Social hub and maybe a Safe zone solution

  • So I was talking to some people in another thread and I might have a cool Idea for a social/ gambling hub.

    Rare has released this concept art for a Floating tavern:

    I was thinking, if they use this as a floating social hub that would be great.

    You'd be able to:

    Play several games like Card games, liars dice play darts, five finger filet, drinking games etc.
    There would also be a cheating mechanic where each game gives you the chanse to spice up the game by cheating or otherwise applying bonusses. Cheating is just done with a button and maybe a minigame/ slight animation making it so people have to be alert. Darts could involve a sort of drinking mechanic where the more drunk you are the worse your aim is but you'll get more points etc. Cheaters however can be caught and here comes point 2.

    PVP and Safety
    Now for the ships I have no solution, park at the tavern and yeah you're probably going to get your ship stolen or blown up. (just like in the real vegas)
    But in the tavern everyone is PVP enabled even your own crew. There's a brawling area where you can fight without restrictions. However even though you can fight eachother anywhere doing so unprovoked will land you in a special Brig/ Cel for a few minutes where you can think about your actions. However you can be provoked and attack another player without being put in timeout for example when: someone cheats, Someone pukes in your face, someone throws a dart at you (yeah you can hit eachother with darts it will be hilarious) or performs a rude emote (new emotes?) at you.

    Generally what I suggest is having a place to just interact and gather with eachother PVP is on and you can kill eachother. However the Bouncers will notice and it does have a consequence (unless they are just asking for it)

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  • Meet me at the bar, its going down! Love this idea n would love to try n cheat n find myself fists up with another dirty pirate scoundral

  • @hynieth I love this idea! When the events are on, then this could be the meet up place for those of us looking to team up! This could be a great addition.

    Also, if this is not shown on the map, then they could have some kind of unique quest giver on board, like Xur in Destiny.

  • Hey as long as it exists outside of the main playable world, I'm for it.

  • @enticed-malice Even if inside I dont think it would be a problem, since I dont know (and dont think it nessecary) to protect ships someone cant park there and save their loot. Noone is stopping you from killing a man and taking his treasure. You just have to do it before the bouncer reaches you ;-)

  • @hynieth eh inside the world id be against it. people will run scared to their safe place when a pvp encounter is imminent.

  • @enticed-malice but then they can't sell their chests, so if they dock, then another crew can just jump on their ship and steal the chests?

  • So turn in loot. How hard is that. Safe haven should operate like cod wwii headquarters.

  • @enticed-malice then when you leave, what is you suggestion for ensuring 2 crews who have just organised themselves to do an event end up in the same server?

    Also nothing should work like WWII headquaters. Ew! xD

  • Wwii hq works very well so not sure what your deal is with that. Rare would need to add meta to allow same server joins. which they said state in their e3 session yesterday that they are looking at doing this in the future.

  • It would take players off the waters, creating the imbalance in the servers.
    No ships on the horizon for any interactions because they're playing shanties and gsmbling.

    Keep that foolishness off servers, like in the hold of The Ferry, or the waiting room in Beetlejuice.
    But then were splitting the playerbase, right?

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