The No Food Strategy aka anti-spawn-camper strat.

  • So after much fighting...I came to a realization and put it to practice and it really does work.

    There's no situation I can think of in a boarding fight where you want food on board your ship.

    Now let me clarify. You dont want fruit.

    You want uncooked meat/fish. Uncooked food does almost no healing so it's perfect for storing future health (over healing or if you're desperate to replenish your personal inventory).

    It's really a hillarious strategy omg. I watched so many PvP'ers drop dead on my ship this weekend because I left them NO food.

    The way it works for you is you over heal and keep 5 of the best fruit you can on your person. Pineapples for instance.

    I reasoned that this would work amazingly well, because there is no scenario where food ON YOUR ship gives you ANY advantage.

    It's only an advantage for the enemy boarder.

    First. If you are boarded one of two things will happen.

    You will die, or you will kill them.

    If you kill them, they are gone for quite some time and you can reassess your situation.

    If you are dead here is where the no food strategy gets them real good.

    Spawn campers rely upon ONE thing. Your food.

    Without it they will die quickly from attrition.

    This allows you to more quickly recover your ship.

    Which is the real threat. Not the boarder.

    We all know what being anchored or demasted means.

    But if they have to send more players to camp, or dont have more players, then advantage you.

    The over heal is best used for resurrections.

    Because you come back with what...25% health?

    And the over heal makes you more useful.

    Over heal never seemed useful in a fight because it doesnt advantage you until you win the fight.

    And if you're anchored you better win.

    And if you dont. You better not have left 25 beautiful pineapples for your tormentor to live off of while you try to fight them spawn camping you.

    I urge everyone to think of this logic.

    Having fruit helps you in no way. None.

    You're just feeding your enemy. While as a last resort you have infinite health for the price of a little ferryman to take you to your spawn point.

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  • Small addendum.

    To the quester doing something like a fort...

    Keep fruit on a rowboat or in a chest.

    If you are going to get in pvp...throw it overboard or drop the rowboat.

  • @idneon shhhh stop giving away secrets

  • @captain-fob4141 said in The No Food Strategy aka anti-spawn-camper strat.:

    @idneon shhhh stop giving away secrets

    Bahah. It began the beginning of the game weekend when my friend put food in the top barrel and I told him: no, food goes in the bottom barrel.

    Fast forward to a boarder who taunts us "food goes in the top barrel savages".

    I knew it's easy to check both barrels but it was obvious he expected to find food.

    So...light bulb.

    No food for you beeeotch

  • Or just get good

  • I tend to only keep raw meats and fish in my barrels on ship and always at least 3 cooked items in my pockets. This really does help with pesky boarders that enjoy sitting next to your food barrels with a blunder.

  • @tossico94 said in The No Food Strategy aka anti-spawn-camper strat.:

    Or just get good

    This is a strategy to get good with.

  • @tossico94 what does "being good" have to do with a good strategy that seems to already be popular?

  • @idneon
    An option

  • @tossico94 you've given a nonsense troll statement.

    What you suggest is the definition of being bad.

    Being good is preparing for contingencies and adopting strategies that mitigate them.

    What you said makes no one any better at all.

  • @idneon said in The No Food Strategy aka anti-spawn-camper strat.:

    Being good is preparing for contingencies and adopting strategies that mitigate them.


    Sounds like a lotta work. I think I'd rather just die, scuttle, and respawn. More relaxing for me.

  • @idneon
    Getting good its a working strategy, much better than any elaborate plan u alredy posted here

  • Cause you know, you dont have to starve your crew or colllapsing your masts if you can actually hit a moving target.
    And you gain this magic power just by playing the game instead of writing on the forum.

  • This is an interesting strategy.

    I like how it turns boarding into a "No, you're stuck on here with me" situation.

    I'm gonna give this a try and see how it works.

  • @tossico94 said in The No Food Strategy aka anti-spawn-camper strat.:

    Cause you know, you dont have to starve your crew or colllapsing your masts if you can actually hit a moving target.
    And you gain this magic power just by playing the game instead of writing on the forum.

    Why not? Why the hate? And why should one care about such a trolling comment? I do not care about your opinion, but I am thankful when people use their brain and try to share their ideas because this section of the forum is called "discussion", you know what that means? Look it up!
    Hilarious, one cannot just read through a topic here without finding guys like you polluting every topic.

  • @boxcar-squidy it works great. Honestly lol. Game changer for pvp.


    Full personal inventory of pineapples.

    Full barrel of uncooked meat

    And you'll be the Rorshach.

  • @tossico94 how is your crew starving. Do you need to eat 5 pineapples in a fight?

  • I honestly have been so frustrated by being boarded and having all my food eaten by boarders(including my rare fish-barbarians!) that it never occurred to me to starve them.

    I've been keeping firebombs in storage crates because I was sick of getting people boarding and setting me on fire, but I really should have been doing this with food.

  • @idneon
    Wonder what do you do everytime you lose a bit of health? Pineapples or ferry? Smells like an huge waste

    If your good u just need coconuts, no need for incredibly tedious strategies to set sail lol. In this casuls game a bit of brain and aim is enough.

    But hey mine was a viable option, i can set sail in 60 seconds with default supplies if the fear of dying and getting spawnclapped make so much pressure to someone they can follow your hint 😊

  • @mew-schnee

    Im not the one spitting hate here. Paradoxically im being called troll for writing the best option. So curb your accusations because you are embarassing only yourself.

  • @tossico94

    Those Knicks and cuts if they ever add up will be healed by overheal. Just cook a chicken wing if you're that concerned.

    As for the coconuts.

    It doesn't matter what fruit you have. It matters if your campers have 100 coconuts in your food barrel.

    Your advice is honestly complete horse vomit from its backside.

    When you spawn into game often time your character spawns before your game loads and you wake up to some nice blunderbuss to the face.

    This isnt some highly optimized FPS that's been around for 25 years.

  • @tossico94 also it just doesnt seem like you pvp much or win at it much and seems like you just solo sloop a lot.

    Based on a few things you've said.

    I used to say "takes 60 seconds to sail."

    Now I always take the extra 10 min to stop at a skeleton fort. It's always worth it. Always.

    So theres a bunch of red flags that you're just spewing a limited perspective of what's good.

  • @doctorfork said in The No Food Strategy aka anti-spawn-camper strat.:

    I honestly have been so frustrated by being boarded and having all my food eaten by boarders(including my rare fish-barbarians!) that it never occurred to me to starve them.

    I've been keeping firebombs in storage crates because I was sick of getting people boarding and setting me on fire, but I really should have been doing this with food.

    If I'm fishing I'll cook it up but obviously that's for the sales...

    Good idea on the firebombs etc.

    Except I've had boarders just grab crates and jump off so it's a give take haha.

    Id rather put a fire out and have 30 firebombs remaining.

  • @tossico94 said in The No Food Strategy aka anti-spawn-camper strat.:


    Im not the one spitting hate here. Paradoxically im being called troll for writing the best option. So curb your accusations because you are embarassing only yourself.

    Spare me your self flattering. You just jumped into a topic and had nothing more to add but "that is silly" and then you praised your own style; make no mistake, I called out your behavior, you yourself are of no interest. And really? You think I care about what you deem embarrassing? Oh dude, a sack of rice is more interesting and you could at least have proofread your few words. But by the way, have you already looked up the term? Maybe it enlightens you finally why your behavior irritated me.

    @idneon said in The No Food Strategy aka anti-spawn-camper strat.:

    Those Knicks and cuts if they ever add up will be healed by overheal. Just cook a chicken wing if you're that concerned.

    As for the coconuts.

    It doesn't matter what fruit you have. It matters if your campers have 100 coconuts in your food barrel.

    Your advice is honestly complete horse vomit from its backside.

    When you spawn into game often time your character spawns before your game loads and you wake up to some nice blunderbuss to the face.

    This isnt some highly optimized FPS that's been around for 25 years.

    Apart from the vulgar wording, you mention a few issues with being boarded and the long loading time and the ensuing disadvantages are often presented on various streams.

  • @mew-schnee

    Lol is that the next level toxicity? Making assumption and victimize yourself?

    U should gotta eat that sack of rice next time ur "Irritated" instead of posting making assumptions and putting words peoples never said in theyre mounth to justify your behavior.

    What a drama queen 😂

  • @idneon
    You doesnt spawn on the exact spawnpoint everytime, have you even played the game ACTUALLY? If youre good you can escape 99% of spawnkills

    So the "oh i cant spawn i get blunderfucced" argument is pretty weak and smells like a way to justify the fact that u get just spanked everytime

    Feel free to stop 10 minutes at fort, but accept the fact that its not needed.

    And yeah, you dont need to be mad because i wrote a 3 words option on your topic.

  • @IDNeon
    Sure dude, dont check my profile tho or u gotta get traumatized

  • @tossico94 said in The No Food Strategy aka anti-spawn-camper strat.:


    Lol is that the next level toxicity? Making assumption and victimize yourself?

    U should gotta eat that sack of rice next time ur "Irritated" instead of posting making assumptions and putting words peoples never said in theyre mounth to justify your behavior.

    What a drama queen 😂

    What is your point? You say nothing, you are just inflating your small ego. Is it hard for you to see that people have another opinion on things than you? That you have to belittle them? You amuse me now, go on.

    Moderators may approve of your behavior, I do not. I like to see the other part of the face of Rare and their community on these forums, the not so shiny streamer part which turns many topics into a senseless slurring feast.

    To be clear, is this what you are talking about?

    @tossico94 said in The No Food Strategy aka anti-spawn-camper strat.:

    Or just get good

    Is this the brilliance you are talking about, wherefore you want a pat on the shoulder?

  • @mew-schnee

    I doesnt want anything my salty, i just wrote 3 things and you smells like very hurt by that.

    This is pretty sad.

  • REMINDER - As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. Failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • @mew-scheme regarding the loading time issues.

    After implementing this boarding strategy of no's never been an issue again.

    Pvpers rarely seem to stock up on their own food haha.

    But also my crew and I usually win every boarding fight because every boarder is worse than Skelly Ai

    "Omg omg I'm on their ship. Going to their anchor!"


    @tossico94 the reason we all think you're trolling is because your statement has nothing to discuss lol.

    "Get good" doesnt say anything. As if its something only certain people can achieve.

    This thread says and has proven that getting good food.

    Also I used to not stop at skelly forts.

    You need about 20 chain shot to win any ship-to-ship fight.

    So you definitely need that skelly fort pit stop.

  • @idneon responding to people with unhelpful comments like "get good'" is also against the rules of this forum. The guy is lucky nobody cares enough about his transparent egotism to bother reporting him for being disrespectful.

    Which is possibly the saddest indictment, getting a free pass because your attitude is so tiresome that people aren't even bothered to expend the cognitive energy it would take to report you. I never knew it was possible to cringe on behalf of someone else's edginess, but here we are...

    In my experience, when you have to blow your own trumpet like that, it's nearly always compensating for something. Real pirates let their actions speak for themselves.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in The No Food Strategy aka anti-spawn-camper strat.:

    responding to people with unhelpful comments like "get good'" is also against the rules of this forum.


    Cause it seemed to be the go-to response in some of the PvE threads.

  • Honestly although I don't spawn camp that wouldn't work if your planning on staying afloat. If you were I'd have a hidden stash instead

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