Exclusive Items

  • Hey all,

    with the banana sails and clothing surfacing now (congrats to winners btw), we're once again drawn to the discussion about exclusive items in here, reddit, discord and other places.

    If you've somehow missed these topics, the issue discussed is, whether items, that have been available only for certain periods of time, in-game events or tied to some irl events/giveaways, should come back in some way and be available for all of us.

    There are basically two points of views on this. Yes or No. I believe that Rare already stated, that at least some of them will be coming back. And I'd like to know your general point of view on this, since as of now, all the reactions to this are scattered inside many threads and usualy discussing only specific sets of items. Like the infamous ebon flintlock.

    From what I've seen so far, my opinion might be unpopular. I don't want any of those items back for us to get in-game. They are exclusives and should remain to be so. I don't have everything. To tell you the truth, I am a bit sad, that I've missed a few of the items, but that's the way it should be. I'm all for exclusivity, especially for those items earned in-game. The only exception with my "#stayexclusive" set of mind I'd make, are those items tied to buying something. If you had to spend money, to get something, I wouldn't have a problem to see it as an item you can buy. No, not in-game, have an opportunity to buy it with microtransactions.

    So there you have it. Agree, disagree or have a different way on dealing with this? I'm looking forward to reading your posts. I know it's a bit controversial topic, so please try to keep it civil as always. :)

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  • I'm 100% against excusive anything both in f2p and full $60 games. If its on my hard drive, I want access to it through in game progression and I certainly don't want to be forced to play the game on Rare's schedule to do so. Games should have meaningful updates that make me want to come back, not timed events that serve only to entice with the threat of the value being lost forever. The only ones that I can accept having an exclusive cosmetic are the devs, otherwise why would I ever be ok with someone that paid the same as me getting special treatment just for being a long time player? I knew there was going to be a few tied to purchases like the special edition controller before I purchased Sea of Thieves and I was willing to bite the bullet but if I had known Rare was going to do it to such a disgusting extent I would have never dropped even a nickel on this game. I at the very least want an official option to hide all exclusive cosmetics from my client including if I come across a player with some equipped or a mod that achieves the same affect.

  • In the curious case of Sea of Thieves, I support exclusives.

    The key thing, is that everything is cosmetic. Nothing you miss out on will ever impact your core gameplay experience, only how totally wizard you'll look doing piratey things.
    To me, it makes these specific items special, it shows that you were there for something unique, and we're still so early in the games lifecycle, that these items will keep on rolling in for new players to get as well, so they can be apart of something special too.

    If we have access to everything, no matter how grindy or pricy, then the magic kind of goes away. Like how in World of Warcraft, the rarest mount in the entire game required you form a Raid group, and from among those you still had to be incredibly lucky to get that mount. But now, everyone can solo that Raid to their hearts desire until they get it, and as a result; It's not so rare anymore. It's not special.

    Like the great Architect Mosby once said; "If all nights are Legendary, no nights are Legendary", the same applies to our game, I think.

  • I don't think Rare ever said ALL cosmetics would make a comeback..

    More just alluded to the convention type exclusives that people get given for free would be timed exclusives only.

    Those banana ones should 100% stay exclusive to the guys who won. That's legendary. Those guys have got the bragging rights and the trophy to back it up.

    Exclusives tied to purchases should remain exclusive as well. Midnight blunder, Ferryman, Mercenary, Chips Ahoy. Otherwise.. what was even the point of having and selling them that way?

    Tbh, if I won the sails I'd be salty as F if they became some unlock for everyone. I think its more than fair to let the winners have that awesome win.

    I'd also be pretty upsetty if everything I paid for with cosmetics purposefully tied to them became throwaway cosmetics everyone just had one day.

    Detracts from all of those unique collectible pieces.

    Them being exclusive as they are make me appreciate those banana sails even more.

  • @tundra-793 I just don't buy games to feel special. I buy them to have fun and to escape the BS society offers like social classes and exclusivity.

  • @tre-oni said in Exclusive Items:

    I'd also be pretty upsetty if everything I paid for with cosmetics purposefully tied to them became throwaway cosmetics everyone just had one day.

    I agree with most of your post, but would you be ok with only these purchase-tied cosmetics being available just as microtransactions? I thought about it as a compromise, to satisfy at least some of the people wanting all the exclusivity removed.

  • @sir-lotus I fully agree with @Tundra-793 here and support exclusive items because they add to the lore of the game, giving it a history over the course of it's tenure. A year from now a new player might come across someone with the "Shark Hunter" title and wonder how one came to be known in such a way, stories will be told and that is a unique and very cool way to continue to build lore.

    In the case of the Banana Sails, I think that's something that they solely should have, for the history of the game, and I'm really happy that Rare Employees themselves don't even get to wear those sails. Only the crew that won gets those and I hope it stays that was forever, they're in a way legends within the Sea of Thieves world and deserve to stay that way.

    Like Tundra said, they're purely cosmetic differences and have no advantage other than looking better depending on your opinion so why not keep them exclusive, keep them Rare, and keep them awesome!

  • @blackelite-id16 Gotta say mate, it breaks my heart a little that you're approaching this topic like that.

    No one's mentioned social classes, or anything of the like. Indeed, my first remark is that these items are only cosmetic; They neither add, or detract from the core gameplay at all, so in no quantifiable objective way do they make a player better or worse than any other.

    Rather than viewing these items like something exclusive, i.e. something you can't have, you could try and see the item just for what it is; An item. Its function remains the same, regardless of how it looks, thus depriving it of any meaning, for you.
    Or, engage with it. If you see something interesting that you don't have, or can't get, inquire about it. Because these items are tied to events, there's usually stories behind them. Try and get excited about these things, rather than push them away 'cause you don't have a favorable sentiment toward them.

    Sure, it sucks on some level that newer players can't get the same shark bite scar as me, but if they ask, I can share one heck of tale with them, and hopefully inspire them to go get something unique of their own.

  • I don't think there should be any exclusives, except contest winners or that level of reward. No timed exclusives, just leave everything be unlockable, at least it give people motives to do past event content.

  • @sir-lotus said in Exclusive Items:

    @tre-oni said in Exclusive Items:

    I'd also be pretty upsetty if everything I paid for with cosmetics purposefully tied to them became throwaway cosmetics everyone just had one day.

    I agree with most of your post, but would you be ok with only these purchase-tied cosmetics being available just as microtransactions? I thought about it as a compromise, to satisfy at least some of the people wanting all the exclusivity removed.

    Not really, no. Like mentioned previously.. it sort of ruins the magic of the point of getting them when they were there to be "got" becomes trivial.

    I pride myself on my collection of everything. Im Canadian so really had no way at the time, but even have the Huntress figurehead thanks to an awesome friend I made through pioneer who attended the Con.

    Obviously minus deckhand sails and Rare sails, and with these banana sails... with no chance.. man does it make me appreciate what those guys now have to add to their own.

    Too many exclusives I think long run would hurt the game.. but for right now.. I think those types of things are what someone sees in game, and make you feel proper legendary, when people are in awe.

  • @tre-oni I am a collector of items in most games myself as well I have to admit! I think a lot of my collection desire draws all the way back to Pokemon and "Gotta Catch'Em All!" motto! Even if they're not exclusive items, I tend to collect literally everything and have full inventories in games such as Skyrim and Fallout , it can be a pain.

    I do also agree that if they go too far with these extremely limited items it would probably take away from the "oh that's awesome" appeal and it would be replaced by "Oh look, another item only 2 people have", it's a fine balance, but I feel like they're still well below that marker for now.

  • @tundra-793 You seriously want me to not view them for exactly what they are? The "story" behind them is Rare pushed out a little update that gave you a window of time to unlock the cosmetic. The "history" you're creating for the game my be sentimental to you but for a lot if not most people they just want to play a game. It breaks my heart to see so many kids and adults today buying into this nonsense and popularizing it in AAA games. As far as I'm concerned the "its just cosmetic" argument only works to defend a F2P game with always available to purchase unlocks. Exclusives however will never be ok. I accept that some people love it but I have a hard time seeing it as anything other than a disgusting practice.

  • @blackelite-id16 No need for the hostility mate, I'm just trying to offer you alternate perspectives to deal with a part of the game that isn't going away. We all play games for fun, that's not just you, but some of us can have fun with getting exclusive items tied to events.

    While you might see an exclusive item as an object that divides players, I see them as a thing that can unite them, and I'm only trying to get you to consider this aspect, 'cause I think you'll be happier for it.

    To use my personal history as an example; If a new player ever asks about my scars, or Shark figurehead, rather than just telling them it's something they can't have, I get to tell them this story; https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/61416/the-unsinkable-ii-captain-s-log-day-36
    That story involves 10 people from 3 different crews coming together, in part because of these exclusive items. And no matter when someone might begin to ask about some of my exclusive items, you can bet your doubloons there'll be more events and things going on so they can go and have fun with it, like me and countless others already have.

    But even disregarding all that; I believe the cosmetics argument is sound, because, as I've said, they do not alter the core game in any measurable way, it's literally all looks. And the key is also that we get them all for free, only costing varying amounts of time and effort we'd doubtlessly be putting into the game regardless, only instead of gold, we're rewarded with something more special.

  • @tundra-793 but 2 yrs from when are you like to show of the skull hat etc. Most will get put in inventory and never see the light of day. Most player pick a style and stick to it. Or go with newsest. Does.it benefit anyone to lock away content, I don't think it does.

  • @tundra-793 there was no hostility in my statement just me not agreeing with you, and I still dont. I've learned my lesson though and Rare is just another developer I was once passionate about that I will now forget and move on, just like Bungie. Glad you're able to find enjoyment but our expectations from an experience that has a buy in price are vastly different and that's never going to change. Dont get me wrong i clearly understand your points, i just think they're wrong.

  • @dragonsire2016 A fair point, to a degree. But that, again, is part of the benefit of these items only being cosmetic; We're under no obligation to buy a single one, if we don't want to. We don't need them to progress in the game.
    Sure, a lot of them might end up in the chests of the Completionist crowd, others might get worn frequently. Personally, I only buy the things I know I'll want to use at some point, and thus far none of my unique items collect dust in a chest.
    I'm not totally convinced it's fair to say that these items are locked away however. The majority of it requires only that you actively play the game, sometimes in a specific manner. Surely that's not too strict a requirement, compared to many other popular titles from Warcraft to Destiny?

    @BlackElite-ID16 Fair enough, I'm just gonna end our discussion here, 'cause you seem mighty set on your point of view.

  • This game has no microtransactions, but please be sure to buy cookies, hard drives, controllers, and merch for exclusive in-game cosmetics.

    They are waiting for the right time to re-announce pets and captaincy, but while you wait please be sure to stop by the official SoT merch store.

    Microsoft delivered $90.0 billion in Revenue last year (2017), but they are counting on our merch purchases in order to continue developing this important new IP. Please understand.

  • My opinion is that it should be more of a case by case scenario.

    The biggest POSITIVE on the side of curtailing out-of-game exclusives is Rare beating down the second-market high prices. I love that this was the reason Rare came out and stated that they'd changed their approach. They saw the E3 exclusive rewards selling for $50+, heard the cries of those absent from that convention, and said, "don't pay those crazy prices - we'll make them available for all in-game" (paraphrased from twitter).
    I think that's beautiful.

    I think that the pre-order should remain exclusive (due to it being a pre-order situation, putting faith, and money-upfront, in a game before it is launched).

    I think limited-time in-game activities should remain exclusive. However, that could easily be on a case-by-case basis. If a certain event, or certain item is used, and could make a return - that's okay. The more odd it is, perhaps the more exclusive it should be (again, in-game events only), but some more popular items that perhaps should be more common - if they ever have rewards like that - I think could easily be opened up more often. So far, the Bone Crusher clothing and weapons, and the Wailing Barnacle clothing are rather specific, in style, and, I think, should remain exclusive to those events. The Hungering Deep, Launch Party EoR, Day One Patch are all specific to important times within SoT, so I think those should remain as accurate symbols of having been there (even though I deleted my initial character and remade a new one after the day-one patch was no longer available).

    If they want to bring back events, and repeat those older rewards, I think they should make them recolours, so that they show the difference and give older players something newer to get, themselves.

    Other items are interesting cases. The Ferryman Set? The Midnight Blunderbuss?
    High amounts of money were spent by people to acquire a RL peripheral, that included a DLC. I could go either way on those. I'd love to see them opened up, after ~6-12 months exclusivity, to be acquired again, but I'd stand by whatever Rare decides.

    Other exclusives acquired outside of the game, I think, should eventually be made available.

    Basically, if you could have earned in IN the game, it should remain exclusive (it is a reward for being there when it happened AND it is a show of having been there in the game world for that event).
    Outside of the game only shows your RL financial, or regional, status.

    I don't honestly mind, either which way. Some things I may never get, I'd like, some I may not... but I can cope, either way.

  • @sir-lotus I share mostly the same opinion as you. I'm all for exclusives that stay exclusive forever but with one caveat. They should all be obtainable from some event/achievement in game, requiring no real world purchases.

    Cosmetics are the only reward we have in this game and it feels dumb to have some of the best sets tied to real world purchases that have absolutely nothing to do with what you have accomplished in game.

    Right now the only exclusives that I don't own are the banana quest cosmetics, Rare sails, deckhand sails, obsidian drum, and obsidian sniper (passed up an ebay offer on both of those because Rare said they would be available to everyone so they better be available for me to get). I bought the founder stuff online just to have a more complete collection. Are there pioneer sails? If so, I don't have those either.

  • @sir-lotus

    I agree with you. I too would like exclusives to stay exclusives.

    With one exception - they should somehow find the balance between different markets.
    I can not get cookies ahoy, the ones given out at Comicon etc... those should have a different method to gain in addition, but should still remain exclusive somehow.

    Its easier to say that then to do though :D

  • @lucky-monkee The figurehead they're givin' out at Comic-Comic is a limited time exclusive; It'll get into the full game in 60 days. You could also get it if you purchased something from the official SoT last weekend I believe.

    I think some of those Onyx items might make it into the game as well, at some point.

  • Cosmetic items should stay exclusive. They beauty of some cool, rare sails, clothes etc. is that I don't own them myself.

    There's plenty of cosmetic items available for everyone

  • Wow! Those sails would have been perfect for a Donkey Kong Vine armada (www.dkvine.com) which is a fan community that celebrates Rares works with Donkey Kong Country and linked universes. I support exclusivity if there was a wider range of publicly available cosmetics to substitute the exclusive one (maybe just the bananas with no other decoration). I looked through the SoT artbook yesterday and was amazed that there are lots of ideas for sails presently not available in game.

  • I have to say I'm surprised, I expected much more people to disagree with me on everything.

    And about the time exclusivity for comiccon items (and possibly other irl events like that in the future), I don't mind that at all. I'd even be fine if they made it last longer, like 90/120 days.

  • If it is an unpopular opinion, then I am right there with you matey!

    Basically you nailed my sentiment about these kinds of things perfectly. Things tied to purchases from outside the game should be of the "timed exclusive" variety to be released as microtransaction items for a comparable price on the items to what had to be paid out to get them the original way. Way, cause the exclusivity of those items was essentially all about being willing to fork out money so they can just remain that way but opened up to players in other markets via this.

    Other stuff should, 100%, be exclusive things tied to those actual in game events. It is basically a core conceit of an ever evolving game that some will have experienced it in a way others have not due to how long they have played (due to the ever evolving nature). The developers choosing to reward that experience a littler further with some nice cosmetic stuff is perfectly reasonable.

  • @tundra-793 yeah I know that and that's pretty much solving the issue of not getting it.
    Although they should keep it so it is not introduced in the game to buy from the shipwright - so it keeps it´s charm or whatever.

  • Really my opinion is that some should stay exclusive others shouldn't:

    The contest ones (banana sail not the usual giveaways) should really stay exclusives as well as founder/rare employee/pioneer etc., as well as the codes you get for purchasing the controller/game drive/preorder etc.

    The ones you can get through promotions (chips ahoi and the free codes on e3 and comicon) should be available later for everyone as a purchase since these were locked onto a region and sry I had no time to get to e3...my wallet said "no, I wanna get fat again!" XD

    The only one as a mixed bag for me is the flintlock pistol....theoreticially everyone had the chance to get it but it was so badly announced (even the second stream where I got mine) that it really should come back as maybe a timed (1 gold) event for everyone else to grab.
    Btw I hope some new 1 gold items are coming as well ^_^I really love them :D

    Edit: I do not want to start the war again....but the removed items (4 figureheads and 4 cutlasses) should come back as well :P

  • Personally i think its a good thing that everyone cant have everything. Some things should be time limited and exclusive. Why? Because now all ships look the same, we need more variation on the seas. 50% or more of all the ships that i see, have the black shark hull, and some form om black sails (black or black with a picture)... luckily there is a little bit of variation when it comes to figureheads.

    But yeah we need more options to choose from... and exclusive stuff makes sure we see at least some variety on the seas. :)

  • I personally am against exclusives that are unfairly exclusive. If its a world wide exclusive that EVERYONE has a chance to take part in and try to gain then sure. But region locked exclusives where the rest of us that don't have the luxury of living in the target are don't even get a chance? I don't think it's really fair. Not to mention the work and time that went in it for just 2 people seems like a waste of resources and the rest of us should be able to use it eventually. I'm not saying today no but 3-6 months down the road? Of course. Rare is doing it right with some of the other cosmetics. Its exclusive and Rare but not forever. Relish in your bragging rights for the time that you can.

  • I have to admit, and I am loathe to say it - exclusive items are good.

    There's pro's and cons on either side and I'd say each is valid. I want to make special notice that I do have issue with geographically limited items. I get bothered, personally, by convention only things since my disabled vet status sort of leaves me predisposed to never hanging out in crowded arenas and such, for....reasons. I also get miffed by stuff like that because not everyone has the time or money to enjoy things like travel to cons and it kinda bothers me on the behalf of people with that reality. I'm a very egalitarian person and I don't appreciate players not having equal opportunity to get stuff.

    But overall I really think exclusives are important. They are a nice addition that helps us become more diverse in their inclusion and creates a chance for pirates to express themselves in ways that make them more unique. So I can't deny that things in this regard are good. I just needed to express that I would hope that exclusives remain a bit more closely linked to the in game achievements of gaining them and less in the real world.

  • @blooddoll22 I agree. If going forward they stopped having them locked to locations and to how you perform in game I will be a happy man. I'm all about the underdog and not everyone can afford to fly to sdcc or to go to America to try for golden bananas it's just a little far fetched. I want us to gain cosmetic that tested our mettle not our credit card lol.

  • I think we can all agree that the dumb chips ahoy promo, and the e3/comicon stuff will and should be coming to everyone in some manner. Going forward I expect Rare to be clearer about this, as they were with the Huntress Figurehead, and if they don't specifically say it'll be available for everyone later, I expect it not to be.

    And i'm all for more exclusives, but I really think Rare needs to majorly double down on making more cosmetics. Exclusives, crazy limited rewards for contests, stuff available for everyone, everything, we need more! And we need it to come more consistently.

  • I thought the banana quest prize was only real life golden bananas. The prizes were specifically listed.
    But I guess you can't show that off in game, so they made this cosmetic set too.
    Makes sense only the winners would get that, it should stay just theirs.

    Can there be custom unique sails and outfits for other contests then?
    Will FPJr get a custom sail/outfit?

  • @dekeita said in Exclusive Items:

    I think we can all agree...

    That phrase gets tossed around way too often. I rarely agree with the words that follow.

  • @blooddoll22 said in Exclusive Items:

    I have to admit, and I am loathe to say it - exclusive items are good.

    You're right. Video games as a past time have always been about who has the most money to dish out on digital items. This is why Star Citizen is such a great game and totally not a scam.

    Spending money on useless garbage to gain access to the full suite of cosmetics has always been the ultimate dream of gaming since my childhood.

    When The Sims came out in 2001, my initial thought was that it was great fun, but it would be even better if I had to buy boxes of cookies in order to unlock cosmetic items.

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