Nothing is more important than growing the active user base of a live service game.
Your original vision for the game is secondary to growth.
Growth is about appealing to the widest audience possible and retaining the interests of those who try out your game for as long as possible.
Take a step back and evaluate the most successful live service games and compare them to Sea of Thieves.
Open your mind and see the potential for this game. You’re not going to get there by attempting to force people to do something they don’t want to do. You’re not going to get there if you keep allowing your veterans to exploit your new and/or lesser skilled players. You’re not going to get there if you keep putting solo players on high seas servers with full crews. Are you present in reality?
Your original vision is secondary to growth.
All that matters is did they enjoy the experience? How can we get more people to enjoy this unique experience we hand crafted with love? Do they want more?
Nothing else matters.