Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced

  • Been playing the game for the past couple of the days for the first time, I've had an absooute blast thus far. I have a few complaints with the PvP side of things. Especially the blunderbuss weapon, which I haven't got the foggiest clue to unlock. Simply put I think that the one shot kill mechanic on fellow players currently on the blunderbuss, breaks the balance and feels overpowered and out of place. There was me making a fellow foe into spaghetti with my cutlass, only for the dastardly devil to swivel on a six pence and blast me away with one shot. I soon found out from my honourable pistol wielding pirate pal, that the foe in question indeed had a blunderbuss. It was the first time I had come across such a weapon, so I was taken by surprise when I was brought from full health down to none. Would love to hear people's opinions on the matter and whether they feel the same way. I understand the aspect of having a high damage, close range weapon but having it b******u away with one shot feels particularly broken. Whereas you have to hit someone 10+ with the cutlass.

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  • Hey, be more than 5 feet or 1 1/2 meters away from the SHOTGUN.
    Have a nice day sir.
    alt text

  • @cable0312 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Hey, be more than 5 feet or 1 1/2 meters away from the SHOTGUN.
    Have a nice day sir.
    alt text

    Jump out of a boat if a boat is chasing you, spam X on the ladder as it passes and shoot the pirate on the deck. Pretty easy isn't it? Sounds abit broken does it not?

  • Everyone else seems to be doin ok?
    Sir, do you need a hug?
    I am here for you.

  • @cable0312 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Everyone else seems to be doin ok?
    Sir, do you need a hug?
    I am here for you.

    Do you understand the concept of balance? Explain to me the balancing logic of a high powered longneck rifle taking two shots to kill and a short muzzled weapon to kill you in one.

  • Here is a digital hug... hug... do you feels better?

  • @cable0312 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Here is a digital hug... hug... do you feels better?

    Just had a little look at your previous posts on this forum, I can safely say I'm not surprised. All of them are unhelpful, toxic and seem to be written by an adolescent.

  • Your not a very nice person, you know that?
    Here I am offering free hugs and you insult me.

  • balance = unrealistism

    it makes sense for a shotgun to 1hit, now i agree the sniper riffle should 1hit as well with headshots, hell i think the pistol should 1 hit as well with a headshot.
    If you charge a sword attack you 1hit with that too.
    There seems to be a weapon shop coming, so might be new weapons coming and then we probably see different balancing than how it currently is

  • @scheefinator said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @cable0312 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Everyone else seems to be doin ok?
    Sir, do you need a hug?
    I am here for you.

    Do you understand the concept of balance? Explain to me the balancing logic of a high powered longneck rifle taking two shots to kill and a short muzzled weapon to kill you in one.

    1 is a rifle, the other is a shotgun. Also aim for the head with the rifle, instantly kills 'em.

    Congrats for pointing out the obvious bruh, but you still didn't explain to me why that's balanced. All you did was state a rifle was a rifle and a blunderbuss as a shotgun which it isn't haha.

  • @andlav said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    balance = unrealistism

    it makes sense for a shotgun to 1hit, now i agree the sniper riffle should 1hit as well with headshots, hell i think the pistol should 1 hit as well with a headshot.
    If you charge a sword attack you 1hit with that too.
    There seems to be a weapon shop coming, so might be new weapons coming and then we probably see different balancing than how it currently is

    Thank you for the genuinely helpful reply. I've only been playing the game a couple days, so I haven't come to terms with all the mechanics of PvP yet which I have obviously overlooked.

  • It's actually quite well balanced. You should get a blunderbuss and test the distance from which it's useless. It's pretty point blank tbh.

  • @cable0312 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Your not a very nice person, you know that?
    Here I am offering free hugs and you insult me.

    Shame you can offer nothing to the progression of this game. You roam these forums telling anyone who has a different opinion than you, to "cry". I hope you come last in this years sack race, kid.

  • Guys don't argue with the toad man, no matter what you say he thinks he's right.
    He doesn't even like hugs.

  • @kinggzanga The blunderbuss is broken, but it's because the hit reg in the game is a joke right now. Seriously, i had countless times hitting somebody at literally their face, and they just get knocked back, pull their blunderbuss back, and kill me instantly from a greater distance.

  • @dwead-p-woberts Also, just fyi, you can find it at any one of the item shops at every outpost, I think, for just under $900. The other great thing about the bb is that it adds 5 extra shots to your kit, so you have 5 bb, 5 sniper, 5 pistol and then have to return for ammo, instead of just 10 total shot.

  • ^^yup, what he said.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    It's actually quite well balanced. You should get a blunderbuss and test the distance from which it's useless. It's pretty point blank tbh.

    In terms of everything can one shot you in a certain way, I guess it is quite balanced. In my opinion, in a game like this, anything that one shots seems quite ridiculous considering the possible skill gap to be had is only slight. The PvP feels very limited and simplistic, which is why I can see people getting frustrated by something that can one shot you.

  • @darlain It's not broken, the blunderbuss can easily be outplayed by walking backwards and shooting with the pistol. Play the game more and learn the mechanics of each before you call something out as broken.

  • Gonna go smoke real fast, will be back for dem hugs toad boy.

  • I honestly think that the sword part of the combat system needs the most work all together. The sword stuns you when you get hit by it and makes it almost impossible to get away or defend yourself (especially when you are playing lone wolf and are getting attacked by a full crew of 4..). The Blunderbuss when you're up close to someone and blast them it SHOULD be either a instant kill or pretty close to it, it's the equivalent of a shotgun and SHOULD be very deadly up close and weaker from afar. The pistol seems to be one of the weapons that I think is actually pretty fair other than it takes a little getting used to aiming it haha. The new Sniper is pretty nice as well. But that sword fighting though.. Needs some work.

  • @kinggzanga Don't let them get so close...a blunderbuss should be very deadly up close.

  • I'm back, ready to hug it out bro....
    Stretches arms wide

  • @captnhempleg said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga Don't let them get so close...a blunderbuss should be very deadly up close.

    I understand that, but one shot deadly? I don't agree. Maybe 90% of your health. In a game like this, with how simplistic the PvP is, I stand by my comment that anything that one shots you would feel wrong. Like you said, one swing with the cutlass and you stand there stunned like an RPG game, the mechanics to combat are very simple and uninspiring. They need to refine the balance and I genuinely believe that a one shot shotgun up close when you can jump onto an enemy's boat, where everyone is less than 5 feet apart, feels unbalanced.

  • @cable0312 I mean... can I just have some bananas?

  • @CaptNHempleg for you bro, anything!!!
    Hands all the bananas

  • @kinggzanga Idk about you..but I can shoot you off my boat before you get on board it. I see that move coming every time its been done over and over lol. So here's my advice to you:

    1. Stay far enough from enemy ships so that they cannot ram into you.
    2. If you're in a battle, always keep your eyes on the enemy's ship.
    3. If you follow step 2, watch for people flying out of cannons and if so, steer clear or watch the ladders with 2 crew mates.
  • @cable0312 -STUFFS THEM IN A CHEST AND RUNS- hahaha!!!

  • would you not die instantly taking a blunderbuss to the face at point blank IRL? ive had alot of on deck combat encounters and you just need to learn to strafe behind masts and things and you will make them miss their shot. practice makes perfect, keep at it and you will work out strategies to win in combat

  • He is a little salty that someone took his booty.

  • @cable0312 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    He is a little salty that someone took his booty.

    Someone took my temporary loot in a BETA in which nothing carries over to the full game? Oh no!? Who is this weeb?

  • Wanna talk about it?

  • @fayzon11 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    would you not die instantly taking a blunderbuss to the face at point blank IRL? ive had alot of on deck combat encounters and you just need to learn to strafe behind masts and things and you will make them miss their shot. practice makes perfect, keep at it and you will work out strategies to win in combat

    Bruh. I can say the same thing about a rifle shot to the chest. It's called game balancing, when something feels unfair, it's usually unbalanced. It feels way too easy to run to a homie, pop him once and he dies. It is that simple. Guns are not hard to use on this, the PvP is simple just like the game mechanics, and so should the balancing.

  • wanna talk about it?
    would that make you feel better?

  • You’ll feel differently when you buy your blunderbuss and someone sees you pull it and moves two steps to the side... Sure the gun can hit hard at six inches, but it can be avoided.

    Finally, this isn’t a MOBA or some competitive shooter. There are no rankings, no scoreboard to stress over. Things aren’t fair at all, and that’s okay. Bigger crews have an advantage, bigger guns too. Position has advantage, wind direction, basically everything gives someone an advantage. Make the best of your situation, use what you’ve got and accept that nothing is guaranteed... except that at the end of the day you’ll probably have a colorful story to tell.

19 out of 149