New Limited Time Items are Pathetic Compared to what they used to be

  • The new time-limited items are frankly pathetic compared to what they used to give out. The coolest items in the game are mainly old time-limited items pre-season 1 which feels incredibly bad for newer players. Mind you most season pass items are confirmed as NOT time limited and will be coming back in some capacity so in other words PL curse, ferryman hull, stinger cutlass will come back for everyone.

    Lets go ahead and compare what the new time limited items are compared to the old ones:

    Here are the old time-limited items pre-seasons:




    Now let's look at the new ones (mind you faction items and season pass items are NOT time-limited and are back or coming back):

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    tldr: Old time limited cosmetics are awesome the new time limited cosmetics suck in comparison and the cool ones are not time limited. Cosmetics are a braggin thing either make new cosmetics cool to compete with the old ones or bring back the old time limited ones. But this just feels bad for new players I personally don't use a single new time limited cosmetic since they all suck in comparison to what used to be offered.

  • 9
  • subjective
    so they will never win with everyone
    for me personally it's free and I don't complain about free

    you could offer specifics just as an idea

    as example I'd love to see more full body type tats in the future as we really only have the one for some serious tat action

  • @wolfmanbush Very well then in your subjective opinion which new time-limited item do you think is cool compared to say Captain Bones Original cutlass or gold hauler figurehead. The issue is not them not making new cool cosmetics the issue is that none of the new cool ones are limited time.

  • @nitroxien said in New Limited Time Items are Pathetic Compared to what they used to be:

    @wolfmanbush Very well then in your subjective opinion which new time-limited item do you think is cool compared to say Captain Bones Original cutlass or gold hauler figurehead. The issue is not them not making new cool cosmetics the issue is that none of the new cool ones are limited time.

    I'm generally not a time limited fan I'm a fan of serious effort and results when it comes to cosmetics and titles

    peacocking doesn't have much substance to me when it's based on someone being around at a certain time and doing random tasks

    I understand the marketing behind it it's just not something I care much about. It's free it's all nice quality can't ask for much more than that I just use the default ship wear a mini skirt and kill pirates.

    What I do like about it is that a lot of the newer stuff is more bright and vibrant and peaceful and pretty. The game needed it and the game is getting it so I dig that

  • My favourite cosmetics are not time limited. I barely use any of the limited stuff.

  • I'll say this much, the Ruby Sovereign eyepatch definitely doesn't merit being a time-limited cosmetic; it clearly should be unlocked like the other two new colors, by destroying the relevant mermaid statues.

  • @nitroxien

    I don't think you are being quite fair in this comparison. The four pictures you showed for the old items all occured in very different times throughout the game's life. The pictures you should for the new are only the ones that are happening currently in this event alone and then saying they aren't as good just because this one event is lackluster in your eyes

  • @muirist I wish I could give more but there really are not many limited-time items that exist anymore. Like, give me a cool one I missed? I guess maybe the shroudbreaker tattoo but that's about it.

  • IMO time limited items only work when they show you toke part in something great like taking down The Hungering, or defeating Warsmith's fleet. But as of now we haven't had anything "special" which we could had been rewaded for. Events are dull as you can do all of them by just playing the game regulary so they're not special or should have TL rewards which were out of this world.
    Maybe we could had gotten something for Piarte's life to show that we played around that time?

    TL:DR IMO amazing TL rewards should only be given when there is something great happening like huge update or special TL event like The Hungering and not just for the sake of it or with events that don't require you to do anything special.

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