The Race-Built Galleon

  • The Galleon is a great ship and I am very envious of those who have enough friends to crew one, but as of right now it is the ONLY ship that can carry a crew of four and is not without its disadvantages.
    While it is a formidable opponent in the right hands the difference of skill required to bring yourself to dominating the sea as opposed to uselessly floundering in it is evidently vast and four friends who want to play together, but don't want to use such a massive ship, difficult ship are stuck for options.

    I gather the complexity of the ship is by design to prevent everyone from being able to dominate in a Galleon and keeping the ships as a relative rarity in game, but I'm of the opinion a smaller, slightly more forgiving vessel, may be an option.

    So your your ridicule and amusement I present the idea of a Race-built Galleon.
    This would be a sub-class of the Galleon being smaller & easier to manage that can be crewed by 3 or 4 people.
    While not any faster than a Galleon she would be far more manoeuvrable, with the trade-off being a loss of two cannons, taking her down to three each side, and being considerably slower downwind. Making her a firm medium between the Brig and Galleon classes of ship.
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  • 4
  • So you mean a brig?

  • @octopus-lime said in The Race-Built Galleon:

    So you mean a brig?

    Ok so...

    @ricewynd said in The Race-Built Galleon:

    ...a firm medium between the Brig and Galleon classes of ship......

  • I think this isn't a necessary addition. Galleons are already balanced around crews of 3-4, so adding a subclass of ship that's easier for crews of 4 to handle than a regular galleon would upset the balance.

2 out of 4