Breathe new life into old content. like gifts and cargo crates example wood, fruit, cannonball, gunpowder keg crate deliveries.

  • Hey there i was wondering will there ever be a quest for Gifts in the game? i know there was a event back called festival of giving and right now getting them is kinda hard i dont want it to be easy just more manageable like a raid voyage. Since now you need a normal skeleton fort which can't be dived too.

    My other thing i was wondering about is merchant crate deliveries like wood create, cannon ball create, fruit crate, gunpowder barrel. I think it would be nice to have these as a merchant quest to deliver them since getting a hold of one of these quests from a bottle quest is a very low chance with all the other quests that you could get. Basically what im trying to say breathe some new life into old content

    Third thing bigger quests for animal deliveries in the past there was a quest for 5 animals and it could 5 of the same one like 5 chickens but different colors.
    I finished my pigs and snakes this way and now im left with chickens only and i have to do the 2 animal ones since there is no other quests or the 4 ones wich gives 2 types of animals.

    Let me know what you think about these ideas.

  • 7
  • Excellent idea for new players !

  • I hope they will do something about the merchant deliverys with kegs, wood-, cannonball- and fruitcrates.
    My last 30+ messages in a bottle i haven't found one of those quests.
    Its just unfair to lock achievements and commendations behind something that is completely impossible to complete.

  • Yeah. I remember long time ago (about 3 or 4 years ago), the missions for fruit, planks, cannon balls, etc were more common. I never took it seriously so I don't have the achievement completed because I remember I thought "this is something common. I'll do it casually". I never expected the ratio goes SO low.
    Same with the Generous gifts. I don't see one of those since the last 300 or 400 hours of play.

  • @captthreepwood same, though generous gifts are pretty common on the burning blade.

  • @hitash-levat This was posted before they were added there also its alot of rng with it i have done atleast 30-40 burning blades and i think out of those times its been like 90% humble gift

  • @hitash-levat The generous gifts have a lower spawn rate then the humble gifts and sometimes you only get one. If you are really lucky you get two generous gifts.

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