gold is entirely pointless

  • What’s the point of even getting gold?? Cosmetics are pointless, the games in first person, you can’t even see your character unless you emote. I can get enough gold for a whole ship set in a day or two which looks somewhat decent, at least I can see this cosmetic. But theres no sense of what am I working towards in this game. Pirate legend can be achieved in a couple weeks. What about a progression system? What about a new weapon that’s balanced with the others that I can buy with gold? What about a whole new ship I can buy? What about ship cosmetics that cost 10 mil gold each or clothes that cost the same to make you stand out if you play the game more? There’s just nothing to work towards in this game which makes it boring to me. Maybe it’s because gold is too easy to earn?

  • 30
  • Wrong game bro. Try some fully fledged mmo games with levels and buying gear and stuff. Sot is about adventures, gold is just a stimulant.

  • Not all games need an end goal. Look at Rust, you build a base, raid bases, and attack players. Only for that base, if it lasted, to be destroyed in a Bi-weekly, sometimes monthly, wipe. Only to start over the next wipe cycle to do the same again. A lot of people have zero issues with games that are repetitive in nature. What matters is if that repetition is fun.

  • May I advise you to earn the title of killing the White Meg 5 times? That title alone is Rare and will be great to show off.

  • @burnbacon sagte in gold is entirely pointless:

    May I advise you to earn the title of killing the White Meg 5 times? That title alone is Rare and will be great to show off.

    That's a good one 🤣🤣

  • I am sure Rathbone wouldn't mind having some of your gold.

  • The entire game is based on a cosmetic system. It's not about the treasure it's about the glory!

    I have max level in everything but Hunters, all tall tales done with both curses but just need a few more arena wins.

    Point is that the game is kinda grindy with adventures to be made. Loot can be stolen or given.

    A PvPvE sand box is what you make it.

  • welcome tothe world of gold creep. strap in cause ive owned everything in the game for over a year now. the emassary update only made it worse.

  • @jmiller1314 If you go to your reputation tabs, and click them, you can view commendations, basically achievements/goals.

    This game is about having a fantasy pirate experience, and showing off accomplishments; your legend.

    Stick around for events, nab rewards, grind out lofty and prestigious titles, and make your mark on the game. Gold is a way to measure both your time played, and your overall progress. More ya have, more cosmetics you have to show off.

    This is a multiplayer game, clothes for your character are important for the same reason in real life. You want others to look at you in a certain way, dress as you would irl.

    Again, game is not about leveling, but collecting. And most importantly, FUN! Enjoy the seas!

  • It's not about the gold. . . it's about the glory.

  • gold is entirely pointless

    Well sure. It's round.

    alt text

  • @vac-hombre said in gold is entirely pointless:

    gold is entirely pointless

    Well sure. It's round.
    What a power move. XD

  • v-hombre said in gold is entirely pointless:

    gold is entirely pointless

    Well sure. It's round.

    alt text


  • They should give gold some kind of worth. The amount of cosmetics they release doesn't match the amount of gold you can obtain due to boosts throughout their updates. One way they could mitigate this is to allow you to fire your gold out of the cannons. It could be used as a way to put holes in sails at close range, or even do some AoE damage to players at close ranges. This would provide some use for the gold, at least to some extent, and expand upon the PvP options in ship combat.

  • @burnbacon if only I could find it once

  • The point of the game is just to have fun in a pirate-themed sandbox, not to grind everything out as quickly as possible. I've noticed the people who do the most complaining about lack of content try to do everything in the shortest amount of time possible.

    That being said, I think repeatable gold sinks are long overdue. Removing cosmetic damage from ships, giving your ship a name, etc are all decent ways players could spend their money. I could also see a special Gold Hoarders quest require you bury some of your own money in a special chest on some remote island.

  • @flying-poopla No. Then rich people win, and poor people don't.

  • @klutchxking518 What is the problem with that I don't get it. If you see the pirate legend facetiousant07 in the horizon with his legendary galleon and his crew you better get out as fast as possible. Or you team up in an alliance and go 2v1 or 3v1. The upgrades don't even have to be that impactful. Since when are pirates playing "fair"??
    If a pirate legend fights a newbie he can win, that's ok.

  • @jmiller1314 I absolutely agree with you. And the argument "it's about the glory" seems invalide to me because there are literally only 5 ships on a server. How would you even make yourself a name? Chance of finding other players in a tavern is nearly 0.

  • @sebanimation said in gold is entirely pointless:

    What is the problem with that I don't get it.

    Because it goes against Rare's vision of the game. From the very beginning, Rare have stated that they wanted no advantages in the game beyond experience. Adding gameplay advantages, especially ones you buy with gold, would be a major change to how the games work.

    I'd wager they'd lose just as many, if not more players by making such a fundamental shift to the game's overall purpose and balance. I understand that some people enjoy the repetitive cycle of grinding for loot, spending loot on gear to better grind for greater loot, etc. But Sea of Thieves isn't, and was never intended to be that kind of game.

    While the game hasn't been a huge phenomenon, it has been a consistent presence on the Microsoft landscape and more than proven that there is an audience for it's approach to player progression.

    If you find the gameplay to be lacking, then that's a valid opinion. But you can't really change the core of the game just because some people don't like it. I wouldn't go to Dark Souls and ask for a casual kids mode. And I wouldn't go to Sea of Thieves and ask for vertical progression and gold sinks.

  • @sebanimation said in gold is entirely pointless:

    @jmiller1314 How would you even make yourself a name? Chance of finding other players in a tavern is nearly 0.

    Emissary leaderboards, for one.

    But, even before Emissaries, there have been pirates in the community who have been feared through reputation. If you're good enough at anything and leave an impression, your name spreads.

  • @flying-poopla said in gold is entirely pointless:

    fire your gold out of the cannons.

    @klutchxking518 said in gold is entirely pointless:

    @flying-poopla No. Then rich people win, and poor people don't.

    Not thats fine if we buff the size of the legendary bucket. I'll be runnin 'bout deck catchin it all.

  • @klutchxking518 That isn't true in the least. This wouldn't be a trump card weapon. Also, it is not hard to get gold in this game. You can make a mil in a couple of hours easy.

  • You need gold sinks, otherwise there is absolutely no point to gold. Why have millions upon millions of gold if it does nothing? It is just bad design. You might as well just remove gold entirely if it does nothing besides buy like 5 cosmetics per month. Asking to have a gold sink is not even remotely close to asking for something as drastic as a kids mode in Dark Souls. By your same logic, where they don't want gameplay advantage, then they should remove anything that isn't a regular cannonball. After all, if I am experienced I know how to both more easily obtain, and use properly, things like cursed cannonballs, etc. That offers me undue "advantage" over those who don't. Gold is basically an indirect measurement of your experience in SoT that inevitably accrues over time. Being able to leverage that gold, as you do with experience, would be very similar.

  • @flying-poopla Players who play solo every day cannot. The game needs balance. I have 11 million on me, I'd sail up to you and completely waste your sails immediately if it came to it. Bad idea for the game.

  • @klutchxking518 If you even play solo for an hour you can make 200k+ gold easy in this game. Gold is not this precious commodity anymore. Also, you wasting somebody's sails doesn't guarantee you a win at all. The attack would be close range, meaning that it really only helps in certain situations that you can put yourself in. There is most definitely a balance that can be struck with this. If you don't want sails wasted, then maybe embedding the gold in the ships hull can weigh a ship down over time, making is sail at a percentage of its full speed. This gold can be removed by a crew that is paying attention. The short-sightedness in your reactions to the proposal is almost on par with Rare's inability to think of consequences and balance for the "features" they constantly put out.

  • @flying-poopla I'm sorry, but the idea sounds ludicrous. Firing gold out of cannons? Embedding gold in the ship? This does not sound good for the game, and adds unneccesary confusion for new players. It just ruins the game's horizontal progression. Why would I fire anything but gold if I just have a near infinite reserve of it? My cannonball depletion issue is gone. You have infinite ammo if you have money, and if not, screw you!

    Does not have a good ring to it.

  • @jmiller1314 Just thank Rare for transforming SoT into a Newbie 1moth friendly game. They have removed all long term challenge, made gold too easy and each new release completl shadows n terms of interest any content added before (Emissary is pointless now that those Ghost Fleets bring an insane/stupid/unbalanced amount of resources).

    Like you said, gold is merely here for nothing, people will insta-buy anything which comes out even for millions.
    More 10kk cosmetics for grinders would be fair.

  • I'm with you on that one.
    The currency system doesn't really add much to the game itself.
    I'd like to see imbued weapons like a venomous cutlass or inferno cannons that do less overall damage but have effects.
    Maybe even the ability to change ship layouts and have forward facing cannons.

  • @flying-poopla said in gold is entirely pointless:

    After all, if I am experienced I know how to both more easily obtain, and use properly, things like cursed cannonballs, etc. That offers me undue "advantage" over those who don't.

    And what method would you use to more easily obtain cursed cannonballs beyond simply looking in more crates? Everyone has the same ability to gather resources, so how many CCs you manage to collect is all down to the RNG.

    And yes, if you know how to properly use CCs better than your opponent, you will have an advantage. Just as you'd have an advantage by knowing how to better use your guns, sword, regular cannonballs, harpoons, kegs, and all the other tools of the game. That is the experience you get by playing the game. It is not a technical advantage that you buy with gold

    The thing is, I agree with you. Gold is just a number. But I'm fine with that. When gold isn't buying me outfits, it's really just another cosmetic for me. Pretty much the same as any of the titles we can equip below our names.

    If Rare wants to add a "gold sink", then whatever. I can just ignore it like the rest of the systems I choose not to use. But I don't think they need a gold sink, because I don't play the game to collect and spend gold. I don't play it to increase my rep or reach Pirate Legend. I play it because I like the act of playing the game. I like positioning my sails, I like following maps, I like getting good parking positions on islands, I like fighting Megs, skellies, and Karen. And I don't need an artificial gold sink added to it to make me feel like I'm working towards something.

22 out of 30