Pay to restore a scuttled ship?!?

  • Pretty simple, Scuttling your boat creates Every. Single. Hole possible. This means a Captained Ship will retain maximum damage to the ship and cost a lot of money to repair.
    I just had to scuttle my sloop today and its costing me 8.5k to repair it. Why are you making us PAY to scuttle our ship? I thought scuttling your ship was there to help pirates who feel they cannot get out of the situation.

    Whenever people complain about being camped, both official and community sources will tell you scuttling is an option. But its not really an option for newer players when they either have to live with an ugly boat or pay a super high fine to repair?

    If a boat scuttles, do not add value to the restoration cost based on holes created through scuttling. If i have 5 holes, then scuttle, I should only have to pay for 5 holes.

    You have literally put a price on Scuttling. 8.5k JUST for a sloop? whats it like on gally or brig that have WAY more holes? For a new player 8.5k can be their entire voyage or even more. If they're a Galleon then they're gonna be forking out their entire day of playing just to repair the holes they HAD to create because they were getting spawncamped.

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  • @frogfish12 ypu say for new players 8.5k is alot. So is the 250k-500k for the captained boat. If they can afford the boat, they can afford to maintain it.

    Paying to restore cosmetic damage is so cheap. You can find thousands of gold washed up on many island. You could spend 20 minutes doing a sea fortress. If this was 2018 when loot was scarce, maybe it would have mattered, but loot is everywhere.

    This seems to be making a mountain out of a mole hill.

  • @captain-coel said in Pay to restore a scuttled ship?!?:

    @frogfish12 ypu say for new players 8.5k is alot. So is the 250k-500k for the captained boat. If they can afford the boat, they can afford to maintain it.

    Paying to restore cosmetic damage is so cheap. You can find thousands of gold washed up on many island. You could spend 20 minutes doing a sea fortress. If this was 2018 when loot was scarce, maybe it would have mattered, but loot is everywhere.

    This seems to be making a mountain out of a mole hill.

    Why should I go out of my way to pay for a feature that's free without captaincy

  • @frogfish12 if you don’t have to pay to repair a scuttled ship than many people would scuttle their damaged ships rather than pay to fix them.

  • @hawkeye99
    Oh no. That would break the game. /s
    Who cares? If it is "so cheap" to repair your ship, who cares if people find a way to get out of paying that cost? I hate the forced "damage stays between sessions" anyway. Make that an option.

  • Hey man , if you are so careless to destroy your own ship , and letting it sink, while i have to send a salvationship towards your sinkspot and then repair all the damage while planks and building materials have become even more expensive because of a certain unnamed East European punk , then i'm allowed to charge you 8000 gold coins , hey ! Old George and his crew of salvage hunters need to eat too... ;)

  • @scheneighnay Because you chose to sail on a captained ship. If you want free cosmetic repairs, dont use a captained ship . Seems pretty simple.

  • @hawkeye99 Read my post clearer, I say this:

    If I have 5 holes, then scuttle, I should only have to pay for 5 holes.

    So If I have damage prior to scuttling, I still pay for this damage. The only damage I do not pay for is Holes SPECIFICALLY CREATED through scuttling.

  • @captain-coel

    If you want free cosmetic repairs, don't use a captained ship . Seems pretty simple

    This being one of many viewpoints that are ''Settle for less rather than fight for more''. The system is how it is and instead of striving for improvements, as this IS an improvement, you'd rather just have no effort put into it.

  • @clumsy-george

    Because this is a gameplay mechanic. For that logic shouldn't every crew on a non-captained ship have to dock the boat at an outpost at the end of a session and pay the shipwright for repairs? You're effectively borrowing that ship yet you are able to just abandon it wherever and in however condition you want.

  • @frogfish12 I dont view it as an improvement. I think you should be forced to take care of your ship and if you want it to look nice, that is on you to maintain it. This is a small gold sink in a game that desperately needs them.

  • @captain-coel Because a lot of the time people just get their captained ship through a world event. You can make 250k in 2 FoF as a Reaper. Or even just one FoF as Reaper if you sell during gold rush.

    This is not to say EVERYONE does this. The point is to cater to the majority over the minority. People do not always make crazy funds and new players on their new voyages, even middle ground players, shouldn't have to pay such high rates. I'm sure a Galleon is much higher as I believe its 500p per hole and Galleon must have a good 25 holes on it when scuttled.

    If your logic is do a sea fort and take 20 minutes just so that you can repair your ship, then there's an issue. Literally go out of your way to waste 20 minutes because the game told you to. Likewise you on most big islands you'll find maybe 3k average of loot sitting on the floor. If its 8.5k for a Sloop and presumably around 15k for a Galleon then thats a lot of Islands worth of loot simply to repair your scuttle.

    And the idea that ''loot is everywhere'' is something to apply to higher end players. Sure I know how to efficiently do an Ashen Lord in 5 minutes, but the average crew doesn't, they take like 30-40 minutes. As such you cater the balance to the average crew.

  • @frogfish12 no loot being everywhere is all the stuff washed up on beaches or floating amongst barrels at sea. The game doesnt tell you to do anything. If you want a clean ship you can pay for it, or not sail as a captain, seems simple enough.

  • @captain-coel

    If you want a clean ship you can pay for it, or not sail as a captain, seems simple enough.

    Again, why settle for less when you can fight for more?

    Also you're stretching the point of this thread. I'm not asking for free restores, Simply that you shouldn't have to pay for SCUTTLING. Your messages read like you just disagree with free restores, which I agree with. The point is that we are effectively in a ''pay to scuttle'' situation.

    Like the game is saying ''Damn, you got spawncamped? That sucks but also pay 8-15k to scuttle''

  • @frogfish12 yeah, you pay for your damage, all of it. Im indifferent to where it comes from. Again gold is easy to get. You dont have to be a veteran player to make easy gold. You also CHOOSE to sail on a captained ship, which means you CHOOSE to be responsible for its upkeep. If you are getting spawncamped. Chances are your ship has already taken damage as well. If you want it to look good, just pay it.

  • @frogfish12

    Hello Mr Frogfish , i only tried to make a little joke ... It should be so that you would have to pay for the damage before the scuttling but i fear that the program or game does not take that in it's memory...

  • @clumsy-george well the game has it in its memory to know HOW to received damage. When an enemy shoots your ship they get a sound effect when the cannonball lands. So the game is able to tell ''this player fired a cannonball and successfully struck an enemy boat''. The latter should be the same, the game should be able to tell by which form your ship recieved damage. From a player, from ramming, from fire, from a skelly ship, or from scuttling. It doesn't even need to take into account any of them except the last. If it simply takes into account which holes are directly impacted by scuttling, then this would be something possible for them to do.

  • @captain-coel

    . If you are getting spawncamped. Chances are your ship has already taken damage

    This is just untrue. The point of spawncamping to keep the enemy ship floating. This is often done by simply cannoning out to the enemy ship, never once actually damaging it.

    You also CHOOSE to sail on a captained ship, which means you CHOOSE to be responsible for its upkeep.

    This is fine where I receive damage throughout my adventures as a Pirate Captain, but in a spawncamping situation you are already at this disadvantage. Any loot you had is already lost, any chance of continuing your game is already lost. Scuttling is there specifically for this situation so players can take the L and get out of it. Making them have to pay to scuttle just ruins the entire point of it being a way out.

  • Pretty simple, Scuttling your boat creates Every. Single. Hole possible. This means a Captained Ship will retain maximum damage to the ship and cost a lot of money to repair.

    Sounds about right.

    Why are you making us PAY to scuttle our ship?

    What services are you using? I scuttled to test this and I wasn't charged for it. :/ Odd

    I thought scuttling your ship was there to help pirates who feel they cannot get out of the situation.

    It is.

    I just had to scuttle my sloop today and its costing me 8.5k to repair it.

    OOOH see you didn't say that.
    Scuttling is "FREE" But repairing your ship is not. See the confusion.

    But its not really an option for newer players when they either have to live with an ugly boat or pay a super high fine to repair?

    Stop and read what you said.
    "newer" players? Majority of new players wont be captaining a Ship. So...when they get a Respawn ship, it A-OK

    You have literally put a price on Scuttling

    No they didn't.

    For a new player 8.5k can be their entire voyage or even more.

    For most new players, owning a captain ship shoudnt be a thing. As for a player who been playing say..maybe a Month or two, I wouldnt call them new. They should have backup cash

    • 8.5K gold? Yeah you can earn that by doing couple voyages and grade 5 flag. Not hard.

    As for my last input.
    You sir, do not HAVE TOO pay to restore a ship, Every time it gets a stratch.
    Let the damage sit until you get some money. As long it safe to sail and wont get pulled over by the pirate police and get a ticket. Your good.
    Once your insurance gets in and your job pays you enough, THEN pay...(only for it to be damaged again-again-again)

  • @frogfish12 we will just pretend those holes never happened. I think a lot of sailers aren’t cut out to be a captain. Good luck with your gripes, mate.

  • Reminder to be polite when talking with other members of the of the community. Personal insults and attacks are not tolerated.

  • So I just loaded in a pristine sloop and brig. Scuttled both. Took a mermaid to the spawn. Left game.

    Both ships are showing 900 gold for restoration from the ship selection restore.

    On my sloop I found a Treasure chest with 1600ish gold.

    -100 gold lol.

    I don't like paying for cosmetic fix. It's a form of "death tax" that I believe the devs mentioned was something they were trying to avoid.

    Also people have been begging almost the entire game to pay to be able to fix the cosmetics. Got what was being asked for like a monkey paw.

    tldr: it sucks but it's not that expensive 😕

    Edit: Went back and scuttled the sloop 4 or 5 times in one session. Still 900 to repair.

    For Science!

  • @pithyrumble said in Pay to restore a scuttled ship?!?:

    So I just loaded in a pristine sloop and brig. Scuttled both. Took a mermaid to the spawn. Left game.

    Both ships are showing 900 gold for restoration from the ship selection restore.

    On my sloop I found a Treasure chest with 1600ish gold.

    -100 gold lol.

    I don't like paying for cosmetic fix. It's a form of "death tax" that I believe the devs mentioned was something they were trying to avoid.

    Also people have been begging almost the entire game to pay to be able to fix the cosmetics. Got what was being asked for like a monkey paw.

    tldr: it sucks but it's not that expensive 😕

    Edit: Went back and scuttled the sloop 4 or 5 times in one session. Still 900 to repair.

    For Science!


  • @hawkeye99 sagte in Pay to restore a scuttled ship?!?:

    @frogfish12 if you don’t have to pay to repair a scuttled ship than many people would scuttle their damaged ships rather than pay to fix them.

    No... Not If the holes that where in there before the scuttle Option is Chosen will remain... I agree that it's a Lil of to pay for your ship being füll restored after you scuttle... Especially with Players around that force you to do it...

  • @lord-raijin-271 we rehashing stuff here. Read the thread. I feel stupid responding because I’m contributing to the problem.

  • @frogfish12
    Why pay when you are forced to scuttle when you’re being spawn camped. That’s what’s bothering me right now. And every thread says “scuttle your boat” regarding spawn camping. Rare needs to rectify this.

  • @evilsaints68 that's my entire point. Both Rare and the community always run it as the solution to spawncamping but you need to then pay for your boat to be restored from the scuttled damage.

    Idk why some people acting like I'm asking for free repairs for everything. Literally all I mean is JUST for holes created through the Scuttle.

    As i said in my original post, If I had 5 holes, then scuttle, I still need to pay the 5 holes, just not the rest of them.

  • @frogfish12
    That’s what I’m saying as well. I agree with you. And all these “expert” SoT gamers says
    “Scuttle” they might as well say it’s gonna cost a pretty doubloons. Also I read a thread somewhere that ask players to scuttle before leaving so the next pirate crew can spawn on that server. Been doing that for awhile fml.

  • @hawkeye99 No, he literally said in his post "If i have 5 holes, then scuttle, I should only have to pay for 5 holes"

  • The cost to repair is only high if you are fairly new, but it is entirely cosmetic so you can just ignore it while you get money.

    I always tell newer players that they should not buy a ship unless they have at LEAST double the gold it costs to buy the ship, and thats for this very reason. New players always get one as fast as they can because they think its cool, but then they find that they cant utilize 90% of the main features that come with having a captained ship. That is unless they want to be broke at all times.

    If you have double the gold you need, then you can still utilize the repairs, costly voyages, and supply bonus, and will be able to at least buy promotions in the factions to get voyages that pay out better so you can always walk away with a profit at the end of a session.

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