Outpost should be a safe zone

  • I think outpost should be a safe zone I don’t wanna worry about the enemies by killing,robbing, and raiding the boat. No weapons or not by having weapons damage to players, it can ruin the quest and you have to start over all the way from the outpost to the point where you wasted gold. So I hope this will be fixed when the game fully releases

    I hope I am not the only one requesting this btw

  • 281
  • @apexbox2233
    I agree with you in a safe zone while on the outpost. As it can be frustrating while people camp the place you intend to go but can't as you get killed steps away from receiving well earned reward; and then have to do it all again. Yeah, I understand completely. Though don't expect it to be put in, as I don't but I'll be honest if it gets put in the game with "safe houses" I'll be a surprised and grateful.

  • @admiral-toth said in Outpost should be a safe zone:

    I agree with you in a safe zone while on the outpost. As it can be frustrating while people camp the place you intend to go but can't as you get killed steps away from receiving well earned reward; and then have to do it all again. Yeah, I understand completely. Though don't expect it to be put in, as I don't but I'll be honest if it gets put in the game with "safe houses" I'll be a surprised and grateful.

    Safe houses? I don’t think that will happen but cool idea i guess

  • You are absolutely right. This could be the game killer. You are forced to bring your chest to very few specific points on a small map. You cannot defend with a chest in your hands. And they give all players a sniper. Guess what will happen! Yes, the game is about social behaviour. But some guys are a bit asocial.

  • I’ve shared this idea before, but

    I don’t think it should be a non-PVP zone, but that killing pirates in outposts takes away gold/reputation. That way, people won’t do it as much because they don’t want to lose those things.

  • @sgt-schnauzbart said in Outpost should be a safe zone:

    You are absolutely right. This could be the game killer. You are forced to bring your chest to very few specific points on a small map. You cannot defend with a chest in your hands. And they give all players a sniper. Guess what will happen! Yes, the game is about social behaviour. But some guys are a bit asocial.

    Agreed, you know how bad it would be let’s just say you know one day the area gets over populated. It would be unacceptable and making it impossible to complete the quest

  • This is an issue. I will confess, I attacked a player's ship sitting in port today. Did I like it? No I did not. Why did I do it? If I did not attack them, would they attack me when I entered port? Possibly...

    I like the idea of the outposts being safe zones. If nothing else, have karma bite those who do in the butt with a kraken.

  • I wouldn't mind seeing one or two outposts having NPC guards or something like that to DISCOURAGE combat. I don't think there should be any place on the map that is absolutely safe, though.

  • Sorry guys, but it's been stated not happening. It's been tested and didn't really feel like it fit the game

  • @lordblackwolf13 said in Outpost should be a safe zone:

    If nothing else, have karma bite those who do in the butt with a kraken.

    @AssassinsKing98 I

  • @lordblackwolf13 said in Outpost should be a safe zone:

    If nothing else, have karma bite those who do in the butt with a kraken.

    @AssassinsKing98 I know what we need to do.

  • @lucid-stew said in Outpost should be a safe zone:

    I wouldn't mind seeing one or two outposts having NPC guards or something like that to DISCOURAGE combat. I don't think there should be any place on the map that is absolutely safe, though.

    I like the idea of npc guards that can help take the heat off, especially for solo.

  • Outposts most definitely need to be safe zones. I'm all for the PVP aspect of the game, but if you make it back to the outpost before being sunk or having treasure stolen, it should be yours to keep. You shouldn't have to worry about lazy pirates (griefers) camping community spots. I get that there is no honor among thieves, but this is more of an unspoken pirate code/etiquette.

  • If I am alone, I never stop at outposts where there are other pirates.
    I just sail on to the next and hand in my gold there.

  • It’s already been confirmed that there will be no “safe zones” so I wish you luck in the pirating world. Practice your aim.

  • @howlingfj0rd said in Outpost should be a safe zone:

    It’s already been confirmed that there will be no “safe zones” so I wish you like in the pirating world. Practice your aim.

    So their not even gonna have npc’s to protect you either?

  • i definitely think there should be safe zones in outposts

    if anything, this should encourage more ship combat instead of just camping in outposts

  • @howlingfj0rd aim has nothing to do with anything. No one should camp community areas to obtain treasure. Outposts should definitely be safe zones to keep the griefing at bay.

  • @alternativeal I agree that there needs to be more ship battles and less outpost camping. It's a hard game to balance it seems and Rare is doing what they feel is right to balance it. I've been ambushed at outposts many times and it's never fun. I've had the thoughts to make outposts safe zones too but i came to a conclusion: if outposts were safe zones people would still camp them and when they saw a ship coming sail out of the safe zone and attack you there.

  • This idea of ​​reputation point less for players who attack on an outpost would be a good compromise. They can do it, but they must expect to pay a certain price.

    A treasure recovered by a player who has dug the ground has a certain identification number specific to the crew and if this treasure is brought back by another team at an outpost, it would be nice if the sum received is also less important than the initial value of the safe. This will also prevent campers waiting with the sniper near the tent ...

    In addition, I would also be able to include outpost defense towers that, like the cannon skeletons on the islands, can then fire on boats attacking other boats near an outpost. There is nothing more frustrating to go to the outpost to return his coffers with our ship moored and that at once, other boats attack our isolated boat (often 4-player ships against small ship besides ...).
    These ships that attack in this way, must have the opposite respondent and it must go through the canons of defense of the oupost who "scenario" has the right to defend against an attack!

    I am to let the possibility to attack but there must be a price to pay in exchange!

  • It would go back to the “barriers” discussion for players. They want the game to be piratey, as it should be. And I understand the want for a chill place to be, but yeah it’s not likely there will be safe zones. Someone above posted that we’ve already tested something like that, and it was dropped. The world is open and free. Anything can happen. That’s the point. We’re pirates.

  • @howlingfj0rd it's not very "piratey" to attack a ship at an outpost while they are dead in the water after a long journey. Every other game calls it "griefing" and that's exactly what it is.

  • @shadowstrider-7 Well lets be real here, you can talk to the mermaid, teleport to your ship and go to different place. And it’s not the like the Griefer can’t be killed. It’s all about the experience of having to pick and choose your battles. Deciding whether or not to park at an outpost. It’s a big world. Sail away, or fight back. It’s up to you. But I mean idk what else to say haha. There aren’t safe zones. It’s part of the experience. It was one of points of the alpha to test it.

  • Personally, I don't really care if Rare has '...discussed, and dropped...' the idea or not. This is my first run on the closed testing of the game. In every game, a safe zone is required; it's essential! And, if we want to add realism into the mix, Nassau, one of the most well known, real life, pirate havens of the seas, also followed at least some variant of fair play.
    But trying to put to port on what should be a safe haven for pirates, and then getting ganked by a bunch of foul mouthed, over Red-Bulled kids... whether or not you have any treasure goes against The Code that Rare itself said it wanted people to uphold.
    Like this or not, the only ones supporting the current system are either those whom have not experienced it in solo play yet, or those in 2-4 man ships stalking the solo players, the outposts or more common 'first time' islands, griefing other players, and then laughing about it.. I know, my directional headset can hear their conversations just fine. If this is how Rare supports Fair game play then maybe my money can be spent on something that doesn't feel like it caters to the bullies of the world. And so far, I've seen a lot more players in favor of a Safe Haven, rather than just a CoD griefing, spawn camping match with cannons and sabers, instead of rifles and grenades.

  • yes lets take piracy out of a pirate game

  • I totally agree just. Today I just got completely slaughtered by four players. I didn't even have a weapon out. I waved them than they siniped me.☹️

  • @apexbox2233 This game is about being a pirate, do you expect the streets you walk in real life to be safe zones? Just enjoy the game and play in a crew, this game has not much point in being played solo

  • @crossycb sorry about my grammar.

  • @crossycb No need to apologise matey :) It read perfectly fine...

  • If we meet on the open sea, we're enemies. In an outpost, we're friends. Very few have honored the unspoken code, which is why a safe haven wouldn't be a bad idea.

  • @musicmee Thanks

  • For those above saying things like "Yes, lets take the piracy out of a pirate game.." and similar... Has anyone said that? What? No? Okay then. Being on the open seas, glance over the shoulder, and see a 3-masted monster rolling up behind me.. I expect to be shot at, and boarded if I fail to pilot expertly. But in a place that's used to turn in quests? No.

    Just consider this for a moment before you flame a witty response. 6wks go by, nothing changes. All the other stuff (missing, since this is only beta,) is released. The full game it out! But now, there is around 20-100 pirates from single new dogs on the water, to 4-manned Masters of the Oceans.
    You can not tell me (given how I and others have seen beta go,) that quest turn in's will be anything more than a griefing harbor that will sink the game faster than a hungry Kraken under a floundering sloop. This isn't a outragous claim, it's just the nature of the beast. If you can't see that, then I am sorry I couldn't be more clear.

  • @simple-sp00n said in Outpost should be a safe zone:

    yes lets take piracy out of a pirate game

    It's not about generally limiting piracy. It's about avoiding SoT to become a primitive COD-Clone.

  • @chriscroz said in Outpost should be a safe zone:

    If I am alone, I never stop at outposts where there are other pirates.
    I just sail on to the next and hand in my gold there.

    How can you be sure that there are no pirates at the outpost? The absence of a boat may not be an evidence.

27 out of 281