Spawn kill prevention suggestion

  • I suggest a 10 seconds immunity on respawn to prevent harassment on spawn kill.

    Also, to prevent cheating, the immunity should go off as soon as player quits the boat so it cannot work on opponent's boat.

    Cosmetically, i suggest the player under immunity to be a skeleton slowly rebuilding it's skin.

    Furthermore, default handheld when respawning should be slot 1, but while the character is rebuilding skin, it should have claw attacks as the only action, just like skeletons with no weapon. Once regenerated, slot 1 should be selected because it's inconvenient to chose the right weapon with the stress, using keyboard. Ending up with banana for a PVP is nowhere fun.

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  • @howardlorecraft
    That would be terrible. But there should be a fix to you respawning before you are out of the loading screen.

  • @andreas5524 said in Spawn kill prevention suggestion:

    That would be terrible. But there should be a fix to you respawning before you are out of the loading screen.

    This, seriously; this!

    You know you're had too because you can hear everything going on around you before you can see or act.

    I think something could be done to improve the loading time from ship of the damned so that it's in line with the mermaid teleport.

  • My suggestion is concise and functional. You hate it because you love to spawn kill.
    It's flawless and prevents cheating.
    It's fair play and gives just enough time for enemy player to loot the lame chests that new players obtained.
    Spawn killing while there's no more loot to take is literal harassment.

  • @howardlorecraft No I don't think they are actually as there is quite a bit wrong with what you are proposing. Specifically if a person respawning has a 10 second immunity unless they leave the ship that would be sufficient time to do any of the following (and possibly more than one):

    1. Kill the opposing players, you could probably kill two players in that time, definitely one, all the while your opponents cannot attack you.
    2. You could get to an explosive barrel and detonate it without it having damage to you.
    3. You could detonate a barrel held by the other team without it damaging you.
    4. You could grab your most valuable piece of loot and already be in the water and on your way to an escape without the enemy being able to do anything.
    5. It would allow you time to access the barrels on your ship without any penalty (giving you a chance to steal away cursed cannonballs, etc).
    6. It would allow you immunity to fix at least one hole, 10 seconds should be sufficient time to get supplies and repair one while your opponents can only watch doing nothing.
    7. You would have 10 seconds to bail water out of your sinking ship which would get you enough time to get at least several buckets out.

    And that's all I can think of in about 30 seconds of thought. Now what were you saying about your suggestion being flawless?

  • How about a knockback effect when a player re-spawns? Anyone spawn-camping would have to re-aim and if too close receive a small amount of damage.

    At any rate, 10 secs would be too long for immunity. I could see maybe three or four tops — just enough to appraise the battle and maneuver — but there could easily be situations in which immunity might render well placed cannon shots or powder-keg detonations futile.

    The flesh growing back is really cool idea, though! What about a waning immunity, like an over-shield that runs out? In other words, as the flesh grows back you can take take more damage. At the moment you respawn as a skeleton you have 100% dmg reduction and by 5 secs you're at 0% on a curved progression. That might work.

  • I suggested this in a earlier topic about spawnkilling, but i really like the way WoW handled that.

    If you respawn, you are a period of time (lets say 10 sec) immune to any damage.
    But as soon as you start moving, this immunity dissapears.

    That way you solve both problems @Andreas5524 and @Salvasian-AU mentioned

  • @ktingaling написал в Spawn kill prevention suggestion:

    I suggested this in a earlier topic about spawnkilling, but i really like the way WoW handled that.

    If you respawn, you are a period of time (lets say 10 sec) immune to any damage.
    But as soon as you start moving, this immunity dissapears.

    That way you solve both problems @Andreas5524 and @Salvasian-AU mentioned

    Thats SoT not WoW, you spawning on a ship that's limited by its size.
    If there should be "immune status" - it should last till 1st movement or action, but perfectly there should be just fix that prevent model loading on a ship why you still on a "black screen" like dude mention few comments "up"

  • @nefrit-od said in Spawn kill prevention suggestion:

    @ktingaling написал в Spawn kill prevention suggestion:

    I suggested this in a earlier topic about spawnkilling, but i really like the way WoW handled that.

    If you respawn, you are a period of time (lets say 10 sec) immune to any damage.
    But as soon as you start moving, this immunity dissapears.

    That way you solve both problems @Andreas5524 and @Salvasian-AU mentioned

    Thats SoT not WoW, you spawning on a ship that's limited by its size.
    If there should be "immune status" - it should last till 1st movement or action, but perfectly there should be just fix that prevent model loading on a ship why you still on a "black screen" like dude mention few comments "up"

    Yes, we both say the same thing now ;)

  • "Ending up with banana for a PVP is nowhere fun." hahahaha SURE!!nor with a shovel xd

  • I hope that when people suggest 'immunity' that this also means that they can not do any damage to any other player during this time either?

  • @octopus-lime

    Yes, my suggestion is that you can only take a look.. As soon as you step, draw a weapon, take your banana out (sounds very wrong) or whatever, it dissapears. And after a certain amount of time, it should dissapear anyway

  • @andreas5524

    Yess please i got black loading screen but my pirate puppet is already on the boat my friends can see me and i can hear the battle but im still black loading screen -.- im target practise for 1 foot blunderbus distance

  • @ktingaling Fair enough. Whilst I don't think it is the best solution anyway, 10 seconds is actually quite a long time. If this were implemented then I think 3 - 5 seconds would be more suited.

  • @swimplatypus7 said in Spawn kill prevention suggestion:

    @andreas5524 said in Spawn kill prevention suggestion:

    I think something could be done to improve the loading time from ship of the damned so that it's in line with the mermaid teleport.

    The mermaid teleport is terrible at present, to the point where I try to avoid it if I can - have been stuck for 2 or 3 minutes before now at the black loading screen waiting to come back!

  • There is a serious issue with respawn times, especially on consoles. What is more annoying though is the lack of randomness in where you respawn - why do we always have to respawn in the bottom deck on Gally like I did last night, or below deck on a Sloop?

    Why not mix things up and let me spawn on the bowsprit - the capstan, the wheel, the crows nest, the cannons, the mid deck? Makes it harder for spawn-campers for sure!

  • @octopus-lime Yes, i agree indeed.. the 10 seconds was more as an example, but 3-5 would be better.
    But then again, as @Sshteeve mentioned, the respawn times should be fixed first

  • I think 10 seconds is a lot, a lot can happen in these 10 seconds. 5 seconds would be ideal, and also correct the shadow problem before the character appears.

  • There's already a way to prevent spawn killing.

  • @hynieth said in Spawn kill prevention suggestion:

    There's already a way to prevent spawn killing.

    In my opinion is that a last resort.. Not a fair way to defend yourself.

  • @ktingaling for sure it is. But if you've let 4 guys on your solo sloop there's no other resort then the last one.

    People act like spawning in gives people all the time in the world to find and kill you, but it's often just a case if there being 2/3 people on a solo sloop and yeah you have no chanse against that.

    The only request on this I've ever heard that makes sense is having a weapons locker on the ferry of the damned to change your equipment. If you were fighting skeletons with a pistol and sword you might want to switch to blunderbuss to repell some invaders.

  • @hynieth Well that is true indeed in case when you are outnumbered.. But if you are on 1vs1 both parties should have equal chances.

  • @ktingaling the one spawning on the ship should have 2 advantages, it being his ship and having unlimited spawns there (so the boarder dies he's going to spawn far away and th boardee spawns he'll spawn close to try again) and the fact that you generally have friends repelling the attackers too.

    The second one can be taken away by outnumbering (see above example, you've lost and should just scuttle at this point) Having a few seconds where you can run around as a skeleton just makes it so someone can get a good aim at you or box you in with friends before you spawn.

    Lots of people say there's a time where you can be killed before you get controll but this is in my eyes false. I've seen my friends spawn right in front of me often enough and they always move imediately.

  • @howardlorecraft I know there is an issue with some XBoX One consoles that have the character loaded before you are actually loaded which that should be fixed.

    However, if you want to fix spawn camping, there is a method for that already. Its called scuttling.

    Scuttle your ship. There fixed.

  • Any kind of immunity should disappear the moment you move and you should be unable to attack while immune. Its purpose should be to allow you to spawn in and get orientated.

    10-15s immunity time should be enough to account for any kind of load time discrepancy between hardware.

  • If you really would want to implement immunity after spawning, then it should be limited to the moment of player input. As soon as you can move, you should lose your immunity.

    I am not 100% sure on how the Ferry works, but what about loading in the files needed for respawn right after being spawned on the Ferry? The time you're forced to be on there should normally be enough to load in everything, right? (Though it's hard to imagine that RARE is not using such a system)

  • I think i need to clarify why i ask for claw attack while immune.

    I barely can stay 1 second when respawning because trolls uses 1 shot from main gun and 1 shot from blunderbuss and we're down for another spin.

    I maintain that immunity is necessary and i deny any support to the comment that says immunity should go as soon as player moves.

    I know you guys loves to troll new players by monopolizing their boat but it's a real pain and a cause of stress that makes the game way less enjoyable.

    Give it a rest.

    Also, i maintain that this is literal harassment. There's not even any gain to make there. No leaderboard. No cash. No achievement. Just plain harassment.

  • Only people who are saying no to this are griefs. Its easy immunity can't be activated at a outpost so you can't turn in easily. Anywhere else the ten second rule counts solves the loading issues and no more greifs. Honestly if you get sunk near a outpost you're doing something wrong anyway lol.

  • @howardlorecraft I agree that spawn camping is pretty pathetic at the moment, made especially so with the pre-spawning issue (i.e. before you can do anything) and the double gunning. The fix though should be that they do not get any forewarning about where you are going to spawn which they currently get now.

    While you can spawn in multiple places on a sloop, I recently had an experience where I kept spawning in exactly the same places for multiple spawns (on the deck near the front of the ship) and was being double gunned before I could react, so it was basically spawn and insta-death. I ended up spawning maybe 20 times (possibly more) and the majority (probably 80%ish) were in exactly the same spot.

    Now you might ask why did I keep respawning and dying instantly given this, well it was because my shipmate was swimming from the fort which was a long way away with an explosive barrel. Fortunately my opponents were too focused on me to wonder where my teammate was. He ended up getting the explosive barrel onto their ship and detonating it while they had all attention on me. We ended up sinking them and surviving the encounter and it was hilarious, especially after all their trash talk to me about why I just kept spawning and dying and about how good they were as players.

  • @salvasian-au

    It indeed brings a lot of "trash talk"
    Spawn kill isn't only toxic, it's intoxicating.
    Makes anyone lose their cool.

  • @ktingaling said in Spawn kill prevention suggestion:

    I suggested this in a earlier topic about spawnkilling, but i really like the way WoW handled that.

    If you respawn, you are a period of time (lets say 10 sec) immune to any damage.
    But as soon as you start moving, this immunity dissapears.

    That way you solve both problems @Andreas5524 and @Salvasian-AU mentioned

    Yup I agree, do this. Only other suggestion would be to make sure spawns on any ship put your back to a wall.

  • @sshteeve said in Spawn kill prevention suggestion:

    @swimplatypus7 said in Spawn kill prevention suggestion:

    @andreas5524 said in Spawn kill prevention suggestion:

    I think something could be done to improve the loading time from ship of the damned so that it's in line with the mermaid teleport.

    The mermaid teleport is terrible at present, to the point where I try to avoid it if I can - have been stuck for 2 or 3 minutes before now at the black loading screen waiting to come back!

    That happens to me every time my ship sinks... Feels like 5 minutes in darkness for no good reason.

    I have had a few occasions where it was very good, but occasionally it's very slow too. Nothing however is as bad as ship of the damned.

  • @howardlorecraft Good god, think further.
    If players were able to maintain immunity for 10-15 seconds after spawning they'd be able to take out sn entire crew. If that is your style of playing, fine, but then you're not better than the spawn killers.

    You're asking for literal immunity for a time period that gives you enough time to kill 4 people AND to board their ship. Not unfair at all, right?

  • @howardlorecraft Immunity would be nice when you spawn back in, give you a chance to fight back someone camping your spawn.

  • @hynieth I think we are on the same line here, but a bit hard of a discussion just via text ;)

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