Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8

  • I'm happy to see that the dev vids are feeling a whole lot more relaxed now... In the chaos of the first couple of weeks, Joe Neate was looking a little fraught & stressed, but things are calming down a bit, & the humour is creeping back in again...
    Keep it up Rare! Everything I'm seeing so far looks amazing! Can't wait until the 29th... ;D

  • Wow! Great work guys.
    Keep it up!
    I look forward to the new content! :)

  • @brlks The matter of fact is still that Rare prefer to have every one play on the same servers to both increase the player pool and enable friends to play even if they use different platforms.

    This has been stated before and Rare does not want to split the community, be it by platform or by what DLC you have and that ranks higher than the difference in control methods used while playing.

  • Mermaid loading took literally 5 minutes now, I am afraid of falling of my ship again..

  • @brlks well...then DO NOT PLAY CROSS PLAY GAMES!!!
    In the description it clearly says "BOTH PC AND XBOX" ;)
    Can we at least have a normal conversation without you being mad at this game not being what you want?

    And BTW: I have this game for both xbox and pc so even IF your idea gets have to play with me even if you do not want to :P

  • that was fast, i dont even have so much free time to play-thrue each update

  • Please add an option to remove a cosmetic item. Instead of taking everything off.
    You could click on a shirt, for example, in the beta and it would put it on. Then you could click it again and you'd remove it.
    This doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

  • @mcdoll uhm but that actually works already! you have above the filters with coat, shirt etc. When you only see the shirts you can click on this button with the arrow and it will only remove the shirt ;)
    just do not push the button when you see/can choose all outfit pieces :)

    Edit: there are 2 buttons one remove everything and one just remove the filter item

  • @shikia-caeleaum said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8:

    @mcdoll uhm but that actually works already! you have above the filters with coat, shirt etc. When you only see the shirts you can click on this button with the arrow and it will only remove the shirt ;)
    just do not push the button when you see/can choose all outfit pieces :)

    Edit: there are 2 buttons one remove everything and one just remove the filter item

    Holy [Mod Edit - Profanity] thats an unnecessarily complicated way of doing it.
    In beta you literally clicked the thing you put on, to take it off again. Why was that changed I wonder!?

    Edit- thanks though! I never thought to use the tabs!

  • @mcdoll hahhahaha XD maybe edit your second word since it will probably be cencored but oh damned you made me laugh XD

    But yes that is how it currently works I do not know why myself and you are welcome :D

  • @shikia-caeleaum oh I was relying on the autocensor! I mean It censors "Be st" so figured it'd get it! 😂

  • @mcdoll oh my god!!! the ferry of the damned gets cencored?! What world have I entered!? XD
    Edit: is that word a new bad word? :O because before it worked well...XD

  • Really pleased about

    Colour Blind Accessibility

    Red & Green tends to be my thing, thank you @Rare.
    It's those little touches that makes a happy pirate.

  • This patch broke my audio. I cant hear some of the SFX sounds in ship and water sounds. For example, anchor, turning the wheel or the sail make no sound at all and its driving me crazy. Same with water sounds. Im playing on PC. I have had the issue before the patch also, but it happened rarely and dieing fixed it always. Now it seems to be doing that all the time and I cant fix it.

  • Noticed that I was not refunded the difference from the incorrectly priced figurehead that was removed (as was advertised in the removal thread).

    Assuming it is coming at a later date because as of now it wasnt refunded.

  • @stellarsacia did they not adjust the prices last week? because the castaway bilge rat price in the shop was correctly reduced from 140k to 70k last week :O

  • @shikia-caeleaum I purchased them prior to any cost adjustment. Still waiting on the price difference refund.

    I know I'm not the only one.

  • @stellarsacia I am in the same boat, pun intended

  • @stellarsacia O_O thats bad! did you write a support ticket? because they mentioned in the patch notes that the people who already bought these items will get a refund! :O that is 70k so not little peanuts :/

  • @shikia-caeleaum Previous patch notes said the reimbursement will happen "very soon"

  • @hutchanaut .....seriously?! that is by definition the word for "we do not know how to do it yet so be patient!"
    so sadly not the real "very soon" but rather the definition of not a clue of a timeframe, I am sorry for you guys! :/

  • @brlks The game is balanced m8 just because you cant handle some losses doesnt mean you should bash the s'it out of the community. Sea of thieves have always marketed the game as a Crossplay game. I bet you they have discussed the issue that pc players have an advantage, but have concluded that it is more benefitial too the overall experience of the game to use Crossplay.

    Just chill about it. They wont change it because you scream about it. Take a break or something, it is not healthy to behave like you are doing.

  • Fixed Issues

    • Pirates should no longer lose their clothing upon respawning after death.

    IMO this was one of the best bugs so far... sad to see it go away since my crews had alot of fun joking about it 😁

    • Barrels of Plenty no longer disappear when respawning onto your ship after death.

    What the heck is a Barrel of Plenty??? Inventory supplies on your character? Supply barrels on your ship? First time I have heard this term referenced.

  • Do you guys see some kind of icon when you are transmitting voice? Becauce it should show one since the 1.0.8 patch.

  • @brlks said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8:

    @shikia-caeleaum You found it RUDE and OFFENSIVE because you are a PC PLAYER. I do not want to play with you. Take it how you want you SJW, fragile spirited, take offense to whatever someone says. I don't care about your feelings, I want a balanced game.

    You can have a disagreement but attacking players by name calling is against forum rules.

    If you have an opinion/suggestion on the game then you need to make that...probably in one of the Mega threads already dealing with those subjects. There is no need to come here and act like this. This only gets you banned.

  • @w3t-dogg Hi W3t! Been a while!

  • Is this whats in todays patch??

  • @khaleesibot hi I accounted an issue that the game have a seriously big input lag while plaiinf on Xbox one X

  • For those complaining about PC players, I used to feel the same way, just practice and you can start beating them at their own game. As far as ship sailing they don't have an advantage, in fact I think Xbox players have the advantage here, pirate v pirate combat might show them get the upper hand a few times but again, just practice your aim, swordplay, and crew teamwork and you can outwit them.
    Just the other day, my crew of 4 attacked a skull fort, and had the competition of 2 galleons and a sloop, where the sloop and one of the galleons were pc players. My crew didn't get sunk once, and we managed to sink the sloop once, and both galleons twice. I think it feels fairly balanced to me.

  • Why was the table moved to the left on the sloop? now we cant hide our chests in that spot anymore? This is so dumb....

  • Maybe I have been missing it this whole time, but it would be nice to have a button on the Xbox that allows me to switch between game chat and team chat (e.g. press left on D-Pad).
    Also, the ability to type on Xbox as well. Don't always have headphones available to use, but do have a keyboard connected to the Xbox.

    Otherwise, I love the updates that have been coming out, and am looking forward to seeing these updates. Noticed this morning that the update installed last night!

  • Ok guys sorry to so this but there is minor issue with the new chat icon I couldn't see it because of the location it was 3/4 hidden. On my TV also same for my European friend. Small thing to fix you could also just add ability to adjust screen size instead just a thought.

  • @ser-scottalot no I like my telescope as left on d pad :-( mapped maybe just keyboard support instead.

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