Who else greatly dislikes "The Wilds" portion of the map?

  • It's so dreary, dark, bland looking, colorless and unpleasent being on this part of the map. If I spawn here I immediately leave the area to do quests in The Ancient Isles or The Shores of Plenty.

    I'd bet if Rare had a heat map for player activity it would be one of the most devoid areas played in the game by a wide margin. When Rare extends the world map and undoubtedly introduces an Ice/Snow biome they need to ensure it's a pleasant place to be.

    Who else feels this way or does this?

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  • Although personally I too prefer the other areas of the gameworld...

    I'd wager I have actually spent more time in the Wilds than elsewhere, my experiences tend to drive me in the direction of the wilds versus away.

  • I used to leave the Wilds immediately, like you, but then I started doing Merchant Alliance voyages and it's a really good place to grind them.

    Going between Dagger Tooth Outpost and Galleon's Graveyard Outpost there are plenty of places to get chickens, pigs, snakes, and gunpowder barrels. Plus the traffic tends to be less around there.

  • @nyadc85 I do.

  • its a little unsettling to be honest. like a giant swamp. however, i would say this is what makes the area unique. the area presents a dark balance when looking at the entire map if the shores of plenty presented the brighter side and the ancient isles being a mix of both.

  • I do not enjoy the aesthetic aspects of the area, and it is so dark that it is hard to see if I have sunlight in the room. But I do like all of the obstacles to weave around when I am trying to lose an enemy. I am usually not far from rocks and islands to maneuver through.

  • I love the wilds a lot actually! Sure aesthetically it is dark and foreboding and the exact opposite of chill and soothing, but it is where you go when you wanna get to work! The outposts there are the coolest looking without question. How can you say no to galleons grave?

    The overcast and green hues put me on edge and I am always at the height of alertness when playing in the area. I also tend to always... ALWAYS start there so I get a pretty free play session and never have to worry about others bothering me because they avoid it.

  • Galleon's Grave is my favorite outpost, mechanically with the parallel dock and its aesthetic. The Wilds is also my favorite area/biome. I like the other areas as well but, this happens to be my favorite. Much like @BogusMeatINC I enjoy the transition that takes place when you enter this zone. I spent my formative years living in a tropical environment very similar to what you see in the Shores. It's nice. It's pleasant. However, the variation in the areas of the map are necessary and appreciated; much like the seas and oceans of earth.

  • I like how there's variation in the world, but it's also my least favourite area. I almost hate the area as much as I hate The Crooked Masts. I hate The Crooked Masts.

  • The Wilds are my absolute favorite area of the map. Mainly because it has a darker and grittier vibe to it. The real reason I enjoy it though is because stealth has a slight advantage there due to the more muted colors. I stealth almost all the time and I find more success in the Wilds and the fact most people don't like them kinda puts them out of their comfort zone as well.

  • I call it the seas of depression. And they are a nice change after roaming around the turqouise waters of other areas for some time. There's also a couple of really neat islands there. Such climate. Much wow.

  • It's not my favorite area, but still nice to see every now and then. Galleons Grave Outpost for example is always worth a visit.
    I mostly look around my spawn area first, maybe do some voyages there and travel towards other areas after a while in a session.

  • I know what you mean, but it doesn't bother me too much. I live out in the San Francisco Bay Area, and portions of San Francisco Bay look like that, all the while the Pacific Ocean can be blue, but also a mix of Pacific "Hawaiian Island" blue and the dull grey green stuff.

    The Wilds as a whole … I've been ambushed there four times, whereas I've only been ambushed twice on the rest of the map. The shores of plenty has prettier water and just a warmer feel overall, but I'm cool other places on the map.

    Admittedly, I do tend to cruise over the Shores of Plenty because of the nice visuals, but when a quest needs doing, I'm all over the map.

  • I had the infamous Daggertooth Glitch or whatever. While I was doing my Merchants missions before I maxed out, every other mission would have me going to DT. Every. Other. One. So I just hung out in that area. It's not so bad. Lots of cover, the Islands are a bit rough. But I would say it's the "Hard area".

  • I tend to think of Galleon's Grave as my home outpost. It's my favourite, it's the first outpost I spawned on and it's in my favourite part of the world.

    Sure the Ancient Isles and Shores of Plenty look nicer, but the Wilds is home. If I need to hunt a ship or lose a pursuer I take them/chase them to the Wilds, it's where I do my real pirating.

  • Actually only hate Kraken's Fall and Shipwreck Bay. It never fails that if I have a Voyage there, I sell off everything I currently have on ship. I know for a fact I will lose the Sloop at these islands.

  • @braxkedren
    Krakens fall...ugh.

    But I actually like Shipwreck Bay. I just coast in and nestle right on the beach by the giant shipwreck. One way in one way out...cannon set on the opening plus your in the island enough to be semi hidden. Upper cabin of the shipwreck has an ammo chest for hunkering down. Good times.

  • It is, without a doubt my least favorite potion of the map. I like when dark and ominous places feel creepy.. however none of those island give off the 'creepy' vibe at all, it just feels dark and ominous because everything is dead. It feels like the vast majority of voyages I get bring me to the wilds which is a huge b****r to me. I would much rather be in the other 2 portions of the map.

  • The OP examples why it's such a good area! It's strikingly different from other parts of the map which means different experiences.

    Some good posts by people too about why it's good or bad. I think my favourite think is the variation in islands and how two outposts surround a Skull Fort. It makes running away a different game, especially with the moody feel and random rocks.

    Having said that, I spent a lot of time at Shipwreck and Crooked Masts doing fetch merchant quests. I'm pretty happy to not be doing them anymore.

  • @john-hatter Thats the exact spot I always pop in at Shipwreck and constantly lose the ship there. Probably just my bad PvP skills. You'd think I'd be better since I play on PC and all.....

  • @braxkedren
    its OK. To be fair I have never had to defend myself there yet but it feels ideal haha~

    Maybe I'm just lucky and everyone's dislike for the island keeps them away.

  • Dagger Tooth and Galleons Grave are 2 of the coolest outposts in the game!

  • As a whole my dislike for the region is why I like the region.

    I like that even from an immersion standpoint there is part of the world that puts me on edge. It's dark, it's gloomy, when I see ships in the area there seems to be a lot of them. I love Galleons Grave but even it feels like a place that I should watch my back while visiting. I can sail around the wilds doing odds and ends and feel relieved when I hit bluer waters or if I want to lay low for awhile I just hit up northern wilds where I have yet to run into anyone.

    I think it's perfectly miserable. Shores of plenty has a nice vacationy vibe and the Ancient isles feel like home(to me at least, Ancient Spire for life! REPRESENT!)

    All is right in the world~

  • @braxkedren Shipwrecks is one of my favourite islands. It has a lot of character but it is also a great place to lure people to be sunk. There are a few channels around it that you can squeeze a Galleon through, but only if you know them. Luring another ship in there after you, watching them get stuck and then mercilessly peppering them with cannon balls is fun no matter how many times you do it. You do need to be careful around there though, those rocks can ruin your situational awareness and make it very easy for other players to sneak up on you if you aren't careful (or if you want to appear like you aren't being careful)

  • @boxcar-squidy A lot of my hate of that island is the fact that if I have a Voyage there, It's ALWAYS storming over the island during that time. Always. Makes me feel like Charlie Brown constantly.....

  • @braxkedren if I have a voyage anywhere that's where the storm will be. That thing hates my face

  • Certain quests on certain islands in the Wilds are terrible, mostly the big islands with complicated paths. Also, Dagger Tooth is the best for getting supplies but the worse for dropping off loot.

  • @nyadc85 me!!! I hate that portion of the world!!! Specially at night time...
    It's so green and dark.
    The seagulls of the Shipwrecks are barely visible.

  • Too dark for me. Also, why do 50% of all voyages make you visit Crooked masts? Again and again and again..

  • I like it personally, but I'm naturally pesmistic so it suits me fine xD

  • I love it. The doomy and gloomy atmosphere is great. Sometimes the bright and blue of the others can be a bit too much. Ultimately though, I appreciate all the biomes because it helps keep the seas from getting too stale in terms of atmosphere.

  • I like the Wilds because it the rest have me cleaning my monitor constantly lol

  • I do feel as though the world does need this dark dreary area in contrast the rest of the map, it could have been executed better, have light rains and heavy mists. different spookier more crooked plantation, less green more grey kind of filters. Different, ominous noises and maybe even a different boss? who know. but this is just my opinion

  • I enjoy it. Love sittin around in the dark at the Broken Tusk in Galleons Grave every now and again.

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