Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Skull of Siren Song' Screenshot. [RESULT]

  • It's great to see how you pirates have enjoyed the Skull of Siren Song voyage!

    Honourable mentions to the following peeps...


    Well done me mateys!!

    But loved this one! Congratulations @Wrathrealm

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  • 26
  • Congrats!

  • @legendary-liz WHOOP thank you!!

  • GG+ @Wrathrealm, that’s a great shot!

  • So the theme of the screenshots was the skull of the siren's song, not the screenshot of the megalodon...

  • Of course, I am happy for the winner, but there is no accent on the skull at work, which is nonsense for me. Maybe it would be more correct to indicate what the emphasis should be in the instructions to the screenshots?

  • @odin299 @ZapredelniyKot

    Morning Both!

    The skull was featured in the screenshot... There are no specific rules about the themes to keep the creativity flowing. But as you can see the skull 100% did feature in the screenshot and so passed the test of "Skull of Siren Song" screenshot.

    Better luck next time :)

  • @musicmee that is, only the presence of the skull in the photo is important? Isn't a creative approach important with him? For example, you can take a screenshot that is absolutely unrelated to the skull and put the skull itself somewhere in the corner and this screenshot will win? It’s just that my friend and I try to make original and beautiful screenshots focusing on the theme of the competition, but very often our beautiful works that may be liked by many people outside the forum don’t even get an honorable mention... Honestly, I get discouraged when I spend a lot of time creating a screenshot , selecting angles, hiding people who are holding a certain object that adds color to the screenshot and my screenshot was not appreciated in any way by the creator of the competition and the winner turns out to be a person who, simply passing by, photographed a random frame with an object related to the competition. Can you make some description for the competition? I just don’t know how to adapt to it because of such results...

  • Ahoy matey!

    Totally see your point, but, there is no need for you to adapt at all... Just be as creative as possible using the themes/ideas suggested. The winning shot did this by using the Siren Skull in a perilous manner and captured a nice action shot. If I had entered I might have used it to light a beacon or look like a whale out at sea. All valid and thoughtful uses of the skull...

    I am sure yours was very creative but there can only ever be one winner in each competition. And sadly, this time it was not you.

    I do wish you all the best for future competitions.

  • @musicmee Here are 2 of our works for one of the contests (Midnight Moon)

    they could be considered the favorites of the competition. But the work won, in which a man just took a picture of the moon with a bucket. And the organizer of the contest did not take into account our creativity, and did not mention one of our two works.

  • We don’t understand how the winner is chosen, since we are doing original work that no one has done before. Those works that will stand out from the rest with their style. But in the end, the screenshot may not even deserve an honorable mention...

  • The best thing about this community competition and why it's the only one I recommend to people is that one never truly knows what will be selected, and within that it creates fairness and gives everyone a true shot at winning a subjective contest.

    It's for fun, it has integrity, it requires effort to run, effort that is not owed but given.

    Congrats and thanks for offering the opportunity to the community.

  • @zapredelniykot
    I don't like to be negative in a competition such as this, but I think it's warranted here.

    You spend more effort policing the submissions and bashing winners than you must be doing working on the screenshots.
    You disliked the Spooky Spectacular screenshot because it just "used two emotes." Then you show your Midnight Moon submission and hey, it just uses two emotes as well, and you didn't even have to unlock the chef's outfit.
    This competition isn't about 'most colors' or 'most work'. It's about the best capture, and any photographer will tell you that a good photo is not about complexity. Many times, the simple is simply the best shot in show. If the judges had a better time laughing at the silly aspect of a certain shot than thinking about how much effort it must have required to get another shot, then the silly will win.

    You two and I believe one or two of a your friends work together on shots and send them all in, which is fine, but putting that on top of the other things you do makes it seem more like you're trying to brute force the competition by giving yourselves more chances and trying to disqualify other submissions.
    You should be grateful, if I was running this competition I would have already banned you two from it for constantly bringing the results posts down with arguments on who deserved to win. Maybe you've already been shadow banned, and that's why your amazing Midnight Moon shot didn't even make it to honorable mentions.
    I don't know how you got it in your heads that complaining about results is going to help you in any way. At the end of the day, the result is final, and there's nothing you can do but leave a bad impression.

    These competitions are for positivity. The results posts are for congratulating the winner and reflecting on all the great shots that were submitted for that topic. Send your shots and stay in your lane like everyone else.

  • GG @Wrathrealm !!!

  • @ODIN299

    I understand where you guys are coming from. Looking at the posts you’ve made on the previous contests you guys definitely think outside the box and I can assume it takes a lot of brainstorming to think about what you want to submit and how to make that effect in the game.

    I used to participate in screenshot contests back in the halo 3 days for recon armor, and I often feel the same way and was demotivated every week I didn’t get featured. I submitted every week for all 3 years I played the game and never got mentioned, so I understand the feeling of being demotivated. But I don’t want you guys to give up hope if you genuinely enjoy thinking of and making new creative screenshots to work on! I told my friends I was glad I found this contest because it’s something like a fun minigame while playing the game I enjoy the most, trying to come up with something new every week to fit the theme! Even though i was lucky this week with the meg shot, I still want to enter in the future and think of new ideas to show off!

    Truthfully, this Meg shot is something I am proud of, but it was genuinely dumb luck. I had a vision of posing the skeletons in a tavern to make it look like we were having a grog with them, however we tried to make that screenshot happen for 4 hours and I never managed to fully capture the image I had in my mind. I’m so thankful for my friends for sacrificing their time on community weekend to help stage a screenshot.

    After we left the outpost we ran into the Meg and I had to beg my friends to just keep the ship afloat while we tried to get one more Hail Mary of a picture. We almost sank a handful of times trying to get this picture, it took 3 tries to get everything in the frame. But when we got this one, it felt like sea of thieves to me, and captured the adventure that the skull of siren song voyage can produce. That’s how I interpreted the theme personally.

    It was pure luck this unfolded this way but I’m proud of the picture we successfully captured! if you two enjoy thinking of new pictures for the themes then I hope you guys continue submitting and pushing your creativity! I’d love to continue seeing what you guys can come up with and hopefully you snag yourself the obsidians, happy holidays friends!

  • @wrathrealm Thanks for understanding. Congratulations on your victory!

  • @wrathrealm thank you, at least the winner understands the whole situation and is not toxic like GrumpyW01f

  • @wrathrealm said in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Skull of Siren Song' Screenshot. [RESULT]:

    I understand where you guys are coming from. Looking at the posts you’ve made on the previous contests you guys definitely think outside the box and I can assume it takes a lot of brainstorming to think about what you want to submit and how to make that effect in the game.

    I used to participate in screenshot contests back in the halo 3 days for recon armor, and I often feel the same way and was demotivated every week I didn’t get featured. I submitted every week for all 3 years I played that game and never got mentioned, so I understand the feeling of being demotivated. But I don’t want you guys to give up hope if you genuinely enjoy thinking of and making new creative screenshots to work on! I told my friends I was glad I found this contest because it’s something like a fun minigame while playing the game I enjoy the most, trying to come up with something new every week to fit the theme! Even though i was lucky this week with the meg shot, I still want to enter in the future and think of new ideas to show off!

    Truthfully, this Meg shot is something I am proud of, but it was genuinely dumb luck. I had a vision of posing the skeletons in a tavern to make it look like we were having a grog with them, however we tried to make that screenshot happen for 4 hours and I never managed to fully capture the image I had in my mind. I’m so thankful for my friends for sacrificing their time on community weekend to help stage a screenshot.

    After we left the outpost we ran into the Meg and I had to beg my friends to just keep the ship afloat while we tried to get one more Hail Mary of a picture. We almost sank a handful of times trying to get this picture, it took 3 tries to get this picture. When we got this one, it felt like sea of thieves to me, and captured the adventure that the skull of siren song voyage can produce. That’s how I interpreted the theme personally.

    It was pure luck this unfolded this way but I’m proud of the picture we successfully captured! if you two enjoy thinking of new pictures for the themes then I hope you guys continue submitting and pushing your creativity! I’d love to continue seeing what you guys can come up with and hopefully you snag yourself the obsidians, happy holidays friends!

    Classy post.

    Winners of a contest that is designed for fun shouldn't be put in a situation where they feel they need to defend their submission but you responded with grace, that makes your win even more special imo.

    Well deserved and great pick by the host imo.

  • @odin299 said in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Skull of Siren Song' Screenshot. [RESULT]:

    @wrathrealm thank you, at least the winner understands the whole situation and is not toxic like GrumpyW01f

    Toxic? Like this?

  • @Wrathrealm congrats!!!

  • Congratulations to the winner! The screenshot is great!

    And I really wish some of the participants would stop criticising the winner every week out of frustration. It's really not a nice move when you can't just treat someone to something.
    It's not about rewarding the most work - the shot has to please the jury (Liz) and if that's the case, so be it.

    We should have fun with all of this and not try to take that fun away from others, because at some point that might also take away Liz's pleasure in doing the work here - and then it's over.
    I'm already looking forward to the next topic <3

  • @zapredelniykot@ODIN299

    Deckhand decision on the winning screenshot is final.

    Also, NO randomiser.

    Remember all screenshots have a chance of winning. Everyone’s opinion of a winner will be different, and I’d appreciate your respect on the decision made.
 Upvotes do not guarantee a winner.

    Read the rules.

  • Pirates, remember it’s just a little old FUN competition with a couple of cosmetics thrown in.
    EVERY screenshot has a chance of winning regardless of whether it’s a spur of the moment shot or something you’ve set up to capture. I appreciate everyone’s attempt and every week it’s pretty difficult to select the winner.

    All I ask is that you respect the decision, as it won’t always align with yours, respect your fellow pirates and just have a bit of fun. It’s not #SoTShot here 😂❤️

  • Congrats!

  • Fantastic photo and well done. BTW, agree 100% with @WolfManbush. This competition has always been about fun and the idea that anyone can win if a certain screenshot particularly resonates with the judges.

11 out of 26