Sea Fort Remaster

  • Sea forts are only good for a quick stop and pretty good supplies. Other than that, they are useless structures have defensive capabilities and the potential for roleplaying. Why not play into the roleplay capabilities? What if seaforts were claimable and made you money for claiming them and extra for claming multipule in a region(Just like getting extra troops from controling entire continent in Risk)? Nothing crazy but maybe like 10k after 1 ingame day plus whatever money came from loot in the vault.

  • 6
  • Sea forts are only good for a quick stop and pretty good supplies. Other than that, they are useless structures

    The short on time players love these quick stop places. You start removing those and we be back to hearing “I don’t have time to sail”

  • What if seaforts were claimable

    Nah. Hard no.
    Last thing I want to do when I log in is find that an alliance server has claimed & locked down every sea fort.
    At that point, my options are:

    1. Scuttle & switch servers, eating the cost to repair my ship.
    2. Log out and back in to switch servers, which takes a bit of time.

    And there's nothing to stop it from being the same result on the next server.

  • Sorry, but hard pass from me as well. Besides for agreeing with everybody in the comment section so far, I'd also like to point out that's basically almost as afk gold farm (you mentioned 10k per ingame day).

    Honestly, the first thing I'd do is gather up a bunch of folks who wanna farm fishing commendations, claim a fort, and get passive gold income just for doing something I would've/should've done anyways. I shouldn't be rewarded extra for fishing (in this example). I'm sure other ppl will come up at with other reasons as well why this ain't a good idea.

    Sea forts are serving their purpose already, as they are richer and better in variety of supps than let's say, regular fortresses (regular fortresses don't have a chance of meat to be found at all , and no wood barrels. Most sea forts have those barrels that hang above the water on a crane, and almost always they have fish and other meat).

    And as Guildar mentioned, it would've been even additional boost for alliance servers, so hard feelings mate. Even though it's a fun idea, I just don't think it's a good one for this game.

  • I wouldn't mind Capture the Fort returning as part of the Hourglass and the focus for the defensive part of it. More claimed Forts grants the multiplier bonus for winning fights in HG, dives could target Defenders, and Proximity Battles could be added so when two opposing HG ships are on the same server getting close to one another (likely due to trying to alter the Fort Claim) could trigger a battle.

    Casuals could still Raid these locations just like now and go empty out the Vaults, they just wouldn't be concerned about changing the Faction Claim (not could they even do so, as only an active HG player would be able to do this).

    In this way they can have an enhanced purpose for HG related content and potentially grant bonuses for you on Allegiance if you win your fights on that server. It could ramp up interest in the Defend side of things as you can have more of a task to do, and you can still leave it open for casuals to pop in and nab loot from like normal while all of this is scaled on.

  • Honestly the idea is to add on in some sort of way. Either more rep having them claimed or afk gold, Just something.

5 out of 6