What do you call your animals?

  • I would love to hear what your favorite names are for your feathered, scaled, and muddy companions!

    Personally, I call my pig "Swiney Todd" and snakes are refered to as "murder noodles"

    Anyone else?

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  • @pink-geek-chic
    I named a chicken Mr Pickles.

  • Chick-a-dees!

    I try not to get too emotionally attached to my animals... just in case, you know, I catch the wrong one and have to send it to the merchant alliance graveyard in the sky.

  • @musicmee

    I try not to get too emotionally attached to my animals... just in case, you know, I catch the wrong one and have to send it to the merchant alliance graveyard in the sky.

    The "Chicken Coop of the Damned"?

  • Well, I one time called a Snake who bit me the "Devil himself".

  • @pink-geek-chic Gold pigs are Kevin.

  • Piggy, Chicky, and snake.

  • Sir Cluckles

  • Cluck Norris!

  • @pink-geek-chic

    Chicky McChickerson
    Snakey McSnakerson
    The forum filters won't let me tell you what I call pigs...

  • Pig -name Chris P, Bacon gets used a lot
    Chicken - Cluck Liddel/ Albert Eggstein/Attila the Hen
    Snake-Mr Crawley/ any name with extra sssssss's SSSSSSSam de ssssnake

  • Pigs are either Captain Stevens or Commadore Sally
    Chicks are Admiral Cluckbar
    Snakes are ******** in a basket

  • All sharks are named Fernando. It makes screaming at them as we die much more dramatic.

  • @pink-geek-chic All golden chicken are called Debbie.


  • I often kept 2 chickens as pet and would name them Raymond and Huguette (they are a couple of seniors from a french comedy tv show, they married since a long time and they enjoy being very mean to each other) or sometimes Jacky and Michel... x)

  • I call them dinner.

  • Shh, Quiet, Shuddup, Again??

  • Chickens are "The Colonel", pigs are "Bacon" and snakes are "I am NOT carrying this thing, you do it!".

  • My English Bulldog is “Boo”

    My cats are Raven and Princess but I usually refer to them as PSSSSSSt!!!! And throw a pillow. Bad freaking cats man....

  • @personalc0ffee said in What do you call your animals?:

    @Pink-Geek-Chic Margaret Hatcher

    You're a damn Legend

  • @sshteeve Yeah, Steve knows! We always have a Red Speckled named Cluck Norris, used to keep a Black one called Jack, but he met an untimely mutinous end... pigs are just "future bacon", or "bacon seeds", "murder noodles" has now become my new term for snakes as of this post! Mostly the snakes are just colour + profanity lol

  • @pink-geek-chic

    Chickens: Featherd Balls of Clucking Death.

    Pigs: Evil Banana Hording Savages (think about how many bananas were used to feed the pigs D: THINK ABOUT THE BANANAS!!)

    Snakes: Defense Mechanism # [insert umber here]

    Mind you, these are all PG descriptions of them :D

  • @pink-geek-chic
    Gold chickens are believed to bring good fortune, by my sailing partner.
    He likes to call them "Charlie" (despite me telling him they're hens...females)

    I call gold chickens "Chuckles"
    I call gold pigs "Kevin" ... naturally, after Kevin Bacon. :o)

  • I love all of these so much! Thank you all!

    Please keep them coming!

  • Well, recently I stole a speckled chicken from a galleon that I was originally planning to sink. They were demanding I bring back "Mr. Speckles" as I swam towards my partner waiting on our now get-away sloop.

    As far as my crews normal feathered friend, we pick the golden chicken which I have called the "Chicken of Blessing" as it brings us good fortune on our voyage (and never dies).

  • @pink-geek-chic Although you haven't stated specifically which animals, in-game or real life pets, most of us have taken it to mean in-game and answered accordingly.

    But as you appear to be a nice person I shall also join the likes of @Glannigan and list some of my IRL pet names too. :o)

    They might help others to think of names for their "animals".

    Ruger: (male German shepherd x husky) Named after a German brand rifle I once owned. He's my "son of a gun" :o)
    Remmy: (female German Shephed) Named after a Remington rifle.
    I've always hoped that they would give me a female pup that I could call "Uzi". Then when a home invader strikes I can give them the option of letting lose a Ruger, Remington or Uzi on their butt. :o)

    Fudge: Ginger with black and white markings. Mother cat. I wanted to call her "Smudge" but that was nextdoor's cat's name.
    Peaches: Ginger with white markings. (50/50) As in "peaches & cream". Daughter of Fudge.

    Maggie: Black chiken. Named after my "Magpies" football team.
    Collie: White chicken. Also named after my Football team. "Collingwood, Magpies".
    I've had many other chickens over the years.

    Pharlap: White. Named after a famous Australian race horse because of his speed....more so as a duckling.
    Katana: Multi-coloured. Named after the Suzuki motorcycle model in contrast to Kawasaki motorcycle nickname of "Quacker" / Kwacka.
    I've had other ducks but have since forgotten their names.

    Lorikeets: (Australian birds)
    Bazinga: Scaley breasted lorikeet. Named after The Big Bang Theory, sitcom.
    Trav: Rainbow lorikeet. Named after a footballer of my team.
    Fas: Rainbow lorikeet. Named after a footballer of my team.
    With the lorikeets I find a lot of injured ones whilst walking my dogs and nurse them back to health.
    In 12 months I found a total of 8 injured lorikeets that I rescued then later released.
    They still come back daily for a feed and introduce me to their new mating partners and or families. :o)

    I had Trav for about 5 years. His wings were shattered beyond repair and he had been scalped. Obviously hit by a car as I think most of them were. Over time and with daily treatment of antiseptic cream his head healed and some feathers started to grow back around the rim but he still had a bald spot. lol
    He would say "thank you" like a hundred times over, each morning when I served his food.
    A scrub python finally ended life for poor Trav.
    Eastern brown snakes have claimed two of my ducks too. :/

    Sorry for rambling, if it ain't already obvious, I am an animal lover. :o)

  • I call my Sharks Billy and Bob.
    Bob is the nice relaxing shark that you can swim side by side with
    while Billy on the other hand... Is a bit too hungry?

  • @PersonalC0ffee , as @Reedski says and as a Brit, Margaret Hatcher is the best name I have ever heard for an animal in the Sea of Thieves! Especially given the hatred that they produce through their never ending farming!! XD

  • if i would give them a name i would call my pig fritz;).
    or what about schweinsteiger schwein= pig steiger=climber

  • I want Big Black Fat Rat as a pet and her name will be Fat Molly :3

  • My parrot is definitely going to be red if there is an option for it and it shall be named Iago in honour of this fine evil dude:
    alt text

  • @admiral-rrrsole wow, you have quite the domestic farm going on!

  • pigs i call them breakfast
    chickens usually keep one and call him Fred
    snakes usually call them something that you can't say in the forum..lol

  • @pink-geek-chic said in What do you call your animals?:

    @admiral-rrrsole wow, you have quite the domestic farm going on!

    Sea of Fleas!

    @admiral-rrrsole - that is a truly commendable number of pets!
    I have two cats at home: a Maine C**n called Louie and a British Blue nutter called Poppie who likes to run up walls (literally)

    I also have two free-range small humans by the name of Isobel and Neve!

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