Arena Cosmetics and Limited Cosmetics

  • I recently have realised I played a fair bit in the late Arena game mode I was never really into PvP, I more liked the idea of having a nice hefty hand in of gold so this surprised me that I got relatively far into the game mode. This leads me to my point, I can imagine a lot of people feel the same way that at the time the game mode was out we didn't want to buy any of the cosmetics because we just felt we wouldn't use them or they were inferior to other cosmetics out there so we didn't buy them even though we unlocked them. Why not have them purchasable from their respective shops (if you unlocked them) or have a ghostly DeMarco at the Arena Tavern where if you unlocked the items you can still buy them. Similarly a lot of Adventure or Event items like the Wailing Barnacle set for example are still available for purchase just locked if you don't have the commendations. I just feel like if we knew Arena was going to close we would've bought the cosmetics but we had a small window to buy them and at the time I was still very much a swabbie so didn't pay too much attention to it. Now I realise I probably should've bought them...

  • 7
  • As a mod will say.
    Arena cosmetics wont be coming back.

  • @pengu3816 if you unlocked them, they are purchasable. If you didn't, they won't be.

  • @captain-coel um no...

  • @pengu3816 then you didn’t meet the requirements to unlock any of the arena cosmetics you are wanting to buy, i unlocked the Triumphant sails back then and they are still there ready for purchase at the shipwright.

  • Like other people said; if you have the required commendation for a specific cosmetic, then it will be there. If you don't see it then you didn't meet the requirements.

  • It's Sea of Gatekeeping in these forums my guy. Don't expect anyone to agree with you unless you are talking about making more gatekeeping ideas.

2 out of 7