Been away for so very long... kind of saddened

  • I've been absent for goodness knows how long, always liked the game, never liked the [mod edit] attitude of certain sects of playerbase (I didn't mind pvp but god was the most centric component of that group annoying).

    I thought I'd check in to see what it's like and have quite the disdain for the voyage overhaul... I think the safer seas is excessive and makes it worse having the playerbase split on servers but honestly, what other choice was there with how certain people were being?

    This doesn't seem worth trying to pull friends into again... where are my unexpected adventures and the surprise of what I'd find going treasure hunting and what's with the events being less... event-y?

    It feels streamlined into the dirt to the point of absurd. I guess this is what everyone wanted though seeing as this is the state it's in for goodness know how long....

    Where's the adventure in my pirate adventure?... genuinely disheartened...

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  • Where are my unexpected adventures and the surprise

    Make them. Dont do a voyage or dive, just set sail

    I guess this is what everyone wanted though

    Only the really really loud ones.

  • It's an open box game pal, just live your pirate fantasy and make your own adventures.

  • Returning to Sot as someone that used to like the game has a lower chance of liking current SoT than people that didn't used to like SoT, imo.

    It's watered down in a lot of ways and that's good for some and not good for others. It's a lot easier than it once was, way easier to go on a big boat victory tour in adventure. Very little universal significance left in the game. They do a lot less things that are based in being sentimental. It's pretty much all about getting the clicks and logins now. Fomo city but not in the meaningful ways.

    If someone wants to chill and vibe, wreck adventure servers in a brig/galleon, make a lot more gold in a lot less time, the game is solid for that stuff.

    People play so differently that it's never really in widespread good or bad shape because people care about different things and have different preferences.

    If you feel as you posted then I wouldn't try to force it. Won't work. SoT is what it is, can try to make the best out of it or just accept that it's no longer something you wanna be involved in.

    As far as friends go I wouldn't pull them in but I wouldn't discourage them either. Everyone is different, some might love current SoT if they are organically interested in the game.

3 out of 5