Minions of Mischief | Level 463 Guild | Recruiting Active Pirates [EU/NA | PS5, Xbox, PC]

  • Minions of Mischief are recruiting determined pirates to help us push our guild to max level as quickly as possible. We’re currently 13 members strong and sitting at Guild Level 463, but we need more active, skilled sailors to reach our goal. If you’re not afraid to solo sloop, tackle challenges head-on, and make serious progress, you’re exactly who we’re looking for.

    About Us:

    • Open to players across PS5, Xbox, and PC.
    • Active in both EU and NA time zones.
    • Focused on efficiency, progress, and success.

    What We Expect:

    • Active participation: If you’re logging in only occasionally, this isn’t the guild for you. (If you are inactive for more than two months, you will be removed.)
    • Confidence in solo slooping: You should be able to sail alone and handle yourself under pressure.
    • Willingness to contribute to guild goals: It’s all hands on deck to hit max level.
    • Bonus points if you’re skilled in PvP, show strong teamwork and leadership, or have plenty of game time to dedicate.


    • Discord and willingness to voice chat.

    Contact Us:
    PSN: YetiVirtual
    Gamertag: YetiVR
    Steam: [mod removed]
    Discord: [mod removed]

    We’re here for serious pirates who are ready to commit and grind alongside us. If that sounds like you, reply below or reach out directly to join the Minions of Mischief. Let’s dominate the Sea of Thieves together.

  • 18
  • Aye! I'm also in this guild, new members are welcomed! Remember that if you are a solo slooper or only sail with one other player, you can join as long as you are active and willing to contribute to levelling the guild. ❤️

  • I’ve only recently joined and I was welcomed very warm heartedly (I’m not particularly skilled or good at PVP but I am dedicated to the grind lol). It’s very fun to play in this guild and you can rely on some good tips from experienced players here. Also don’t be afraid of solo slooping you can get away with a lot and you only get better with practice! Tihihi

  • Since my steam and discord got removed for being links ill do it this way:

    Steam: YetiVR
    Discord name: the.yeti

  • I would love to join! (Sent you a message!) :)

  • Best guild with great members very active and helpful!

  • my name is caretaker I'm looking for a guild

    I only have 195 Hours (not the best at PVP)

    my discord is: Caretaker101
    Xbox: Caretaker101#267

  • @arcannse Sent you an invite

  • @caretaker101267 Sent you a message

  • im very interested in joining!
    Gamertag/Steam/Discord: Soniic808
    Looking to contribute to a big group and have fun

  • @soniic808 sent you a message!

  • Solo hourglass PL getting back in and Commendation hunting would love to join!

  • @subzliketk Shoot me a message on discord!

  • @yetivr can i join this guild? ive sent you a friend request on dc

  • @kufpec Sent u a message!

  • @yetivr I'm interested. I have about 500~ hours, 90% of the time I play, I'm a solo. I am on about every other day sometimes every day for about a week or so. I am very efficient. Most of the time I play 4-5 hour sessions (on weekends), sometimes 2-3 hour sessions. With 2-3 hour sections I usually make about 600-800k (not gold & glory) and with 4-5 hour sessions (I usually do those on weekends) I make about 1.2-2m. Hopefully this is good enough! I cant contribute as much as I would like due to school.

    Gamertag: Legendarycat332

  • @YetiVR My discord is legendarycat332
    all lowercase

  • @legendarycat332 Sent u an invite!

9 out of 18