Megalodon Shrouded Ghost gone

  • Welp, after 1200h of gameplay, we finally found him.

    We fully stopped. We gave him a couple of shoots and several gunshots. He tryed to bite once and got blocked by cannon shots.

    Then, he stops attacking and he is gone. Like that...

    We waited a lot of time to see if he just was hidding. Nope. After ten minutes, we sailed around in circles to see if he respawns. Nope.

    He is gone. Like that...

    PD: We have recorded video of it. At least we know its real, i guess.
    PD2: I saw this behaviour on other megs since we try to hunt them for the guild. They are like really bugged.
    PD3: Things like this makes me stop playing this game due to raw frustration.

  • 21
  • I could probably tell you the specific issue if I saw the video.

    It can be a few different things

  • I’ve seen this behavior when it wasn’t actually my meg but another ship’s meg that I sailed into the radius of before it despawned. I almost kill it and suddenly it’s gone. I’ve stopped bothering with other people’s megs now. But it’s hard to tell for sure if it was yours or not.

  • @ozonoo3 Not kidding, this exact same thing happened to my crew and me around a week ago. Heard the special music and everything, got shots, then it was gone. Really disappointing :(

  • Wait Shrouded ghost music is different from regular meg one?

  • @ozonoo3 sounds like you were outside the zone where the Meg will circle and attack. Stay in open water next time and don’t get close to islands.

  • @wolfmanbush
    I had it happen too and haave the vid. Has some adult only words in it but I will dm you the link.

  • @zig-zag-ltu

    Yes it was a version of Athena.

  • @tesiccl
    Not for me. We where anchored and it vanished.

  • You can't kill what doesn't exist bro...(dons the TinFoil Tricorn)

  • @abjectarity said in Megalodon Shrouded Ghost gone:

    I’ve seen this behavior when it wasn’t actually my meg but another ship’s meg that I sailed into the radius of before it despawned. I almost kill it and suddenly it’s gone. I’ve stopped bothering with other people’s megs now. But it’s hard to tell for sure if it was yours or not.

    Seen this as well, especially the last month or two.

  • @foambreaker said in Megalodon Shrouded Ghost gone:

    @abjectarity said in Megalodon Shrouded Ghost gone:

    I’ve seen this behavior when it wasn’t actually my meg but another ship’s meg that I sailed into the radius of before it despawned. I almost kill it and suddenly it’s gone. I’ve stopped bothering with other people’s megs now. But it’s hard to tell for sure if it was yours or not.

    Seen this as well, especially the last month or two.

    started with season 8

    I would guess intentional (unfortunately) as a part of the overall nerfing but really never know with megs

    I've seen them change here or there dozens of times over the last few years. Sometimes it gets addressed and sometimes it doesn't.

    The unfortunate part about it is it's the one bug/change that will lead quite a few people to losing out on their shrouded.

    Meg hunting is a huge part of how I play and even I had to make the decision to mostly abandon meg steals just because current design/bug/whatever makes it more frustrating than rewarding.

    Megs have gone through some real rough patches in the last couple of years as far as consistency goes. Spawn areas, spawn rates, behavior, it's all created some rough organic style hunting on and off.

    a current thing happening is what I call spawn skipping. Rather than the 4ish in game days for a meg a lot of servers will skip a boat and not spawn for 8ish in game days, which is a long time for 1 meg spawn.

  • Around a week/two ago I had an ancient terror spawn and need them to finish 50 as PL commendation. Got around 5-10 cannons as well as snipe/pistols, it just vanished. Really no apparent proximity to land or even rock formations, was strange.

  • @unleet1 said in Megalodon Shrouded Ghost gone:

    Around a week/two ago I had an ancient terror spawn and need them to finish 50 as PL commendation. Got around 5-10 cannons as well as snipe/pistols, it just vanished. Really no apparent proximity to land or even rock formations, was strange.

    it was your meg?

    did it do the charge noise before despawning or just vanished?

  • @wolfmanbush said in Megalodon Shrouded Ghost gone:

    @unleet1 said in Megalodon Shrouded Ghost gone:

    Around a week/two ago I had an ancient terror spawn and need them to finish 50 as PL commendation. Got around 5-10 cannons as well as snipe/pistols, it just vanished. Really no apparent proximity to land or even rock formations, was strange.

    it was your meg?

    did it do the charge noise before despawning or just vanished?

    Yeah definitely my meg, no other ships around. It didn't do the distant charge/bite thing and disappear, I've seen that happen though. The music ended and it was gone.

  • @unleet1 said in Megalodon Shrouded Ghost gone:

    Yeah definitely my meg, no other ships around. It didn't do the distant charge/bite thing and disappear, I've seen that happen though. The music ended and it was gone.


    Two things I've never seen in all my meg hunting, a random vanish (not a typical despawn) and I've never seen a merge while fighting/stopping for a meg spawn (I've seen some say they experienced this)

    Megs are probably the content with the most anomalies though, so really anything can happen.

  • @ozonoo3 I just caught a shrouded today. Shot and hit a total of 30 cannons, hit over 40 snipes, and it swam away. I heard a finish to the Meg's Music when hitting my last cannon and seeing a red X. I did not get a commendation for the kill- I do not have the title. Entirely a game bug or some sort of glitch. Cant believe it and its 30 minutes after the encounter. Is there any way to contact rare ? If theyre gonna make something that rare, they cannot be buggy like that

  • over 1000 hours too, almost a dream come true just to have it bug a kill

  • @xpeleshx said in Megalodon Shrouded Ghost gone:

    @ozonoo3 I just caught a shrouded today. Shot and hit a total of 30 cannons, hit over 40 snipes, and it swam away. I heard a finish to the Meg's Music when hitting my last cannon and seeing a red X. I did not get a commendation for the kill- I do not have the title. Entirely a game bug or some sort of glitch. Cant believe it and its 30 minutes after the encounter. Is there any way to contact rare ? If theyre gonna make something that rare, they cannot be buggy like that

    this meg spawned on you or someone else? what size ship?

    that sounds like a galleon meg

    if it went down as detailed here then it sounds like you encountered a galleon meg on maybe a sloop?

    If you encountered someone else's meg that is largely how people have been losing them

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