Could Easter eggs have explenations or be added into the Commandations?

  • Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Coast , Seasoned and New Alike. Sea of Thieves is a game that is filled with Easter Eggs , really many can be found around this Amazing World.
    Wouldn't it be great if some sort of commendation or reward was attached to these findings ?
    We all have a spyglass in our pockets and if we would detect an Easter Egg and zoom into it , it would become registered and from that moment on , you could read an explenation about why this is an Easter Egg...Not before because a " Push X button" icon could betray the presence of an Easter Egg before you even realized that there was one ...

    Some Easter Eggs are very subtile or well hidden , and even on this very Forum there are Easter Eggs that are detected but not being explained nor known why an Easter Egg was given...

    " George , you dumb fool ": i hear you say . " Many Easter Eggs have been announced and their findings spots are explained there as well". ( * OOOH ,more and more people are calling you fool and moron, do they finally see that you mean nothing, NOTHING...Thanks the Gods , i can do a Robert De Niro Voice, hehehehe). Yes ,that is true but what is the percentage amongst Pirates and Pirates that read the Forum?...

    i mean a lot of people don't even know that Rare has made this game for the people , not only their own renown or cashback...How many New Pirates run passed by an Easter Egg without knowing what they mean or how it came there?...

    And maybe , adding commandations towards the Easter eggs could force people away from their " grinding " minds of digging , retrieving and cashing in without roaming around in this Beautiful World...

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  • @clumsy-george
    That would definitely be interesting. Maybe it could be one of the explorer rewards rare wants to add.

  • Have any new ones been discovered since the anniversary update?

    And OT it would be a nice addition I think. Could tie in well to the whole Captains Log/Journal addition that has been suggested for a while.

  • @knifelife said in Could Easter eggs have explenations or be added into the Commandations?:

    Have any new ones been discovered since the anniversary update?

    Yup, the Making our Mark-List was recently updated by @Pikaaroon.

  • @thor-von-blitz Ohh, a few new names since the last I checked.
    Nice to see it’s still being updated as the games progressing.

  • @clumsy-george said in Could Easter eggs have explenations or be added into the Commandations?:

    Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Coast , Seasoned and New Alike. Sea of Thieves is a game that is filled with Easter Eggs , really many can be found around this Amazing World.
    Wouldn't it be great if some sort of commendation or reward was attached to these findings ?
    We all have a spyglass in our pockets and if we would detect an Easter Egg and zoom into it , it would become registered and from that moment on , you could read an explenation about why this is an Easter Egg...Not before because a " Push X button" icon could betray the presence of an Easter Egg before you even realized that there was one ...

    Some Easter Eggs are very subtile or well hidden , and even on this very Forum there are Easter Eggs that are detected but not being explained nor known why an Easter Egg was given...

    " George , you dumb fool ": i hear you say . " Many Easter Eggs have been announced and their findings spots are explained there as well". ( * OOOH ,more and more people are calling you fool and moron, do they finally see that you mean nothing, NOTHING...Thanks the Gods , i can do a Robert De Niro Voice, hehehehe). Yes ,that is true but what is the percentage amongst Pirates and Pirates that read the Forum?...

    i mean a lot of people don't even know that Rare has made this game for the people , not only their own renown or cashback...How many New Pirates run passed by an Easter Egg without knowing what they mean or how it came there?...

    And maybe , adding commandations towards the Easter eggs could force people away from their " grinding " minds of digging , retrieving and cashing in without roaming around in this Beautiful World...

    nice idea mr. @Clumsy-George

  • @clumsy-george I think this could be added to the Bigle Rats.
    They're Explorers right?
    The Easter egg finder tab could just be in amongst all the other tabs in the bilge Rat menu.
    alt text

  • @clumsy-george It could be

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