10 Things we all want to "SEA"

    • Create a Ship Design and Name
    • Fishing
    • New Enemies and SeaMonsters
    • Premium Shop
    • Mini Games (DICE - Cards)
    • BIGGER SHIP up to 6 Players
    • New Instruments
    • Join with more Players... 4 is tooo less
    • New Quest (Dungeon Raids)
    • Endgame Content (Big Landmonster?)
  • 40

  • @sashsnake I don't want fishing but everything else would be nice.

    Can we cheat at dice and attack our opponent while he is rolling?

  • @d-jaguar sssh you’re suppose to not give away the new content XP just got to press the good ol secound attack and Whoops! Guess ya loss

  • We don't all want dice or fishing.

  • @barnabas-seadog some do, some don’t
    Banda bing, badda boom

  • @sashsnake No, I don't want Premium Shop, dungeon raids, bigger ships or more players and I don't care about fishing, mini games or "end game content"!

  • @sashsnake If they introduce creating our own designs I hope it's done very carefully to keep with the aesthetic of the game. And I see it as a four player game - I know it's possible to get more friends in a server, but I like the fact you have to go out of your way and ask people to achieve this, I don't see any need to increase that by design.

    Otherwise some cool ideas there!

  • @crimsonraziel said in 10 Things we all want to "SEA":

    @sashsnake No, I don't want Premium Shop, dungeon raids, bigger ships or more players and I don't care about fishing, mini games or "end game content"!

    Premium shop is coming though, we have known this since well before launch. I want to be able to buy my pet and to be fair I'm pretty sad that this hasn't happened yet.
    The game needs all the support for development that it can get, so a little monetisation from a pet store wouldn't go amiss.

    Fishing is always Meh for me - only reason I did in WoW was when I needed the cooking mats for raiding later on.

    Speaking of raiding - why not? What is the ship battle and a fort but a simple raid?

  • Ship name will come some day
    Fishing is something they are working on
    New Enemies and Sea monsters probably will be added
    Premium shop (you mean real money?) probably will arrive, but I don't know when
    Mini Games (dices) will be added probably because they included some dices in a video
    Biger ship to 6 players is something they are talking about internally, so maybe yes, maybe no
    Join with more players <- This is related with the bigger ship, so you repeat your suggestion

  • @guepard4
    "Some day"
    "working on"
    "talking about it"

    Classic Rare. A whole bunch of soon™ and no actual content.

  • @zaannox dijo en 10 Things we all want to "SEA":

    "Some day"
    "working on"
    "talking about it"

    Classic Rare. A whole bunch of soon™ and no actual content.

    Damm real world where things are not made in 2 minuts...

  • @guepard4 Damn real world where the developer's agenda is more important than the communities feedback.

  • You misspelled both "Fallout 76" and "Red Dead Redemption 2". @SashSnake

    Actually I can deal with most of your remarks above but I feel I disagree with "premium shops" just cause I hate micro transactions.

  • @zaannox dijo en 10 Things we all want to "SEA":

    @guepard4 Damn real world where the developer's agenda is more important than the communities feedback.

    Damm narcissists who think that developers must do whatver narcissists want...

  • @SashSnake

    • Premium Shop

    What's a premium shop?!

    Everything else, yeah it'd be cool.

  • @guepard4 Damn pioneer who thinks someone giving feedback on the forums is a narcissist. Aren't you guys supposed to abide by some kind of code of conduct? Could've sworn being condescending is a no no. Even if you aren't a Pioneer.

    Wait you're giving feedback on the forums would that make you narcissist too? Weird how throwing random unwarranted insults works.

  • @zaannox dijo en 10 Things we all want to "SEA":

    @guepard4 Damn pioneer who thinks someone giving feedback on the forums is a narcissist. Aren't you guys supposed to abide by some kind of code of conduct? Could've sworn being condescending is a no no. Even if you aren't a Pioneer.

    1st You insult the developers for not doing wathever you want
    2nd You claim they should made what you want like if you were the center of the world
    3rd You dare to spoke me about code of conduct for describing your behaviour like narcissist.

    Good joke.

  • @guepard4
    1st, find the quote where I insulted the developers for not doing what I want.
    2nd, I claim nothing, and I am not the center of the world, I am giving the same as you; feedback. In my feedback I can state what I want because it's MY feedback. As of Rare's ToS for the feedback forums they do not have to do, take into consideration, or read what I post.
    3rd, Show me how I am being narcissist. If ANTYING I am showing entitlement, since I was told PL is the beginning of the game and it's very much not. Entitled and narcissist are very far away from each other though.

  • @zaannox dijo en 10 Things we all want to "SEA":

    1st, find the quote where I insulted the developers for not doing what I want.
    2nd, I claim nothing, and I am not the center of the world, I am giving the same as you; feedback. In my feedback I can state what I want because it's MY feedback. As of Rare's ToS for the feedback forums they do not have to do, take into consideration, or read what I post.
    3rd, Show me how I am being narcissist. If ANTYING I am showing entitlement, since I was told PL is the beginning of the game and it's very much not. Entitled and narcissist are very far away from each other though.

    @zaannox dijo en 10 Things we all want to "SEA":

    @guepard4 Damn real world where the developer's agenda is more important than the communities feedback.

    1st- You saying that developers don't give a s**t for the community (insult)
    2nd- You assuming that your thoughts are the same of the community (narcisism)

    And this is my last answer to you. Bye.

  • @guepard4 Yeah I insulted the developers but not for not doing what I WANT, but what the COMMUNITY wants, you literally QUOTED IT and still got it wrong that's some talent you got there. That's not narcissistic. If anything I'm a man of the people. The fact that you think I'm the only Pirate Legend that wants content is actually embarrassing.

    I'll insult the developers left and right until soon™ isn't their middle name!

    I'm glad that was your last answer to me, I think I lost brain cells in that conversation.

  • @sashsnake you did not ask me, so how come you say "we all want".
    My votes are

    • No, because of the danger seeing racistic and otherways crude things
    • No, don't want to work in game
    • No
    • Depends of the context
    • No, biggest ship is big enough
    • No need to have the wheel of inventory populated by more instruments, afaik
    • No, don't want to meet and fight tooooo large groups
    • Yes
    • No, an endgame is an end, and I don't want to arrive there.
  • @sshteeve said in 10 Things we all want to "SEA":

    Premium shop is coming though, we have known this since well before launch. I want to be able to buy my pet and to be fair I'm pretty sad that this hasn't happened yet.
    The game needs all the support for development that it can get, so a little monetisation from a pet store wouldn't go amiss.

    I'm aware of that and I know some are looking forward to it, I do not. I can live with it depending on how it's implemented. Yet the thread is about "what we all want". So do I want it? No.

    Fishing is always Meh for me - only reason I did in WoW was when I needed the cooking mats for raiding later on.

    Speaking of raiding - why not? What is the ship battle and a fort but a simple raid?

    On one side there are HUGE differences between WoW raids and the skeleton ships or forts. At no point I would consider them raids. On the other side the server can't handle both at the same time, why should I want more content that blocks each other?

  • @kin-h4chi it's liars dice mate

  • @sshteeve #raid friendly

  • @d-jaguar why not?

  • @sashsnake i want a ship name

  • @closinghare208 Yeah that would be great.

  • I do not think we need more seamosnters for now, at least not those destined to destroy the ship.
    Simply evil mermaids would be fine along with caves and a line of stories and secrets to discover in the depths.
    (Maybe this type of missions should go hand in hand with the position store to hold the breath for longer)

  • @closinghare208
    It doesnt add anything. Just another job to do. Then we will have to add cooking.
    Most of us will just attack others to collect their cooked fish saving ourselves time.
    Same with stocking our ships. Why spend time looking in barrels when they are all kept in tidy order on others ships?

    1. Naming your ship is a feature that Rare is exploring; it might come some time in the future. And what do you mean by "create a ship design?"

    2. We get it. Can people stop spamming suggestion threads that include fishing now?

    3. I've suggested a Sea Serpent as a potential new "boss".

    4. The Premium Shop is coming; it will be featured when Pets are added, whenever that is.

    5. I have no opinion on mini-games, so long as they aren't too much of an obstruction on the main game.

    6. The Man-o-War's been suggested a number of times, too.

    7. The Fiddle and Banjo have been teased/are already in-game but are currently unavailable to players. They'll be released at a later date, but otherwise this base has been covered.

    8. You already suggested this with the 6-man ship.

    9. We have Skeleton Forts. I would prefer more emergent activities, rather than having more "linear" questing with a predetermined goal.

    10. Define "endgame" content a little better. Because while Legend status is on the empty side in terms of content, I would like to keep Legend-locked content to cosmetics and access to Athena's voyages.

  • @closinghare208

    It actually has multiple names pirates dice is one

  • @kin-h4chi ok

  • @crimsonraziel so you dont want them to bring anything new to the game?

  • @chewywarden said in 10 Things we all want to "SEA":

    @crimsonraziel so you dont want them to bring anything new to the game?

    So you need that strawman to make a point?

28 out of 40