Rare... Festive Plans? Or is it too Early :-)

  • @Rare-Employee

    I know we are barely 2 months in from launch.
    I know that the early signs of Summer are upon us, but please take a moment.
    Can we have Snow at Christmas?,
    Can we expect the odd Iceberg as we travel these Treacherous Seas?
    Will we be able to throw Snowballs ( fire snowcannonballs ), and build a Snow Pirate Person?

    The nature of the industry I am involved in... Christmas weighs heavy on our minds at this time of year.
    Much forward planning is required & I know myself the Elves need encouragement to be motivated, surely you must have a plan or two.

    picture edited: thank you @triheadedmonkey

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    Magical Image provided by @drdpir8robert81

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    Also not forgetting "Halloween".... spooky events...????
    Pirates love Halloween!!

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  • @piratecraggy Awesome ideas! There is so much potential for an awesome winter/christmas event :D

  • @xcalypt0x

    As I say we may as well get planning now.
    It seems to creep up on you quicker & quicker each year.

    We need the input... people, lets make it the best Christmas Ever.... :-)

  • @piratecraggy I mentioned using the below sword for a Christmas/Winter event because I thought it looked ice themed but the people of Reddit didn't like my suggestion lol. (Overwatch had some ice themed skins for Pharah and Reaper)

  • @piratecraggy planning for Christmas is snow joke, it would be great to see some kind of seasonal things though i’m sure yule all agree.

  • @xcalypt0x

    Well... we have the perfect time of year coming up for that "Beauty"... that is awesome, I want one!

  • Great ideas. Put a tree up in the taverns and eggnog in our mugs.

  • @zebulon-leee said in Rare... Festive Plans? Or is it too Early :-):

    Great ideas. Put a tree up in the taverns and eggnog in our mugs.

    Chest of a thousand nogs :D

  • @zebulon-leee

    That is Frickin... awesome... loving it. Hadn't gone as far as decorations in my thoughts.
    I like your style!!!!

  • @xcalypt0x said in Rare... Festive Plans? Or is it too Early :-):

    @zebulon-leee said in Rare... Festive Plans? Or is it too Early :-):

    Great ideas. Put a tree up in the taverns and eggnog in our mugs.

    Chest of a thousand nogs :D

    That is golden Sir... I salute you!!!

  • Another thought... Christmas Day.... recovered Bounty is "Gift Wrapped"?, and the Merchants are extra generous in their payout for lets say a few days.
    A little Holiday bonus for us all.

  • A candy cane instead of a cutlass?

  • How about replacing all the palm trees with Christmas trees? (Joke)

    I would like to possibly see a snowy biome for us to visit for this special occasion.

  • @sir-lotus

    This is what it's all about.
    If even one of these ideas comes into "reality", we can say we where there 1st!!
    I am Loving these... and they are sooooo......appropriate for the season.

    With the nature of SoT and art-style being cartoonish there really is a lot of fun that can be had with this game.

    More opportunity for community, and pirates maybe being a "little" less pirate for a day.
    No....... forget I said the last bit, always "pirate|" but with a seasonal "Ho-ho me hearty"

  • @musicmee said in Rare... Festive Plans? Or is it too Early :-):

    How about replacing all the palm trees with Christmas trees? (Joke)

    I would like to possibly see a snowy biome for us to visit for this special occasion.

    I like it...
    With the map-expansions... they may introduce colder areas... so it might be happening that the palm trees aren't palm trees, .... Douglas Firs... maybe

  • @cptbartroberts said in Rare... Festive Plans? Or is it too Early :-):

    You may speak in subtle hints, but you cant fool me Mr Clause, I know your Santa, and im still waiting for my gokart.......

    I've told you already Bart, we will talk about this once we are home.
    We don't need to talk about this in public.... :D

  • @piratecraggy

    "deck the crows nest full of lanterns"
    Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

  • I agree Rare, some Holiday content would be a lot of fun.
    Oh and while i'm willing to wait until say holloween for it, I really need a black mask (think Zorro, or Dread Pirate Roberts) for my Pirate to wear.

    Ho, Ho, Ho and a Bottle of Rum!

  • @omega-131313

    Oh I found this also for the crows-nest
    Nice Flag.....

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  • @drdpir8robert81 said in Rare... Festive Plans? Or is it too Early :-):

    I agree Rare, some Holiday content would be a lot of fun.
    Oh and while i'm willing to wait until say holloween for it, I really need a black mask (think Zorro, or Dread Pirate Roberts) for my Pirate to wear.

    Ho, Ho, Ho and a Bottle of Rum!

    That's the Image Folks

    Time to Stare.... Magical... that's what we want.

    I know we aren't meant to say this.... but ..... with the season of good will

    ^vote @drdpir8robert81 original post
    That's just pure genius!

  • I would love some temporary Christmas decorations for our galleons or sloops. Imagine wrapping your galleon in Christmas lights flashing to the tune of "What shall we do with the drunken sailor" on the hurdy gurdy!

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  • @evasive-envy

    Liking the Idea... all for Decoration.

    Here's an idea,
    They issue a cursed set of Christmas lights.
    The lights flash, music played ( in the typical cheap "greeting card" way ) that you can't turn off.

    Think I would just let the sharks have me... :-)

  • @piratecraggy I would love to add some images I have but don't know how to do it.

  • @evasive-envy

    Are you looking to upload from your desktop?

  • @piratecraggy Ok. It was the URL part I was getting wrong.

  • Snow Pirates! :D

  • @triheadedmonkey

    Aaaarghhh.... that's the job!!!

  • @sir-lotus

    I tell you one thing.
    I would disappointed if they don't have the Candy Cane Hook or Cutlass.

    It's just asking to happen...

  • @evasive-envy said in Rare... Festive Plans? Or is it too Early :-):

    I would love some temporary Christmas decorations for our galleons or sloops. Imagine wrapping your galleon in Christmas lights flashing to the tune of "What shall we do with the drunken sailor" on the hurdy gurdy!

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    Cool... the URL worked... love it.
    Your image link is gone
    so have popped up a similar sorta idea, obviously a version of this on water.
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    It's not Christmas without the light show... pretty boat!

  • @PirateCraggy Instead of them singing happy birthday in the taverns they can change it to Merry Christmas or something. That is if the PC police doesn't jump on them :P

  • Well if we want music to go with it, these guys have a Christmas Album.....


  • @drdpir8robert81

    They're pretty good, good drum action!

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