Lair of lechuck bug

  • Iam at the end in the church about to fight lechuck. He comes towards me after the cut scene and I can't pull out my sword or move. I've tried restarting, same thing happens.

  • 77
  • @bootylicious736 Same Happens for me bro haha, pls fix Devs!

  • I just report this same exact bug dang i was so close to completing it too

  • Please fix asap devs!

  • Yep I'm having the same issue! I can't fight LeChuck in the church, I am completely frozen in place! Absolutely terrible and needs to be fixed ASAP!

  • I've tried 4 times to complete this in the last 24hrs. Twice I've been stuck in loading screen to melee island and twice not being able to move after the cutscene in the church. I've enjoyed these tall tales thus far but it's frustrating coming back from a 3 year hiatus to a bug :(

  • I have the same issue, I’m at the church and can’t move, I spent a lot of time on this tall tale and it’s upsetting I can’t finish it

  • Same here, and I’ve tried doing it with someone else and still nothing.

  • Same here. I think I have an idea why game doesn't proceed but I might be wrong. I had that mighty pirate sword in my equipment before when I was trying to learn insults. And then the game crashed when it was loading the melee island after Lechuck took over the town. When I started the tall tale again through 4th checkpoint I no longer have the mighty pirate sword in my inventory. If insult sword fighting duel mechanism in the game is dependent on carrying that specific sword, that might be the reason why we cannot continue the game. Is there anyone here who had a single go at the tall tale, yet still got bugged in lechuck fight even though they carried the mighty pirate sword?

  • @bedfastlion269 how about the folks that work in the game fix it and we don’t have to try and “figure out” a random scenario or sequence of events that could have triggered the normal mechanics from operating correctly? Dam…that one stung. Fix your game or owe players. I know it sounds harsh but heaven forbid you display competency in the basics. This is what you get in 2024.

  • My boyfriend and I are having the issues of being stuck at the loading screen after the boat fight. This is our first time going through the tall tale.

  • Ran it last night and again tonight both times got stuck on a black screen after boat fight please sort your game out

  • Definitely frustrating. Third day trying to fight LeChuck in the church and after cut scene im still not able to move. Maybe something will be fixed soon!

  • Same unfortunately

  • @echo6actual5246 You are absolutely right but it has been 8 months since this tall tale came out and i really have no hopes for it to be fixed any time soon. So all we can do is go for a work around.

  • Same thing has happened to me. Rare, please fix this asap. I just want the tail finished.

  • Same isue here, once the island doesn't charge and twice the bug against Le'chuck. He tries to hit me, but it seems I don't want to fight.

  • Both problems here... first at the end of the boat fight and second at the beginning of the fight with lechuck.....

  • We are experiencing the same problem. im sailing with a friend but we cant finish the last monkey island tall tale because of this bug.
    hope they will fix it ASAP!

  • I believe this is a known issue so hopefully should be fixed soon.

    Please do submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support though to make sure it is logged and tracked correctly.

  • It's a known issue and Rare working on fix. Stay chill, guys.

  • My partner, I just got there, we usually play on PS5, the same thing happens to us, a frozen character, I can't move and also Chuck attacks and so on without end. I tried to load the game from my oled steam deck, I also have the juice there and the same bug continues PLEASE FIX IT

  • Still there, the same problem as you have after the cutscene in the church :)

  • Same bug, stuck in place, cant do a thing, cant complete the tale.

    Perhaps drop a hotfix?
    I wonder how long we will have to wait for them to fix this...

  • Me and my girlfriend also have this infinite loading bug after boat fight with LeChuck!

  • Mine stopped working and froze on the last fight too, it asked me to rejoin the session and that didn't work either. I chose not to rejoin the session and now my ship is locked in and won't let me join with the error code rosemary beard.

  • Just tried to do this talk tale today and got hit with infinite loading screen after the boat fight with lechuck and being frozen in the church after the cutscene. Fix you GD game no reason this should even be a thing

  • Suffering the same issue, very frustrating. Did the whole boat fight and chase sequence twice before finding this thread.

    Wasted my little time I have to play.

  • Estou com o mesmo problema na ultima parte da lorota, nao consigo finalizar a luta contra lechuck, ou arruma isso ou da a condecoraçao completa pra geral RARE,

  • Really frustrating! Spent many hours going through each tale to unlock the commendations and just need to beat LeChuck...are there any updates on this? I've seen the known issue about the infinite loading screen after the ship fight, but not about the boss fight. I just want that darn shanty!

  • @hopedbulb293787 no updates from developers yet 😔

  • just tried it for the 4th time, also having the issue where i cant fight le Chuck:(.

  • Same will be waiting for a fix whenever it gets here :(

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