Auto-Heal after 5-15 minutes

  • Simple quality of life suggestion.

    Since we're always going to lose a sliver of health to some random thing; be it unnecessary fall damage after dropping 5 feet, physics bugs that cause you to slam into collision out of nowhere, or 1 random skeleton on an island hiding inside of a bush at night waiting to shoot you for some reason.

    It should certainly take long enough to still give low-tier fruit, bait, and meat over-heal a purpose, as well as make absolutely no difference during any sort of combat.

    This would add a slight quality of life convenience to players who don't want to eat one of their pineapples because they lost 5hp to something random and out of their control, but also can't stand to not be at full health at all times.

    Unless scavenging for bananas in barrels to trade out your pineapple, then eat the banana, then grab the pineapple back was intended to be a valuable part of the gameplay loop?

    This could be seen as a buff to newer players since they like to go their entire session while being 1-shot the whole time.

    Seems reasonable?

  • 9
  • This would add a slight quality of life convenience to players who don't want to eat one of their pineapples

    Or. Just find a random barrel and eat a banana

  • I like it and I would bump up the heal amount for bananas to make them relevant.

  • I get where your going at.
    But if you can't find a single source of food in 5 mins in this game, I really question what you are doing outstide of Larping being a pirate and not touching an island. EVEN Then you have a fishing rod.

    You literally have resources before you even touch your ship at the start of a session where you never really run out of food on the ship.

    I think this is un-necessary suggestion just wasting dev time..
    Literally eat anything but a pineapple if your missing 1 hp.

    To me this is some petty reach for a suggestion for the sole purpose of just giving out a suggestion without much thought...

  • I like hoppin in the bed on the ship and takin a nap. Refills the health and I have an excuse to grab a drink or hop off the wheel for a bit. Takes a bit longer than eating but sounds like what you're lookin for.

  • Jump into your ship’s bed or any old place you can take a nap, it regenerates your health once you start snoring. Easy peasy!

  • @veronik5682

    So you've never tucked, ambushed anyone, or just chilled at the top of a giant rock to watch the sunset with friends before. Got it.

    Do you just grind voyages all day, or what?

  • This is basically what eating cooked food does. Sure we can still only carry so many pieces, but you can always eat cooked food to overheal first and then take pineapples etc with you. I found it a bit frustrating at first too, but PVE wouldn't be the same if all the NPC and fall damage just disappeared without having to keep eating.

  • @olde-grim-jack
    No I PvP a lot though, and rarely run into a food issue unless I just set sail from the get go with no thought of grabbing anything. Or if my opponent is an equal in skill and the fights lasts upwards of 15+ minutes that food can be an issue.

    Again if your tucking on someone why do you need more then 5 food slots? I'm confused, you could also rotate to their food barrel whenever you can. Ideally you are tucking somewhere out of sight and safe where your not taking damage at all that would you know, ALERT the players that you are tcuking on???

    "Chilled at the top of giant rock'' again why would you need more then 5 food slots to do that? Is this Minecraft hardcore where you can die off hunger over time?

    Again I just think your post is over reaching and is a suggestion just for the sake of a suggestion with not much thought put into it. This game has an abundance of food sources, I mean 90% of the map is fishable also...

4 out of 9