemoxy I have not spread so much over the difficulty of the puzzles as for the rest. Traps and so on, are not modalities that this game requires and in fact many have found difficulty in carrying them out.
    Therefore, before commenting, read the content well.

    Put simply, it was a waste of time to bring 4 medallions to a faraway place and do those things with all those jumps, even if the pirate is not very flexible in doing so.
    Normally Sea of ​​Thieves does not provide this type of game.

  • @genuine-heather I think that if the player who is ahead is able to make everyone check their checkpoint, it would be perfect.

  • @falsegore128 said in The Shores of Gold Tall Tale:

    @foxywiththemoxy I have not spread so much over the difficulty of the puzzles as for the rest. Traps and so on, are not modalities that this game requires and in fact many have found difficulty in carrying them out.
    Therefore, before commenting, read the content well.

    Put simply, it was a waste of time to bring 4 medallions to a faraway place and do those things with all those jumps, even if the pirate is not very flexible in doing so.
    Normally Sea of ​​Thieves does not provide this type of game.

    (Big wall of text incoming)
    The reward and the medallion delivering itself is completely understandable. The reward should be a bit bigger since the TallTale is called the Shores of Gold, you would except a big reward for it.
    For the medallions, yeah that's annoying and can take a while, especially if your soloing (which I had to do another 4 times just to 100% the whole thing).

    As for the traps, I find them perfectly fine. If I were honest, I would had made them much more harder. Its a common trope in Adventure games and movies that traps are used in temples, tombs, mazes etc as a way of defending ones hoard (Like the Goonies). Now if traps were removed entirely, that would leave the Treasure Vault completely unguarded baring skeletons, its literally saying "Lots of treasure here! Take it all without any effort!".
    Obviously it needs to be protected so its harder for others to take their treasure, I would be the same if I had a room full of gold since I wouldn't want anyone to take it.
    In canon wise, The Gold Hoarder is very greedy and doesn't want anyone to steal their treasure, so he obviously added to the ruins with traps and puzzles not to challenge them but to protect his loot. (edited due to spoilers)
    Traps are usually used for one thing only, to deter, test, harm or kill the intruder, they aren't meant for showing off.

    Tomb Raider, The Goonies and Indiana Jones pulled it off, so why can't this game do so? If its adventure related with ancient temples and what not, there's bound to be a trap or two.

    And you're right, Sea of Thieves doesn't usually do this, but the same thing could be said for other things as well. TallTales made me love this game more since I'm a huge fan of dungeon crawling and tomb raiding games like Zelda and what not.

  • a bit of a tricky balance, overall the game has always been light on rewards, its what keeps us playing, takes a long time to build up for that hull or sails. when I did the TT at the time I also felt jilted for not gaining any rep, since then I have made pirate legend and as a result couldn't care less about the rep as it would do nothing for me. the rewards given balance out for all players really.

    what the TT did was bring the game to life finally. true interaction with the various characters we've encountered throughout the map, explaining more of the lore, full immersive exploration. I loved it overall, but wasn't willing to do all of those 5 times each to get the curse, some were very long tedious voyages, but that being said to those who did do it get a cosmetic that will be both rare and well earned, a symbol of true dedication (or no life, lol jk)

  • For me, since reaching PL, it's been all about the cosmetics. They're the true treasure in the game and tell the story of your adventures. You see someone with time-limited cosmetics, you can pretty much tell how experienced they are in the game and/or at least how long they've been playing. All the gold and rep won't unlock those old cosmetics for you.

    (PSA: it's at this time I feel I should point out there's only about 5 hours left to play and get yourselves those Halo Spartan ship cosmetics)

  • @falsegore128 clearly you have not listened to what this whole thing was about, its been stated literally:

    “Its not about the gold, its about the glory”

    The experience, the adventure.

    It is easy enough to get gold in this game, an easily repeatable quest for a sickening amount of gold is not what the game needed.

    The game needed deepening of lore, which it achieved, new ways of spending your time, which it achieved and i can go on a whole lot longer.

  • @foxywiththemoxy said in The Shores of Gold Tall Tale:

    @falsegore128 said in The Shores of Gold Tall Tale:
    In canon wise, The Gold Hoarder [REDACTED] is very greedy and doesn't want anyone to steal their treasure, so he obviously added to the ruins with traps and puzzles not to challenge them but to protect his loot.

    I'm livid that you just spoiled that for me. I've been reading Athena's Fortune and I did not see that coming (yet). Sigh.

  • @genuine-heather said in The Shores of Gold Tall Tale:

    @foxywiththemoxy said in The Shores of Gold Tall Tale:

    @falsegore128 said in The Shores of Gold Tall Tale:
    In canon wise, The Gold Hoarder (originally Rathbone) is very greedy and doesn't want anyone to steal their treasure, so he obviously added to the ruins with traps and puzzles not to challenge them but to protect his loot.

    I'm livid that you just spoiled that for me. I've been reading Athena's Fortune and I did not see that coming (yet). Sigh.

    Sorry about spoiling it for you.
    But its still a good book though.

  • It was long, yes. But the ending wasn't lacking. You fought through two skeleton lords up to that point, you went through traps, followed the steps of a great pirate. You followed the ghosts of an old ship. You read the stars. All this lead up to you reaching the shores of gold, going through puzzles and traps, getting to the gold hoarder, and blasting him back into a pile of gold and bones. It truly isn't about the gold, it's about the glory, about the adventure you had along the way. So what if you didn't get some glorious cosmetic, so what if you didn't get pounds of gold, you still had a great adventure!

  • @foxywiththemoxy Please edit your second post, you just wrote the biggest spoil of the book to everyone, and its really not necessary to understand your point...

  • @lord-budstep said in The Shores of Gold Tall Tale:

    @foxywiththemoxy Please edit your second post, you just wrote the biggest spoil of the book to everyone, and its really not necessary to understand your point...

    Seriously this. I'm still cross about that. Grrr.

  • @genuine-heather Im sad for you, really...
    Hope you'll still enjoy this great book =/

11 out of 40