Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Seafort Shenanigans' Screenshot.

  • Capstan: Bassachi
    SixPack: Suchi Pie

  • Sea Fort Entry

    if image doesnt work:

  • Dead chef, teach me how to cook

    Capstan- robirej123
    6-pack - xXBUCZAKXx

  • @tenm9759 why would anyone decent at the game care , too many hackers lol bad devs

  • She missed one

    Capstan: WB CAINE

    6 Pack: WeirdBug8494

  • Royal Crest phantom sword duel for the loot.

    SkilledSeeker86(me): 6 pack
    Dukeisgood5896: capstan

  • Here they come! Ruuuun!

    Capstan: Nero101X
    6-Pack: Nero101X

  • Fighting a pahntom

    capstan : RYZY1059
    6pack : presi5777


    So we meet again, old friend!

    Capstan: Spiderschein
    Sixpack: Lucy1787

  • Brother I'm sorry that I couldn't prevent your fate

    Capstan: fishykrib
    6 Pack: GrizBear99

  • This will work

    Capstan to : peekstar2231
    6Pack to : gromit t puppy

  • Oh no, furious ghosts saw us stealing their precious loot! (using wanda's spyglass)

    capstan: Thaiger3978
    sixpack: Salamandr6814

  • A nice capture of a seafort...

  • Seafort Shenanigans definitely ensued during the Return of the Damned

    Thanks for another challenge, Lizalaroo!!
    Both capstan and 6-item-pack to: Origami Stefan

  • When the new guy parks

    Capstan: ItZ TaRTe Xx
    6Pack: ItZ PuDDinG Xx

  • "BOOM"

    6-pack-Redsword 6

  • This went well

    Capstan and 6 pack: OG H0PPER

  • If I add more firepower.... does that mean the food will cook faster?

    Capstan: GET S0ME 4025
    Sixpack: SilverLunaStar (me)

  • A loving proposal with a fortunate backdrop

    Capstan: Me
    Sixpack: SilverLunaStar

  • This went well

    Capstan and 6 pack: OG H0PPER

  • Conquered Imperial Crown Fortress!

  • Dungeons and Krakens

    Capstan to me: TheOdyssey96
    6 pack to: ILimeDragonI

  • link text



  • "The most dangerous pirate in the seas cannot be caged," she said, "They will not keep my friend in there!"

    In the middle of the night, the guard woke up soaked in sweat, hearing sounds outside. When he raised his lantern towards the prisoner, he had no idea someone was coming for him from above!

    Obi Capstan: CapnSlappa
    6pack: Anabolic Avenge

  • "Suggesting bucket heads for all skellies at the big meeting!"

    Capstan - Hypokrit YT
    6 Pack - OG Hopper

  • The Reapers invaded the Seafort to summon their leader.

    Capstan: FreshMilk5355

    Sixpack: DaddySquiizy

  • Someone has to feed the guards

    Capstan: MONKI2071
    6Pack: DaddySquiizy

  • Shhh!

  • Reapers are overtaking the fort

    Sixpack: DaddySquiizy
    Capstan: FreshMilk5355

  • Execution of the enemy.
    Capstan: MONKI2071
    Alt. Text

  • A true treasure!

  • cooking at a sea fort capstan - LegoGamez3637 6-pack - flint113

  • Hide n' Seek shenanigans with the crew. I feel like one of the crew is going to be easier to find than the second.

    AMAZING SHOTS on here so I dont think I have a chance, but it was still a lot of fun to participate. Good excuse to hang out with my friends and chat last night.

    6 Pack: CaramelMoth
    Capstan: ABELFAM

  • Well there we have it, time to drop anchor and get looking!

    Pop back tomorrow for the winning shot plus your next mission…should you choose to accept it!


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