Bug Report: Treasure Chest Disguise not unlocked

  • Long story short, i have fully completed "Poisonous Pirate" and "Repeat Offender" and the disguise is still not available to buy

  • 18
  • same here but for me it's the stronghold chest that's not unlocking

  • Same issue. I have them all earned, but 3 of them are still locked :/

  • I've got all the commendations done for the ghost, stronghold, and athena chest disguises and they are all still locked also

  • Yep same here, I've completed both commendations for the chest of the damned and it's locked still, let's hope it's a quick hot fix

  • Has anybody even unlockt any yet like, yea thanks that you "fixed" the issue but we cant use 80% of that feature?!? XC

  • Same exact one for me. Very annoying.

  • @maximoo0509 the treasure chest one has unlocked for me but that's the only one

  • Seems we are all on the same boat, only disguises unlocked before the two previous updates seem to be available.

  • Same. I went through and did all commendations before they disables disguises the first time and bought all i could before they weren't available. Yesterday I went and did remaining commendations, finished them all, and the Chest of Legends disguise is showing as locked (and coral marauders chest but who really cares about that one.) I was able to purchase the mask for completing all of the commendations for that Bilge Rat section but no Chest of Legends

  • Chest of legends and coral for me.

    I'm not worried about it though, it's the random and rare bugs that are tough to get fixed for individuals. Widespread issues comparable to this one tend to get fixed eventually.

    I'm just glad I found situations to get the comms done. Some of that stuff gets more difficult to get done organically as time goes on. Easier when other people are looking to work together.

  • So many hours of grinding commendations just to have it locked

  • Came here to make a report for 3 of them for me: Treasure Chest, Sea Master's Chest & Chest Of The Damned. Haven't unlocked the requirements for Coral Marauder's, Chest of Legends & Chest Of Fortune yet

  • prerequisite commendations : OK

    rewards abnormally unreleased : Treasure Chest Disguise, Coral marauder's Chest Disguise and Chest of Fortune Disguise

  • Same as initial poster. Treasure chest is still unlocked

  • Completed all commendations required.

    None of the chests are unlocked for me.

  • Having the same issue. Stronghold Chest.

  • While I appreciate the intent of this thread, this is not the place to report bugs. The proper way would be by filing a bug report to support here.

    Dropping anchor.

12 out of 18