Capes - New cosmetics.

  • (thanks to Gerald, uhhhNoah and Iloysius)

    I think that capes could make a great cosmetic addition to the game, because everyone likes new types of cosmetics to get and who doesn't like capes?

    There could be default capes like sovereign, sea dog and admiral but also capes for certain achievements like level 50 reputation (a Master Gold Hoarder cape, Master of the Order cape and Master Merchant cape) and even a Pirate legend cape and a ghost cape. The capes could come with an optional (or separate purchase) of a hood.

    The main inspiration of this came from Gerald saying "petition to make sot into osrs," which then spiraled into talking about capes being added to the game.

    "A cape that fits the legend outfit with gold borders and gold chains" - Iloysius
    "Black cape with gold border and gold chains holding it on" - Gerald
    "Gold trimmed legend cape" - Me

    "You could add on that there should be different types of capes
    Short ones
    Cloaks" - Gerald

    Different types of capes could include the already mentioned short capes and cloaks and other styles like tiered and sleeved.

    Osrs capes (inspiration):


    Thanks for reading, if you have any feedback I'll be happy to add it to the post.

    Edit 1: How about a Rare cape for the employees at Rare? Would be the same style as the sails.

  • 15
  • need ghost cape pls

  • You like pickles in your ice cream too?

  • @celestron90 what

  • Capes and pirates. Pickles and ice cream. Just doesn't go together man.

  • @celestron90 each to their own I guess, but we think it would be cool.

  • alt text

  • @gloombeard oh my

  • @crimsontifical

    Wee, never thought I'd see Rs capes on Sea of Thieves, but yes, I think they'd be a good addition, reminds me of musketeer type capes, brilliant for swishing and swashbuckling!

  • @katttruewalker Andddd... Brilliant for dramatic exits!

  • @katttruewalker You should pass on to the devs, I think it will make the game far more interesting :)

  • Litrally every game needs capes! I would guess it’s the physics that make them a pain to do since they can be really hard and time consuming to make.

    But every game is better with them. I wanna cape now!!! Ahaha

    And a full length coat with physics! XD

    @Crimsonraziel +1 For the humour. Lol

  • @knifelife It would be a pain to code, but Rare are a talented team.

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