Adventure Sea Dogs

  • This could get controversial but what Arena players don’t like a little discussion.

    With Arena loading times taking longer than ever due to a lack of popularity, grinding to 50 Sea Dogs (75 potentially in the future) sometimes it can feel like Arena is slowly fading away. If it wasn’t for Sea of Champions and NAL then I’m sure this would’ve happened long ago. Also with the release of private servers in the future it would only make sense to remove Arena in order to make space for private servers.

    With this in mind what better way to introduce the Sea Dog faction into the game by giving you a small amount of reputation for each kill on another player. This does not only encourage PVP amongst the community but gives newer players the ability to improve their game and also rise up in another faction. This would not take away from those who completed LSD and TSD commendations (like myself) but instead encourage PVP and give those who can’t always be asked to wait half an hour for an arena game, just to get put up against a crew like mine, to be given the chance to increase their Sea Dog Reputation

    I can already here the PVE players screaming about being spawn camped. Well, remember you can always scuttle. But if you can’t beat PVP players maybe this will encourage you to join in

    • Love Witty
      H.M.S. LINDA
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  • I can see your point, but I wouldn’t want Arena to be completely removed. There’s still that bloodlust for 5/6 ships in one area going at each other, at least there is for me. But I agree, there should definitely be some kind of aspect of Sea Dogs in adventure, seeing as arena is most definitely on its way out. Possibly an increase in level cap to 75 for the already existing ‘Arena Master’s, and new content in adventure for the 3%. I don’t see why PvE players wouldn’t enjoy this. I’m sure they’d just get to max level through their server alliance discords, running Monday - Thursday (8:42am - 11:27am)

    Yours truly,
    A fellow Numpty Doodle.

  • @itiwittytiti said in Adventure Sea Dogs:

    give those who can’t always be asked to wait half an hour for an arena game, just to get put up against a crew like mine

    Undefeated, undisputed, sloop champions of the world, if I may add.

  • Spawn camping should be allowed not incentivized in a pve/pvp scenario

    Play how you want, kill how you want, kill who you want but individual kill incentives don't belong in adventure

  • @wolfmanbush said in Adventure Sea Dogs:

    but individual kill incentives don't belong in adventure

    You’re right - it belongs in arena, but since arena is on its way out & dying quickly, are we supposed to kill the pirate lord in the maiden voyage? Eventually, obtaining the GSD/TSD weapons will be a tedious grind, more so than it already is for some players. This isn’t a problem for existing TSDs but new players may have a problem with it in the future if arena is no longer supported and the player base is almost non existent.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Adventure Sea Dogs:

    Spawn camping should be allowed not incentivized in a pve/pvp scenario

    Play how you want, kill how you want, kill who you want but individual kill incentives don't belong in adventure

    I agree mate however this is in a scenario where Arena is removed. How else do you propose implementing a PVP faction where you earn rep for killing other pirates. Only 3% of players actively played arena and given the recent updates I would assume this has decreased dramatically. If there is less demand for Arena then alternatives need to be looked at.

  • Iti and Bandit, fight me. You don't want any of this smoke. I'll see your half point for pve kills and raise you all out bounties. You pay another crew to kill FOR you. Let the seas churn red with the carnage of vendettas. So be it. I have spoken. Long live Flameheart.

    P.s. I have a great chili recipe if you're into that kind of thing.

  • I do think they should add more mechanics to Adventure that encourage more PvP interactions.

    But this ain't it.

    If they ever get rid of Arena, they should remove the titles and cosmetics from circulation as if they were time-limited. Whoever has them, has them. Whoever doesn't, should have supported the mode when they had the chance.

    There's no sensible way to allow people to unlock kill-based cosmetics in Adventure without encouraging spawn-camping of noob crews or fresh spawns.

    Same goes for win-based cosmetics. Some people avoid PvP at all costs, regardless of rewards or incentives. Arena guarantees a contest; Adventure doesn't.

  • @theblackbellamy said in Adventure Sea Dogs:

    If they ever get rid of Arena, they should remove the titles and cosmetics from circulation as if they were time-limited. Whoever has them, has them. Whoever doesn't, should have supported the mode when they had the chance.


    I don't have legendary sea dog because I didn't/don't want to grind arena. I could have as it's just a grind like everything else I already grinded but I didn't want to so if they go they go. That choice was on me.

  • @theblackbellamy you've convinced me. If arena goes, the commendations go. Everything goes. I like that idea.
    There should still be some kind of PvP commendations in Adventure besides the reaper emissary, because reapers are just runny bois with a UAV.

  • I could see maybe every ship you sink ext.

    Even though I got the 240 wins then had to go back and do triumphant.

    I wouldn't be against people having a alternative in adventure just make it take just as long to achieve.

    1000 player ships sunk...something along the lines of that

  • @banditjackk said in Adventure Sea Dogs:

    @theblackbellamy you've convinced me. If arena goes, the commendations go. Everything goes. I like that idea.
    There should still be some kind of PvP commendations in Adventure besides the reaper emissary, because reapers are just runny bois with a UAV.

    that's what stolen loot/flag commendations were supposed to be but because everyone cheeses them to death and the servers aren't active enough in certain activities they have no significance

  • Sounds good but, I would do something to make it so spawn camping doesn't give you as much rep.

  • @otisgoodman said in Adventure Sea Dogs:

    Sounds good but, I would do something to make it so spawn camping doesn't give you as much rep.

    oh yeah that should definitely be minimal reward

  • So what people need to understand is if/when Arena gets taken offline, SoT cannot simply remove an entire faction from the game. I agree that the cosmetics and titles should be made redundant however people will still need to be able to level up their Sea Dogs. My proposal is that people can do this simply through killing players and sinking ships. Different from the reaper whereby you can cash in loot, this faction would not be loot based and instead just PvP therefore giving players trying to achieve max level a chance to do so.
    FYI I have all cosmetics and commendations however this is purely an idea to encourage PvP and give newer players and those who may not play arena a chance to level up their Sea Dogs as it is a faction which contributes to becoming a PL

  • @itiwittytiti said:

    So what people need to understand is if/when Arena gets taken offline, SoT cannot simply remove an entire faction from the game...

    Lol why not?

    It would be removing a trading company that was tied to a mode that would no longer exist. It's not like doing so impacts Adventure in any negative way.

    Btw, this is all assuming they even do kill off Arena. I don't want that. I wish they would listen to community feedback and build a 3.0 mode that they promote and grow instead of neglect & let die again.

    ...this is purely an idea to encourage PvP and give newer players and those who may not play arena a chance to level up their Sea Dogs...

    I can appreciate the first part.

    But the fact remains that if you reward just for killing & sinking, crews will cheese the rep by killing & sinking noobs and fresh spawns. This isn't good sportsmanship. Doesn't sound very Sea Dogsy to me.

    Arena works because everyone who enters, does so with the intent to PvP. We all have the same starting supplies, on a starting line, and can see each other. If you earn your kills in this environment, it's much more meaningful than if you were to spend your afternoon skee t-shooting some fresh spawn who just logged in to fish.

  • I really dislike the entitlement here.
    I would love more incentives for PvP outside arena.

    Now blocking cosmetics for a misguided self sense of entitlement its absurd. The fact that one should unlock it in adventure mode is a lot more impressive than arena.

  • @talvheet It's not about "entitlement," whether or not you want to make it about that.

    It's about the fact that there's no reasonable substitute for the efforts you make in Arena, without facilitating meaningless killing and sinking in Adventure.

    The fact that one should unlock it in adventure mode is a lot more impressive than arena.

    Lol how so?

    People get distracted in Adventure; there are more RNG elements than in Arena; not everyone is as prepared for a fight as the person engaging in it, whereas Arena guarantees the same supplies, same size crews, visibility of other crews, a starting line. It's as fair a fight as you'll get in this game.

    Adventure PvP is ez.

  • @talvheet said in Adventure Sea Dogs:

    I really dislike the entitlement here.
    I would love more incentives for PvP outside arena.

    Now blocking cosmetics for a misguided self sense of entitlement its absurd. The fact that one should unlock it in adventure mode is a lot more impressive than arena.

    People come in here regularly complaining about being spawn camped for an hour+

    Many don't know when to quit and the commendation will be easily cheesed.

  • @itiwittytiti said in Adventure Sea Dogs:

    So what people need to understand is if/when Arena gets taken offline, SoT cannot simply remove an entire faction from the game. I agree that the cosmetics and titles should be made redundant however people will still need to be able to level up their Sea Dogs. My proposal is that people can do this simply through killing players and sinking ships. Different from the reaper whereby you can cash in loot, this faction would not be loot based and instead just PvP therefore giving players trying to achieve max level a chance to do so.
    FYI I have all cosmetics and commendations however this is purely an idea to encourage PvP and give newer players and those who may not play arena a chance to level up their Sea Dogs as it is a faction which contributes to becoming a PL

    The problem is that if you further incentivize attacking and killing and sinking others, it becomes the only defacto way to play. As is now, it's more dynamic - you can be friendly, create an alliance, socialize, barter, trade, etc. All of that goes out of the window if something like this is implemented.

    I'm all for coming up with something to carry on the Sea Dog legacy after Arena is gone, of ever, but this most definitely isn't it.

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