RIP Orb Stream

  • Why no orb stream this year?

    (All hail the orb!)

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  • I have mixed feelings about it.

    It's cool, it got me to watch streams after the first one when I never used to watch them, so it worked in that regard.

    A lot is going on with twitch/drops/events. It's probably for the best overall. Streamers and viewers both get pretty burnt out with so much going on.

    I really have fond memories of that first one though. All the people I am chill with from the twitch world started because of the orb.

    That first one had a very organic feel to it. The vibe, the raids, etc.

  • Its good to me.

    1. No more messy twitch drops
    2. Dev dont have to make promises they can't keep or have to rush (Roadmap)
    3. Keeps future updates a mystery
  • @riptide3683 have i missed something and they said there wouldn't be one? Or are we speculating there won't be one?

  • @super87ghost They have confirmed no orb stream this year. The orb itself is still in-game though.

  • @wolfmanbush said in RIP Orb Stream:

    I really have fond memories of that first one though. All the people I am chill with from the twitch world started because of the orb.

    That first one had a very organic feel to it. The vibe, the raids, etc.

    That's just the power of the orb.
    (All hail the orb!)

  • Long live the ORB!

  • @musicmee LONG LIVE THE ORB!


  • @riptide3683 said in RIP Orb Stream:

    Why no orb stream this year?

    (All hail the orb!)

    The company that made the videos is no longer contracted to do them.

  • @musicmee We can only hope it chooses to reveal it's secrets soon...

  • @riptide3683 That picture is sick if it's a real screenshot.

  • @crowedhunter Yep. I got it off twitter. It was a recent #SoTShot entry by @HeSlashThem

  • @riptide3683 It's crazy how good some of the screenshots people arrange are. This one looks like it could go on the steam page and fit right in.

  • @riptide3683

    Yep. I got it off twitter. It was a recent #SoTShot entry by @HeSlashThem

    Thank you, that’s mine 😊

  • @tesiccl Ohhh! I was wondering why you had the same pfp. Awesome screenshot! I first saw it when it was in a Captain Falcore video.

    If you don't mind me asking, how did you do it? It has a lot of Reaper's chests that I think you got from the FoTD. The part I can't figure out is how you got 6 people?

    Anyway, it's a great screenshot!

  • @riptide3683 Aha thanks! We stacked FOTD by burying the Reaper chests in the ground outside of the vault so the beams didn't show in the sky until we were ready. We also formed a natural alliance with a few ships (we were a brig) so it meant we could take over the ships with our guild mates once the people were done with the ship. Then we just un-buried the chests, took them to Reaper's Hideout, and arranged it how you see it. It was a lot of fun but completely natural, no private servers used.

  • @tesiccl WOW! That's crazy.

  • @riptide3683 Right?! Defo looking forward to future themes to see what i can come up with.

  • @tesiccl You're welcome. That handle is impressively clever too. He/Them HeSlashThem. Like a pirate slashes pirates. Well played.

  • After the delays this year, I imagine Rare want to avoid more delays by committing themselves to a roadmap in the form of the Orb (All Hail The Orb!) However, you can go to Reapers Hideout where you can interact with the Orb (All Hail The Orb!) So, they're most likely planning something with that.

  • @crowedhunter bingo! ;)

  • @riftenwatcher Wasn't the orb like corrupted by reapers or something? I can't remember the tale.

  • @crowedhunter Yes. If I remember right, the servant corrupted it and turned it from blue to red and that's when we started getting the servant giving us predictions from the Orb (All Hail The Orb!) and is probably the reason why it is now at The Reapers Hideout.

  • @riftenwatcher Oh yeah! Those predictions were really cool!

  • Will we still be able to get another version of the Orb (All Hail The Orb!) this year?

  • @super87ghost I don't think so. Last year we got the red version, and the year before we got the blue version. The current one at Reaper's is red, so there's no reason to make a new one. They might re-release the red one though.

  • @riptide3683 Since Flameheart has returned, why not an orange one where you see the boat sailing in flames instead of water?

  • Does anyone know if speaking to the Orb at Reaper's Hideout does anything yet? There's been tons of speculation online since they've confirmed the stream isn't happening this year, but I've yet to see anything concrete yet.

  • @thegrimpreacher Nothing as far as I know. I think the second anything happens Falcore will make a video.

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