storm hides world events

  • If there is a world event behind the storm in most cases it is not visible. That's not the way it should be.

  • 9
  • Explore. Storm, Fog, hides your view from a lot of but even so, it doesn’t stay put for long and if you take a moment to stare into it, you will see that bright green flashing eyes or ship. Tornado or whatever.

    Sail around the storm, explore and you will discover

  • @ixxxoloff We should have an orb on the ship somewhere, like the voyage table or above the bell on the main mast, that shows what World Event is taking place. So for example, I could look at the orb and it would show the Skull with eyes, and I would know a FoF is taking place.
    They make it fairly easy to see the W.E.s in the sky, but I def agree that the storm can make it frustrating. Especially when you hear the FoF sound right when you get into game and then you assume it's at a fort behind the storm, so you start sailing towards it, only to find out 10 minutes later that it was already finished but you just couldn't see that through the storm.

  • @thamb0 the orb on the ship the current event is in is a great solution! But it's probably easier to implement to make the events shine through the clouds and storm.

  • Simple solution... Have them be marked on the map. I honestly don't understand why that's not already in the game.

  • @ixxxoloff if you know how the game works then you will know if an event should be up. Look for it. It's an adventure game. Go adventure.

  • @qu1etone said in storm hides world events:

    @ixxxoloff if you know how the game works then you will know if an event should be up. Look for it. It's an adventure game. Go adventure.

    By that logic, the little emissary ship counters at the emissary tables should also be removed. All they do is promote server hopping. LEAVE THE DOCK. GO ADVENTURE.

    There are plenty of times where an event doesn't spawn on a server for an unusual length of time. Implying that this game works how it's supposed to and that it's the player's fault is just silly.

  • @sweetsandman yeah get rid of the little boats on the table. I'm fine with that. It's only good for reapers anyway. Game doesn't need to tell you there's an event by flashing balls at you. Look in the sky. If there isn't one there will be soon. If it doesn't spawn then you know your servers probably on the way out. Waste of Rares time and resources as far as I'm concerned.

  • My buddy was talking about this the other day and said something just marking them on the map like the burning blade and reaper chests r but idk if that kinda makes the game easier if that makes sense

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