Who actually cares about lantern colors?

  • Let it be know here if you actually like or care about the new lantern colors. Aside from the commendations. Does anyone really care? I know I don't, especially when I think about what they could've done with their time instead of different color lanterns.

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  • yes. They are new and interesting ways to make your own fun. red and blue lights could make better police sirens.

  • I care, it's nice. It's yet another tool in the sanbox to make your own fun!

    You could (as discribed above), make a police boat, Make a Merry Christmas ship (red and green lights) or you could just go do normal voyages and collect the lights as you go to mark all the deaths you've had, starting out with no lights and slowly lighting up more as you die.

    Maybe having a Purple lantern is just your thing and you die by a snake once just to get it. Or maybe you don't care and you can ignore it.

    I'm loving this update almost as much as gunpowder skeletons.

  • I care as well. A lot of people have been asking for different colors of lanterns.

  • I care. I’ve been wanting it ever since I got my first OOS lantern and even more so when the skeleton ships came out.

  • I care, it adds some fun flare to the decorations. I've seen crews make their ship look like ghost ships with the green lanterns. Even learned how effective a White flame lantern can be when exploring. If you use darker colors for below the top deck, you can use it to better hide. Had a crew jump on my ship and walk past my sleeping form because they couldn't see it under the dark purple light.

  • I liked the colored lanterns I think it's a cool idea of knowing how you died based on colors of the fire. The scavenger hunt was pretty fun, I did it with a good friend of mine and after we got all the commendations we went and helped another random sloop complete a few commendations to get him started on the voyage.

    I do think there should have been more event exclusive items. I was disappointed to see that 95% of the event only items are all face paints that I'll never use. The only things I grabbed were the skull lantern and the new sails.

    Over all I feel like it's what we should have expected from a holiday event; just wish there was more rewards than just face paint.

  • @bonko40 keep your fingers crossed, maybe the next update will fill those last two inventory slots with a fidget spinner and a binky.

  • I care as well. It is very cool. It may seem a simple thing at first glance, but it means a lot to adding to your ship’s appearance, individualism, and the fun you and your crew can make up. I want this ability to stay.

  • @bonko40 I'm a fan. Granted the event is no game changer, but it was never supposed to be. It's just a quirky little filler to give players a few things to do in a new way and to earn a few more doubloons whilst voyaging.

    I got a few hours of silly fun out of it and still have a few commendations to finish, which was precisely the point as far as I'm concerned. I say it's a job well done.

    What would you like to have seen instead?

  • @bonko40

    especially when I think about what they could've done with their time instead of different color lanterns.

    How much time do you think it took them to use a color slider?

  • @luciansanchez82

    What would you like to have seen instead?

    An event that didn't literally tell players "kys".

  • I'm neutral about, it's fun to see different color after your death but I don't think will use them outside got the commendation.
    But it's a little things for characterize the ships, so to me it's ok, I liked the beacon more and how they can be spotted from afar

  • It’s neat but I really don’t care. I don’t understand why this is the main highlight of an update. How did this require time to actually implement into the game? I genuinely believe they won’t ever add anything to the game that actually feels substantial.

  • Pretty cool, actually. I’m currently having some solo fun in the roar by doing small island skulls with some lamp lighting mixed in. Great little update.


    I hear what you are saying. I absolutely agree and feel with what you mean here. Long lasting, meaningful content we can sink our teeth into for more than a time limited event is way overdue.

    You are right a lot of things we have gotten since launch could or should have been in the game at launch. I know I want more than the same treasure and skulls with the name Ashen in front of it.

    Sure lantern colors is definitely not going to make, break, or save this game. We should be still be able to appreciate the smaller things until the big missing things like a more fleshed out legend experience and other real game changers come along. I am sure almost everyone is waiting for the same thing.

    Now that all this reworked path forward the past six months is behind us, I am hoping what many of us are looking for is a lot closer than sitting past the horizon.

    Joe Neate hinted to new things coming that will change everything. I am looking at Shrouded Spoils and what comes after as the content we have been anxiously waiting for.

    It is worth sticking around a little longer. Especially if we have invested so much and sailed this far. The announcement is just around the corner of what is ahead. It will be the indication for many who have become weary of sailing on any further, do they dock for good or keeping sailing.

  • @betsill You do realize that there is a lot more to this update than lantern colors correct? These events are mainly just some side fun that are meant to add bug fixes, trickle in new quality of life improvements, New gameplay functionality. You may not care about the technical side but they upgraded the physics engine used in this update as well. I dont think a lot of naysayers see the big picture. This game is meant to be updated for 10 plus years for free with some micro transactions sprinkled in to help fund future content. When they say pirate legend is the beginning they mean that in a sense down the road it is the beginning as the game evolves and this is still early days. Enjoy the journey as this game changes and know each tiny update is still a free update and somebody somewhere wanted that feature. If you want you can wait for the bigger updates or multiple updates to come back to. The thing is though I'm constantly excited to see what's next which really scratches an itch in me that likes new surprises. It's like Christmas every couple weeks and you never know what your going to get.

  • @bonko40 said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    Let it be know here if you actually like or care about the new lantern colors. Aside from the commendations. Does anyone really care? I know I don't, especially when I think about what they could've done with their time instead of different color lanterns.

    For Starters, This a Bilge Rat Adventure and not a major content update.
    Secondly, This is a cultural change at Rare to bring working content and not broken content that needs fixing.
    Thirdly and finally, why so bitter!!! Purple lights was da Bomb Yo!

  • @starquest Learn to read. I was replying to a direct quote from OP.

  • @betsill I reread OP, I see what you mean, my bad. I was reading what you said as all they did rather than the point you were making to OP. I just get tired of all these complaint threads.

  • @starquest said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    @betsill Learn to read? You literally said "How much time do you think it took them to use a color slider?" I was informing you that much more than a color slider was done. Was that not your comment?

    What more was done in terms of bringing different colored lanterns? Surely, not very much. I can do the same thing to a photo on my phone using my thumb to slide a circle left or right.

  • You wouldn't really think it's a big deal, colored lights, pffffft.
    Then again, I thought the thrones and especially the mermaid statue thing was kinda lame.
    Turns out these minor updates are way more fun than I would've expected.
    Same for the timed cosmetics. At the time, didn't even know why I bothered. Now I'm glad I got them when I did. The Wailing Barnacle hat and jacket look even better now.

    Last night, All Hallows Eve, I was on my sloop, all black Shark Hunter hull with the new spooky flame ghost sail, and green lanterns above and below decks. I'm in black and teal with green ghost paint on my face.

    I gotta admit, all these updates are adding up and keeping me engaged.

  • @scraping-static What your doing on your phone has nothing to do with game development. I have actually made my own games and even small changes take time but that's not even the focus of these events anyway. We are litterally getting another update this month which will add even more. I wish people would just appreciate that this is going to be an ongoing process and every new feature wont be cool to everyone as people have varying tastes.

    Edit - This is not directed at you I'm just letting people know that the color swap part of the lanterns was probably the easiest but easy isnt always easy in a large codebase.

  • @bonko40 said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    Let it be know here if you actually like or care about the new lantern colors. Aside from the commendations. Does anyone really care? I know I don't, especially when I think about what they could've done with their time instead of different color lanterns.

    They make my ship look like a ghost ship, they're pretty awesome.

  • @starquest No prob. If you don't like complaints then you probs shouldn't be on the forums, or at least don't read my comments because they usually are complaints lol

  • This bilge rat adventure has probably been my favourite, for many reasons.
    The lanterns are something a few people have been wanting for a long time and it adds another layer of customisation and the ability to even match it to a ship set or even an event like Christmas or Halloween and overall its just really cool, plus we got to talk to the ferryman and get a few quotes from him and hinting in his progression. The face-paint and makeup are something a lot of people have wanted, ever since seeing pictures of pirates with face-paint. The face-paint also fits many situations personally, i like to change em according to the regions i'm in too along with clothing to match. I get that the lanterns and face-paint may not be everyone's cup of tea as the main argument for this game and its most critical argument is game-play and this doesn't give much gameplay except for the beacon hunt, but think of it like this, its a Bilge Rat Adventure, remember the thrones or mermaid events that didn't give much after for after? The only ones to do it have been gunpowder skelies and cursed crews that i can remember, but i'm not complaining about that mainly because im easily entertained by cosmetics but i wait for the big content updates like Shrouded Spoils for my spoils.

  • @betsill I dont mind complaints if there is constructive feedback to the devs. There are many people who literally asked for this though and rare delivered to that part of the community. We suggest and rare has delivered many times over. I am not directing this at you but the game is a service game and was intended to be that. The devs themselves have stated they will be dripping in new features over a long time. Do I want more? Absolutely but each update will build onto the game. For me I'm stoked for cannon customization next update. That's purely cosmetic and for some is something they couldn't care less about. I wouldn't complain about an update, I would suggest new features and get community support for it. Maybe your suggestion can be added later and be someone else's lame update :)

  • @ant-heuser-kush It is your right to not care about what I care about lol :)

  • @starquest Im lookin forward to ANY kind of customisation, its my favourite things in this game, cannons are going to be amazing

  • Also just to add while sailing solo this update I met a pretty awesome guy who was also sailing solo and we joined up and knocked the whole event out within the first couple hours. I probably wouldn't have met that cool guy if I had not rolled up and asked him to kill me. This is what this game is about and I have never felt that in any other game I have played. Maybe it's due to being older but I enjoy interacting with new people. Just thought I would add that. These BRA enable this stuff which is pretty cool if you think about it.

  • Have they fixed the dash so you don’t get stuck underwater? Seems muuuch better, now.

  • @marsmayflower Yeah they said they fixed stuttering when you hit the ground while sword dashing through the water.

  • @sargent-sully said in Who actually cares about lantern colors?:

    I care, it adds some fun flare to the decorations. I've seen crews make their ship look like ghost ships with the green lanterns. Even learned how effective a White flame lantern can be when exploring. If you use darker colors for below the top deck, you can use it to better hide. Had a crew jump on my ship and walk past my sleeping form because they couldn't see it under the dark purple light.

    Never thought of using the colors for lanterns below deck for that purpose. That is very cool.

    So if lanterns one ones ship can have their color changed, what about all the other lanterns in the world? Has anyone tried changing lanterns on islands, on the rowboat, etc?

  • I imagined a dev reading over some of the 'woe is me' post... then laughed at the genius of making everybody want to die. Never thought I'd be asked by a player to kill them on SOT?!? :)

  • It was the shortest adventure so far, at least for me. I finished this today in the morning before going to work.
    Managed to make a new friend though while helping each other with the commendations.

    About the adventure itself...It was hm, ok I guess. I basically just went to some islands to light the beacons and killed myself in different ways.
    I understand that these events are here to introduce new mechanics and other additions to the game but really, they need to add stuff that is worth doing more than once.

    At least for me, instead of making events to introduce a new minor additon to the game, they can add these in a big update, together with new stuff to do, such as new voyages and factions.

    On topic, I do like these lanterns. It gives me another way of customizing my ship. I love messing around with cosmetics and skins, so this is really nice for me.

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